2020 届高三新版套餐练 23 套 I. 【7 选 5 阅读】(2020 届吉林省重点高中高三上第二次联考试题) Chalk used in school classrooms comes in thin sticks. Lessons are often presented to entire classes on chalkboards(or blackboards. as they were originally called) using sticks of chalk. 36 As found in nature, chalk has been used for drawing since prehistoric times. And it helped to create some of the earliest cave drawings. Later, artists of different countries and styles used chalk mainly for sketches(素描),and some such drawings have survived. 37 The method was to grind(碾碎)natural chalk to a fine powder, then add water, clay, and various dry colors. It was then rolled into stick shape and dried. 38 Class sizes began to increase at that time. Therefore, teachers needed a convenient way of conveying information to many students at one time. Not only did instructors use large blackboards, but students also worked with personal chalkboards, completing with chalk sticks and a sponge or cloth to use as an eraser. These small chalkboards were used for practice, especially among the younger students. An important change in the nature of classroom chalk brought a change in chalkboards. Blackboards used to be black, because they were made from true slate( 石 板 ).While some experts advocated a change to yellow chalkboards and dark blue or purple chalk to copy writing on paper, when makers began to shape chalkboards from synthetic(合成的)materials during the 20th century, they chose the color green, arguing that it was easier on the eyes. 39 Almost all chalk produced today is dustless. Earlier, softer chalk tended to produce a cloud of dust that some feared might contribute to breathing problems. 40 It's just that the dust settles faster. A. Dustless chalk still produces dust. B. Yellow became the preferred color for chalk. C. Paper made only from rags at this time was expensive. D. That's because this method has been proven cheap and easy. E. Chalk was first formed into sticks for the convenience of artists. F. Baking chalk longer to harden it more helps to produce less dust. G. Chalk didn't become standard in schoolrooms until the 19th century. II. 【语法填词】(2020 届宁夏银川一中高三上第三次月考试卷) When it comes to November 11, what’s on your mind? Well, as to the young generations, it’s an ___61____ (ordinary) day. They will consider ___62___ as not only the Singles’ Day but also the online shopping carnival. Online shopping has been increasingly popular, especially after Jack Ma, the CEO of Tmall and Taobao had the idea ____63_____ “Double Eleven” was targeted to encourage the single people to celebrate their own festival in 2010. They could go online shopping to relieve their loneliness. It was not long ____64____ both Tmall and Tianmao enjoyed a great success. On November 11 th, 2018, the two world’s largest mobile platforms sold out around 50 trillion yuan of goods in ____65____ (term) of the survey, which astonished the media at home and abroad. ___66____ (apparent), people have more interests in cyber shopping than in spending the night with their single friends. China had more than 854 million Internet users at the end of last year and 240 million single people. They are the main force of China’s spending power. Compared with traditional shopping, cyber shopping has more ___67____ (distinguish) features, which provides great _____68_____ (convenient) to people and is quite to the young generations’ taste. There is no need for buyers to go outside. Just click their mouse, and the goods ____69____ (deliver) home. What we can predict is that in the future online shopping is not going to fade ____70_____. Instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains. III. 【短文改错】(2020 届黑龙江鸡西市鸡东二中高三上期中试题) I went to the bank to withdraw money yesterday. Seeing several people wait at the ATM machine, I queued up. When it was my turn, I reached into my pocket for my bank card, only to find anything wrong. What the shame! How could I mistake my ID card as the bank card? All what I could do was go back home for it. Half an hour late, I returned to the ATM machine. Following the instruction, I typed my password, but I was told it was wrong. After typing several times, I discovered the card was be swallowed. I had no choice but solve the problem the next day. I was determined to break my habit of being carelessly. IV. 【书面表达-传统写作】(2020 届广深珠三校高三第 1 次联考题) 假定你是李华,应邀为某英文报写一篇通讯稿,报道你们学校今天刚刚结束的学生文艺汇演活动。内 容包括: 1. 目的:庆祝建国 70 周年;2. 形式:歌舞,诗歌朗诵等;3. 效果 注意:词数 120 左右,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 周年庆 anniversary 【范文背诵】→见参考答案见

doc文档 套餐练23【新题型】2020届新高考英语7选5、语法填空、短文改错和书面表达组合练

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套餐练23【新题型】2020届新高考英语7选5、语法填空、短文改错和书面表达组合练 第 1 页 套餐练23【新题型】2020届新高考英语7选5、语法填空、短文改错和书面表达组合练 第 2 页
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