江苏 2020 届高三英语书面表达训练系列一 请阅读下面文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章 Mandarin is the common language in China, but each region has its own dialect.( 方言) For travelers, a familiar accent can refresh the memory of their hometown. According to an official video by the Chinese Education Ministry’s Language Commission, among the more than 130 languages spoken in China, 68 of them are spoken by less than 10,000 people; and 25 by under 1,000. Hu Shuning, a dialect preservationist, said, "I think it is natural with a society’s development that a dominant language appears, but from a cultural aspect I think dialects are still important, because they reflect cultural diversity.” “Mandarin can take you further, but your dialect tells you where you come from." said Wang Han, a wellknown TV host 写作内容 1.用约 30 个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2.结合上述信息,简要分析保护我国地方方言的重要性; 3.根据你的分析,谈谈保护地方方言的途径和方法。 写作要求 1.写作过程中不能直接引用原时 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 3.不必写标题。 评分标准 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 一、写作提醒: 1. 审题:时态、人称、题材(包括漫画、图表、文本等) 2. 概况中关键句的提炼(包括转化、对比),摒弃细节部分! 3. 理由或观念按照由总到分的顺序拓展。确定谓语动词(短语)和主语很重要,学会变通和转化是避 免语言错误的关键所在! 二、 Warming-up 1). 为了防止新冠肺炎(COVID-19)蔓延, 市民需要居家隔离。(gesture) 2)目前存在一种趋势,越来越多的青少年缺少传统文化意识。(there exist,主句用全部倒装) 3)该到同学们奋力拼搏以上一所好大学的时候了!(It’s high time that……可用于主题句或结尾句) 4)紧急救治物资源源不断的进入灾区。(involve) 5) 总有学生抱怨作业太多。(complain) 1. In a gesture/bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19, citizens need to be isolated from the outside. Or: In a gesture to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, citizens need to stay at home. 2. Nowadays/At present there exists a trend that more and more/an increasing number of teenagers are lack of/ lack the awareness of conventional culture. 3. It’s high/about time that we should make efforts/make every effort/ spare no efforts to be admitted to a key university.(=to gain admission to a key university) 4. The urgent facilities or necessities involving victims have been constantly transported into catastrophe-stricken areas. 5. There are students who always complain about too much schoolwork. Some students are always complaining about too much homework. 三、 写作训练 写作要求:请同学们写以上作文时尽量能借鉴以上句型去写作! 【Possible versions】 1 In comparison with the powerful influence of mandarin, dialects are getting neglected. A survey indicates there exists a worrying trend that more and more young people fail to speak dialects. (30 words) As we know, dialects have been contributing a lot to China’s splendid civilization since ancient times. The diversity and greatness of Chinese culture are well demonstrated in various dialects. There dialects can help to inherit and carry forward excellent Chinese culture. Besides, a person speaking his dialects has a sense of identity, promoting better communication between people. In order for people to refresh dialects, some measures below can be taken. First and foremost, courses on dialects should be offered, thus providing more learning opportunities for people. On top of that, it’s practical for city authorities to encourage citizens to speak dialects at home. I believe, like mandarin, local dialects will take on vitality of life if constantly spoken and learnt. (150 words) Notes: a sense of identity 认同感 carry forward 弘扬 take on vitality of life 换发生命力 2 In the face of the growing influence of mandarin, dialects are losing ground gradually. A survey reveals that younger people are more likely to be incapable of speaking their dialects. Mandarin is crucial for China’s development in politics, economy and culture, but the significance of local dialects is undeniable. Actually, not only are dialects communication tools, but they also play a very important role in cultural heritage. Besides, it is dialects that contribute to the diversity of cultures in different regions. ★Therefore, it is high time that dialect preserving intangible should be protected so that they can be heard for the generations to come. Cultural activities can be organized in schools and neighborhoods to enhance people’s awareness of dialect protection. Live tutorials and salons on how to speak the language can also be given online. What’s more, local people are encouraged to write history books and compile textbooks and dictionaries in dialects. Notes:★此从句中的主语部分 dialects preserving intangible 应改为 intangible dialect preservation intangible a 无形的 lose ground 失利,退却 tutorials and salons 辅导和沙龙 compile v 编撰 必备句型: 1. There dialects can help to inherit and carry forward excellent Chinese culture. 2. In order for people to refresh dialects, some measures below can be taken. 3. I beli

doc文档 专题01 写作句型训练(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评

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专题01 写作句型训练(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 1 页 专题01 写作句型训练(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 2 页 专题01 写作句型训练(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 3 页 专题01 写作句型训练(练习)-【延期不延学】江苏2020高考英语书面表达模拟课件讲评 第 4 页
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