Section A Period One Words Review good adj. 好的 morning n. 早晨 ; 上午 Good morning! 早上好 ! hi int. ( 用于打招呼 ) 嗨; hello 喂 interj. 你好; 喂 Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ) Hello! Good ... Hi! Tom! morning, Michael Jerry! Harry! ! Jordan 学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。 掌握 26 个英文字母,能认读其印刷 体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式 。 书写 ( 大写和小写,笔顺,笔画 ) 基 本合乎要求。 Look and say Good morning, Miss ---! Good morning, class! Good morning, Alice! Hello, Alice! Alice Hi! Alice! Say hello to our friends. (跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ! ) Hello, Good Good Hi, Lan Lightning Hello, morning, morning, Yangyang! McQueen! Woody! Shrek! The Lightning Simpsons! Shrek McQueen Woody 接龙 Good morning, ...! 幻灯片上人名出现时,同学迅速向图片人物打招呼,说不出时,可有 5 秒钟的现场求救时间(向其他同学),每名同学接受求救不得超过 2 次。 Hi, ...! Hello, ...! an you remember the names?( 你还记得这些名字吗 Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen Choose an English name for yourself 你有英文名字吗?没有的话,可以选一个哦 Lucy Jenny Alan Jim Sally Gina Tony Tom Mary Linda Mike Jack Nancy Joy Peter David Kate Jane John Paul Anna Emma William Henry Tina Susan Mark Ted 1a Write down the names in the picture. Boys’ names ___________ Bob, Dale, ____________ Frank, Eric Girls’ names ____________ Helen, Grace, ____________ Cindy, Alice 1b Listen and repeat. Good Good morning, Good morning, Hello, Frank! morning, Eric! Alice! Hi, Tom! Daisy! Jane! Practice the conversations in 1c the picture above. Then greet your partner. Alice Frank Tom Daisy Eric Jane Good Good Good Afternoon! morning! evening! 9:00 14 : 30 Good Good Good evening! Afternoon! morning! 18 : 00 Good HowI’m are morning! you? OK. I’m…… fine, thanks. How are you? I’m afternoon! fine, Good thank you! And you? … I’m fine, too. How are you? Look at the letters and read: Alice A a B b Bob Cindy C c D d Dale e Eric E Frank F f G g Grace Helen H h 你能猜到下面的标志 (logos) 分别代表哪个字母 吗? A D 写出这些字母的大写形式 。 F H B G C E N K P O

ppt文档 Unit 1 Section A Period 1 鲁教版五四制英语六年级上册 (共39张PPT)

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