牛津译林版九年级下英语易错题练习卷(unit1-2) 1.On my way home,I saw two thieves (steal) things in a shop. 2.When my sister woke up after a dream, she found (she) under the bed. (not,fall) behind . 3. My friend works hard all the time so he 4.His present phone number is ________(know) to me. If you know, please tell me. 5.The young man who saved the old man out of fire      (praise) as a hero. 6. My teacher wants Tom (repeat) these grammar rules in class. 7. —_How far is it from the school to the post office? —It is about ten (minute) walk. 8.In the past 100 years, a lot of useful inventions 9. —Who was the light bulb (invent). (invent)by? 10. —How do you like the song Chengdu sung by her? —Oh, I have never enjoyed a (bad) one before. (successful). 11. My friend was happy because he passed the exam 12. Her (smile)face makes her look really pretty and kind. 13.When we came here just now, we saw he ________ (play)with a black and white dog in the garden. 14. The teacher told us much more attention should 15. I think he is one of the greatest (pay)to when we take exams. (science) in history. 16.People in cold areas prefer warm colors to create a warm and comfortable 17.You got ninety-nine points. You came 18. Both he and I . (two) (praise) by the teacher in the class meeting yesterday. (feel). 19. --Why didn't you ask Tom to help you with your work? --Because he was only a student and had no (practice)experience. 20.I used to take the underground to school, but now I am used to 21.We are pleased with the good   22.Since you (walk) to school.  ( serve ) in the restaurants. (know) about it, I needn't tell you about it again. 23. How much time did you spend 24.Would you mind my 25.He is always (solve) the problems? (smoke) in the classroom? (create )enough to come up with many ways. 26.Remember the (follow) points when we look for information in the library. 27. The X-ray machines are now (wide)used in hospitals. 28.Nobody was absent from school though it rained 29. It is said that people (heavy) yesterday. (bear) in the Year of the Tier are brave. 30. My brother is an ________________(patient) boy. He always does things in a hurry. 31.Red lanterns are often   ( hang ) along the streets before Spring Festival. 32. We are looking forward to 33.I don’t like reading and 34. (share)your good news. (watch) TV. (fish) is a popular activity among the middle-aged people. 35.--The high-speed train was in use on 15 May from my hometown to Nanjing. --Yes. It makes it (easy) and faster to travel to Nanjing. 36. He devoted all his spare time to 37. It’s good of you to keep (help) his students with their English. (try) when something difficult needs to do. 38.I really need to take more exercise because I 39. He always studies hard and is afraid of 40.This is (put) on weight. (fall) behind (expensive) watch in the shop. I can't afford it. 41.The ancient people created many wonders by their (wise). 42. The pop stars refused to answer the questions about their _______________(person) lives. 43. You can call me when you have trouble in making _______ (decide). 44.—The local food may taste a bit (strange). —Well,since we are here,why not give it a try? 45. The medical team is made up of five Americans and two ________(Japan). 参考答案 1.stealing 2.herself 3. won't fall 4.unknown 6.to repeat 7. minutes' 8. have been invented 9.invented 11.successfully 12.smiling 13.was playing 5.was praised 14. be paid 10..worse 15.scientists 16.feeling 17.second 18. were praised 21.service 22. have known 23.solving 26.following 27.widely 31 hung 36. helping 41.wisdom. 32.sharing 37.trying 19.practical 20.walking 24.smoking 25.creative 28.heavily 29. born 30.impatient 33. watching 34. Fishing 35.easier 38. am putting 42. personal 43. decisions 39.falling 40.the most expensive 44.strange 45.Japanese

doc文档 牛津译林版九年级下英语易错题练习卷 (Unit1-2)

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