2020 江苏牛津译林七年级下册-unit1 学案 学员编号: 学员姓名: 年 级: 辅导科目:英语 授课类型 星级 T ★★ 教学目标 授课日期及时段 Ⅰ.课堂导入 课时数: 学科教师: C ★★★ T ★★★ Ⅱ.同步讲解 一、要点提纲: 词汇短语 1. Would you like to.........? 你想要/愿意......吗? 用于礼貌地提出建议,发出邀请或询问对方的意愿,没有人称和数的变化。 Eg: Would you like to go shopping with me? 考向一:would you like......?的回答 would you like sth.? 肯定回答用 Yes,please Would like to do sth. 否定回答用 No,thanks 肯定回答用 Yes,I’d love/like to [难点]否定回答根据具体情况提出理 由,常用 I’d like /love to,but.....形式 考向二:would like 的几种常见用法 词条 含义及用法 示例 Would like sth. “想要某物”,后接名词或代词 Would you like some bread? Would like to do sth. “想要做某事”,后接动词不定式 Would you like to go with me? Would like sb.to do sth. “想要某人做某事”。 Would you like him to do the work? 词条 含义及用法 示例 Next to 表示“紧邻”,强调位置紧挨着 The big supermarket is next to my 1. 辨析 next to 和 near house. Near 表示“在.....附近”强调的距离比 next There is a big supermarket near my to 远些 house. 2. have fun 玩的开心 Eg: 他们总是在公园里玩得很开心。 考向一:have fun=enjoy oneself/have a good time 考向二:have fun 的用法 (1)have fun 后要用动名词形式,have fun doing sth. “做某事很开心”。 Eg: 课后我们玩游戏玩得很开心。 (2)have fun with sb./sth. “和某人/某事玩得很开心”。 Eg; 我总是和我的狗玩得很开心。 4.over prep.超过 Eg: There are over ten people in the room. 单词 词性 over 词义 例句 多于(相当于 more than ) His grandmother is over 70. 遍及,到处 Snow is falling all over the 介词 country. 穿越 We went over the hills. 在 ...... 期 间 ( 相 当 于 Will you be at home over during) Christmas? 结束 By the time we arrived, the 副词 meeting had been over. 翻转;从一侧到另一侧 Turn over the page. 5.each adj.每个 Eg: Each teacher is kind to us. (1)each 作形容词时,用来修饰两个或两个以上人或物中的每一个,它所修饰的名词是单数可数名词。“ each +单数可数名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 Eg: 每个苹果都是大的。 (2)each 还可作代词,意为“各自,各。”常用结构为 each of+名词/代词复数,此结构作主语时,谓语动词 用单数形式。 Eg: Each of us has a room. (3)辨析 each 和 every Each: 一定数目中的“每个”,强调个体。 Every: 数目不确定的许多人或物中的“每个”,强调整体。 二.题型分类: 题型一: 【例 1】There______ some flowers on the teacher’s desk just now, but now there ______nothing on it. A.have, has B.were, was C.were, is D.has; has 【例 2】-----What kind of house would like? ------I’d like_______with a garden in front of _____ A.it,one B.one;one C.one, it D. It;it 题型二: 【例 3】(★★★)John lives near the park and he likes to sit on the balcony and _____ the park. A.looks B.looks out at C.looks out D.looks out of Ⅲ.达标检测 1.(★★★)------Would you like to play foot ball with me ? -------_____,but I should finish my homework first. A.It’s hard to say B.You’re welcome C.I’d love to D.You’re right 2.(★★★)He was born in Italy, but he has made China his______ A.family B.address C.house D.home 3. Our teacher lives in a town 20 miles ______the city. A.away B.in C.from D.for 4. I always have fun _____my cat A.in B.for C.with D.at 5. Hangzhou is ______ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here. A.home B.house C.family D.room 6. My father loves to live ______ A.by sea B.by the sea C.at the sea 7. It is a good habit to brush our ______(牙齿)twice a day. 8. There are two______(刀) and three forks on the table. 本次测试得分______________ < 喔………达标啦!> Ⅰ.知识结构 : 专题概述。 一、模块标题 基数词 基数词表示数量。 考点 1【难点】(1)基数词的构成 考向:(1)1----12 的基数词是独立的单词 (2)13----19 的基数词以-teen 结尾。但 13,15,18 较特殊 (3)20-----90 的整的十位均以---ty 结尾。但 20,30,40,50,80 较特殊。 (4)十位数与个位数之间之间要加连字符“-” Eg: 28 twenty-eight 96 (5)101-999 先说“几百”,再加 and,再加末尾两位数或末位数 Eg: 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight (6)1000 以上的数,从后往前每三位加一个逗号,第一个逗号在的位置为 thousand,第二个逗号在的位置为 million,以 此类推。 Eg: 8542601 考点 2 基数词的用法 考向一:一般用法 (1) 用于名词前表示数量的多少 Eg: 我有五个朋友 (2) 表示年龄 Eg:这个女孩十二岁 注意:表示人的不确切岁数时,用几十的复数形式。 Eg: He was a singer in his thirties. (3)表示价格 Eg: The bike is two hundred and ninety yuan. (4)表示时间(几点几分) Eg: 10:55 ten fifty-five 或 five to eleven (5)表示时间(年代) Eg: 1949 读作 20 世纪 80 年代 (6)表示顺序和编号,放在房间,页等名词后面 Eg:Room405 读作: 考向二:特殊用法 (1)hundred,thousand,million 等前面有具体数词时,要用单数 (2)hundred,thousand,million 等后加-s,且其后接 of 时,表示不确定数目 二.模块标题 序数词 序数词表示顺序 考点 1:序数词的构成 (1)第一,第二,第三分别为: (2)第四道第十九都由相应的基数词加-th 构成,但第五,第八,第九,第十二特殊 (3)20---90 之间“第几十”的序数词由相应的基数词去掉 y 加--ieth (4)第二十一到九十九等,十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,中间有连字符 Eg: 第二十一 考点 2:序数词的用法 一般用法 (1)表示顺序 (2)表示日期 (3)表示编号 (4)表示第几层楼 特殊用法 (1)序数词千万用不定冠词 a/an s 时,表示再,又 Eg: You’ll have to do it a second time. (2)序数词起副词作用,这时前面不加“the” Eg: Simon always comes first in the English exam. Ⅱ.魔法小测 (10 分钟小测试,满分 50 分) 1.(★★★)Thuraday is the f______day of week 2.September is the n_____month of the year. 3._______(hundred) of books are lying on the ground 4. There are f______seasons in a year 5. On the ______(三十)of July, mother often buys me a big birthday cake. 6. Please write down the new words in the text of ______

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