鲁教版英语八年级下册同步练习 Unit 1 When was he born? (Section B 2a-3b) 一、词汇填空 1. Shirley, a real book ____________ ( 爱好者), always brings home many books to read from the library. 2. The ____________ (诗人) compares the woman to a rose in his poem. 3. Try to be a good ____________ (倾听者), and it will be easier to make friends. 4. Do you think the ____________(华尔兹) is popular with young people? waltz 5. Can you teach me how to make a ____________(图表)? 二、综合填空 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。 go, later, twenty , until, time, America, teach , choose , write , mean, Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Ilinois. Hemingway’s father (1)____________ him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved all his life. Instead of (2)____________ to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, in Europe, he worked as a driver for the Italian army (3)____________ he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years (4)____________, he moved to Paris, he hoped to improve his writing. There he became friends with other (5)____________ writers, including Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Hemingway developed a style(风格) of writing that was simple and direct. He (6)____________ some easy words, and trusted the reader to understand the (7)____________ of his writing. As he put it, “I always try (8)____________ on the principle( 原 则 ) of the iceberg( 冰 山 ). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows.” This style continues to influence writers today. In his life, Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest writers of the (9)____________ century. Hemingway loved cats very much, so he kept nearly 50 cats. Hemingway was married four (10)____________ and had three sons. He died in 1961. 三、阅读理解 A Jim Carrey has become one of the most well-known faces in the world. And it is because of his face that he has made such achievements. Jim Carrey was born in a working class family, and life was poor for young Jim. While in his teens, he had to take a job as a doorkeeper when his father lost his job, and finally he dropped out of school. At that time, he developed his sense of humour to help him deal with anger at the world. He was often alone. He said he didn't have any friends because he didn't want any. At 15 he started performing at a comedy club. Later he moved to Los Angeles and there he got the attention from a famous comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, and his life started to change. Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990, he played a role on the new comedy show. In Living Color, he broke into films in 1994. It was the year of Funny Face. First there was Pet Detective, a success that showed Carrey's comic style. Next came The Mask, which was another success for him. Jim Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood. In fact, he seems to be having a second childhood now. The future looks good for him. He has developed a large crowd of fans and he also has proved his ability to get through a storm and come out on top, which is important for any person. 1. Why didn't Jim Carrey have any friends when he was young? A. Because he dropped out of school. B. Because he was in a working class family. C. Because he didn't want to make friends. D. Because he was angry at the world. 2. What does the underlined phrase “got his big break” mean? A. got a good chance B. made a lot of money C. felt tired D. had a rest 3. From the last paragraph we can learn that . A. Jim Carrey didn't finish his school education B. many people like Jim Carrey C. Jim Carrey get through a storm D. The future looks bad for Jim Carrey 4. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. Carrey's success comes from his handsome face. B. Carrey was happy in his childhood. C. Carrey's sense of humour came from the difficult environment. D. The film The Mask was successful. B Lu Xun, born in Shaoxing County in Zhejiang Province on September 25, 1881, was one of the country's greatest thinkers and writers in the 20th century. 5 . 6 Many people like reading them, such as The True Story of Ah Q, A Madman's Diary, Kong Yiji and Medicine, which show the ugly side of human nature and ancipated (解放)people's minds. 7 They provided a guiding light for Chinese youths at that time.Over the past years, thousands of people around the world have studied his works from different angles (角度), such as culture, psych

doc文档 Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c 同步练习 2020-2021学年鲁教版英语八年级下册

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Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c 同步练习 2020-2021学年鲁教版英语八年级下册 第 1 页 Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c 同步练习 2020-2021学年鲁教版英语八年级下册 第 2 页 Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c 同步练习 2020-2021学年鲁教版英语八年级下册 第 3 页 Unit 1 Section B 2a-3c 同步练习 2020-2021学年鲁教版英语八年级下册 第 4 页
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