添彩的多样句式 在读后续写中使用复杂的句式是提高表达档次、增加语言亮点的主要途径之一,多样句式如果使 用得当,可以使句子长短不一,错落有致。但一定要谨慎使用,以防出现语法错误。英语中的句式比 较多,要注意灵活多变,一种句型最多使用两次。 一、with/without 的复合结构 1.with + n.  李华,男,18 岁,有高学历和丰富的志愿者经验。 简单句:Li Hua is a eighteen-year-old boy. He has a very high academic qualification. He has rich experience as a volunteer. 修炼精句:_________________________________________________________ 答案:Li Hua is a eighteen-year-old boy with a very high academic qualification and rich experience as a volunteer.  Tom 帮助了我们,我们就提前完成了任务。 简单句:Tom helped us. So we completed the task ahead of time. 修炼精句:_____________________________________________________________ 答案:With Tom’s help, we completed the task ahead of time. 2.with + n. + adj. 老师出去了,门开着。 简单句:Teachers went out. The door was open. 修炼精句:_____________________________________________________________ 答案:Teachers went out with he door open. 3.with + n. + 介词短语 由于生产(产品)上升了 60% ,这家公司又有了一个辉煌年。 简单句:Because its production increased by 60 % , the company has had another excellent year. 修炼精句:____________________________________________________________ 答案:With production up by 60 % , the company has had another excellent year. 4.with + n. + to do 有两科要考试,好担心,这周末我要疯狂学习了。 简单句:I’m worried about two exams.I have to work really hard this weekend. 修炼精句:___________________________________________________________ 答案:With two exams to worry about , I have to work really hard this weekend . 5.with + n. + done 这个伟大作家去世了。可惜的是,他的作品还未完成。 简单句:This great writer passed away. It was a pity that his works were unfinished. 修炼精句:_____________________________________________________________ 答案:This great writer passed away with his works unfinished. 6.with + n. + doing 冬天来了,该买暖和的衣服了。 简单句:Winter is coming. It   is   time   to   buy   warm   clothes . 修炼精句:_____________________________________________________________ 答案:With   winter   coming,   it   is   time   to  buy   warm  clothes. 二、非谓语 非谓语动词是高中的重要语法,运用它可以简化句子结构,使语言表达更加简洁和生动。 回顾非谓语的作用:主语、宾语、表语、补语、定语和状语。 例:In order to get some working experience,I intend to take up a part-time job in a foreign company. (to do 作 宾语) So exciting was the news that we couldn't help jumping up. (doing 作表语,前置用倒装) I think the boy sitting at the table is very hard-working. (doing 作定语) My father encourages me to major in English in college. (to do 作宾补) 三、并列句 ① 我几乎每天都在学校遇见爱米丽,但从未与她交谈。 I met Emily in school almost every day and yet I never talked to her. ② 我从未有机会知道那个好心人的名字,但我永远会记得他出人意料的好意。 I never got an opportunity to know that kind man’s name,but I would always remember his unexpected kindness. ③ 医院工作人员太忙了,没时间照顾我,所以我打电话给朋友告诉他这次事故。 The hospital staff was too busy to attend to me, so I called a friend to tell him about the accident. ④ 早餐后,我去帮蒂娜姨妈喂鸡,而我的爸爸和保罗叔叔一起去放羊吃草。(2018 年 6 月浙江卷) After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze (吃草). 四、定语从句 ① 饥饿的熊闻着味道来到我们的营地,营地被高高的铁丝网包围着。(2020 年 7 月浙江卷) The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. ② 有一位男子生病在床,他的妻子照顾他,不能出去工作,还有他们的小孩子。 (2020 年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷) There was a man sick in bed, his wife,who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. ③ 他站起来,喊道:“我有一个好主意!我有一个我们都可以帮助完成的解决方案。”(2020 年新高考全国 Ⅰ卷) He sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I havea solution that we can all help accomplish (完成). ” ④ 他们开车把儿子送到离城里好几个小时车程的大学,他不久将要在那儿生活和学习。(2020 年 1 月浙江 卷) They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying. 五、 状语从句 ① 当他们靠近时,他们意识到那只狗是一头狼。(2017 年 6 月浙江卷) (时间状语从句) As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. ② 由于经济衰退,该镇有些人失业了。(2020 年新高考全国Ⅰ卷) (原因状语从句) As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. ③ 高中毕业后,詹妮弗上了当地一所技术学院,靠打工来支付学费,因为没有多余的钱用于大学教育。 (2020 年新高考全国Ⅰ卷) (原因状语从句) After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition ( 学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. ④ 我问保罗叔叔我能不能骑马, 他说可以, 只要我爸爸和我一起去。(2018 年 6 月浙江卷) (条件状语从句) I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. ⑤ “晚饭不要迟到, 顺着道儿走, 这样你们就不会迷路!” 保罗叔叔喊道。(2018 年 6 月浙江卷) (目的状语从 句) “Don't be late for supper, and keep to the track so that you don't get lost!” Uncle Paul cried. ⑥ 当他们到达湖边时,简非常生气,她对汤姆说: “我要为我们找到一个更好的露营地”, 然后就走了。 (2016 年 10 月浙江卷) (时间状语从句+结果状语从句) By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “I'm going to find

docx文档 06 添彩的多样句式-2021年新高考英语读后续写写作妙招

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