初中英语 语法趣讲 FROM THE NEWBIE TO THE MASTER 英语组 教师 __________ 学校 __________ 现在完成时 现在 完成时Luffy 主 谓 现在 进行时Luffy 一般 将来时Luffy has/ have has eaten three pigs. 宾 are eating three pigs. will eat three pigs. 助动词 主语 + have/ has + 动词 过去分词 转 现在完成时 句型转换 肯 Luffy has eaten three pigs. 否 Luffy hasn`t eaten three pigs . 转 现在完成时 句型转换 肯 Luffy has eaten three pigs. 疑 Has Luffy eaten three pigs? 答 Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. SUMMARY 现在 完成时 I have finished my homework. 主语 + have/ has + 动词 过去分词 应用场景 过去发生的对现在造成影响的动作; 过去发生的,并且一直持续到现在的 过去发生的,并且一直持续到现在的 It`s 11 o`clock now. I watched this movie two hours ago. I have watched this movie for two hour I have watched this movie since 9:00. 如 I have lived in London for 10 years. 何 I have lived in London since 2009. 用I have watched this movie for two hou Sinc e I have watched this movie since 9:00. 接 I have lived in London since 10 years ___ . 时I have watched this movie since two hours ago 间 段 ? ago 造句练习 小试牛刀 一、连词成句 1 . you ; your ; Have ; homework; finished Have you finished your homework __________________________________________________? 2 . had; I ; nice ; two ; have ; this ; years; for; watch I have had this nice watch for two ______________________________________________________. years 小试牛刀 二、翻译句子 1 .从 1972 年起他就住在这里。 ________________________________________. He has lived here since 1972. 2 .我成为工程师已经 5 年了。 I have ________________________________________. been an engineer for 5 years. 3 .这部电影我看过 7 次。 ________________________________________. I have seen the film 7 times. 2017· 中考真题 Some boys in our class __________ the football club for a year. They are crazy about playing football now. A. joined B. have joined C. have been in 瞬间性动词 & 延续性动词 buy have borrow keep open be open close be closed come be here go be there finish be over die be dead 瞬间性动词 & 延续性动词 catch a cold have a cold put on wear wake up be awake fall asleep be asleep lose not have join be in leave be away arrive/reach be 瞬间性动词 & 延续性动词 marry be married Jenny has married. Jenny has married for two years. Jenny has been married for two years. 瞬间性动词 & 延续性动词 marry be married Jenny has married. Jenny has married for two years. It is two years since Jenny married. 现在 完成时 应用场景 标志词 He has written the letter. 过去发生的对现在造成影响的动作; 过去发生的,并且一直持续到现在的 since + 时间点 since + 一段时间 + ago for + 一段时间 yet ( already, ever, never, just, before) in the last … years In the past … years Story Jim and Lily have known each other for two yea They have talked about getting married since last year. However, Lily has not really made up her mind about him yet. Lily likes Jim a lot, but she knows that getting married is a serious matter, so she is going to wait and see before she makes a final decision. 超级考点 have been to 去而已归 I have been to New York three times. have gone to 去而未归 I have gone to New York. have been in 在哪儿待了多长时间 I have been in New York for two years. 还没有做或从来未做过的事情 I have never eaten dinosaur meat. 自从出生以来,我从未做过作业。 ave never done homework since I was bo _________________________________

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