介词语法填空专项 50 题 1.I will visit Austria ________ the invitation of my friend this summer vacation. 2.--Can I have your business number? --You can call me, free of charge, ________ 66887790. 3.The Christmas gifts need to be ready ________ next Friday. 4.(2011 西城期末, 32) --How can I reserve the tickets? -- ________ Phone. 5.________ increasing the distance of your walks, you may lose more weight. 6. ---Could you please show me which boy in the photo is Patrick? (文化) ---The one ________ red hair. 7. We have to do our best ________ what we have. 8.For better sound effects, he was asked to speak ________ the microphone during the whole process. 9. His early comedies were filmed ________ black and white. 10.Steam engines are no longer ________ use in most parts of the world's transportation now. 11.During the final match, all the audience shouted ________ excitement. 12.The room he has just rent is about 9 meters ________ Length and 3 meters wide. 13. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot ________ easy reach. 14.It is a pity that there are not enough women ________ well-paid, responsible jobs. 15.The T-shirt was a little bit small for him, so he changed it ________ a larger one. 16.She looked ________ her handbag, but her keys were not there. 17.Nancy, a successful manager, had great personal influence and power ________ her followers. 18. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ________ the problem. 19. Blue can cause people to lose appetite. So eating ________ blue plates can help to eat less. 20. Taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet are two important keys ________ good health. 21.The Boston Marathon bombings killed 3 people, including a Chinese citizen ________ Shenyang. 22.The farmers expanded their production to meet the increasing demand ________ locally grown food. 23. She often smokes with no thought ________ other people around her. 24. Why not take up some outdoor sports to relax ________ office work? It will also help keep you healthy. 25. We greatly feel sorry ________ those who died or got injured in the disaster. 26. ---Here’s your paycheck for this month. ---Ah, that’s music ________ my ears! 27. When I was pushed on the stage, I felt all the eyes in the hall ________ me. 28.Last night the naughty boy climbed ________ the wall and jumped into the swimming pool only to find there was no water. 29. In some countries, friends kiss ________ both cheeks when they say goodbye. 30.With a school built in the village, the children need not climb ________ the mountain for study. 31.There was an excited expression ________ his face when he heard the good news. 32. We strongly advise ________ eating your meal so late. It’s not healthy. 33. It was cold outside but the door wouldn’t stay shut, so I put a chair ________ it. 34. Based on a true story, the film shows a hero racing ______ time to get back the stolen papers. 35.After graduation, Frank often thought of those who had helped him ________ his school life. 36. Do you think this shirt is too tight ________ the shoulders? 37. When Thanksgiving Day is ________ the corner, stores and supermarkets are busy with people. 38.One doesn’t have to look far to realize the direct connection ________ smoking and cancer. 39. When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be ________ trees that are over 1000 years old. 40. The study suggests that the cultures we grow up ________ influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us. 41. Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes ________ animals both on land and sea? 42.A common memory they all have ________ their school days is the school uniform. 43. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68°C ________ the average. Above 44. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way ________ success is our fear. 45.The Scottish girl ________ blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest. 46. It was a real race ________ time to get the project alone. Luckily, we made it. 47.A serious study of physics is impossible ________ some knowledge of mathematics. 48. I will visit Austria ________ the invitation of my friend this summer vacation. 49. You can get into a booking website ________ admission tickets for the live concert. 50. Tom had to ________ (turn) the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. 介词 1.at 2.at 3.by 4.on 5.by 6.with 7.with 8.into 9.in 10.in 11.with 12

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