2020-2021 南京一中马群分校九年级上学期 12 月月考 二.单选填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. Peppa Pig is a British _______ which has been popular in China and is much loved by little children and their parents. A. comedy B. cartoon C. documentary D. drama 17.We are always asked to ________ a group conversation with new words. A. make up B. turn up C. open up D. set up 18.This evening, there will be_______100-minute documentary on TV to tell a story of a girl in the mountain village far away. A. a B.an C. the D./ 19. I found this book _____for a six-year-old child to read. A. enough easy B. enough easily C. easy enough D. easily enough 20. ______we have failed ten times, we will not give up. A. If B.As C. Until D. Though 21. Our charity show _______ for three hours this afternoon. We were tired but happy. A. lasts B. lasted C. has lasted D. will last 22. In summer, food goes bad easily _______it is kept in the fridge. A. till B. if C. since D. unless 23. What rules do I have to keep while working here? _______, you must always wear your uniform. A. Ву the way B. From then on C. Believe it or not D. First of all C. scared D. interested 24. Don't be_____, that insect can't hurt you. A. excited B. worried 25.The National Sports Meeting will be covered ______tomorrow evening. A. life B. alive C. living D. live 26.It is reported that many important leaders will ______us in the charity concert. A. take part in B. join C. join in D. attend 27._______ popular Tik Tok (抖音) is among the young nowadays! So it is. More than 200 million people share short videos on it every day in China. A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 28. It's time to sleep, Daniel. Oh, Mum, I _______ to bed until I finish my homework. A. don't go B. won't go C. didn't go D. haven't gone 29.Shanghai makes CIIE (进博会) a great success, winning high _______ from around the world. A. praise B. prize C. promise D. price 30. -Would you mind helping me look after my baby for a while? A. Sure, be careful on the way. B. Oh, don't you like children? C. Of course not, dear. D, Yeah, I hope so. 三 、 完 形 項 空 ( 共 10 小 题 : 每 小 题 1 分 , 满 分 10 分 ) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 。 What are the cultural differences between China and the West? You might be able to find the answer in Cao Siyu's comics (漫画). (Born in Beijing) Cao,32, ___31____home at 20 and has studied and lived in the US, the UK, and France over the last 12 years. Having seen so many cultures, Cao wanted to use her design skills to present the ___32____ she has experienced. So she created the cartoon series Tiny Eyes Comics. My experience shows that _____ travel is much easier and faster today, the distance between cultures hasn't shortened," Cao said. She hopes to build a ________ and break down misunderstandings between different cultures. ___35____, one of her cartoons shows people's different tastes in water in different countries.ng 36 glasses of water are shown. The glass of water from the US has ice; the one from France is_ 37 220 sparkling water (气泡水); the one from China is steaming (冒热气的). Cao also uses her cartoons to show different ways of thinking and social customs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, she used her comics to explain 38 Chinese people prefer to wear masks, while Western people don't. Her simple sketches have played a big part in demystifying (揭秘) Chinese culture," Italian magazine Grazia reported. Many_ 39 say that Cao's comics help them understand China, while Chinese immigrants ( 移 民 ) have felt that they are seen and understood. She said that this feedback (Æ t) has been the biggest motivation (动力) for her to go on ______. 31. A. leaving B. leaves C. has left D. left 32.A. difficulties B. difference C. people D. horror 33.A. though B. because C. unless D. if 34. A. boundary B. house C. scene D. bridge 35. A. However B. Luckily C. For example D. What's more 36. A. Many B. Three C. Four D. Few 37. A. full B. filled C. covered D. famous 38. A. what B. when C. why D. whether 39. A. artists B. Western people C. Americans D. Chinese people 40. A. to create B. to study D. studying C. creating 四.阅读理解 (A) Which group of people is ordering food online the most? Unsurprisingly, it's mainly young people. A recent report that was jointly (联合) published by the China Hospitality Association and Meituan, a food delivery service, showed that 86.3 percent of th

docx文档 2020-2021学年江苏省南京市玄武区南京一中马群分校九年级上学期英语12月月考试卷

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