2020 年暑假新高一英语知识点衔接增分高效练 19 英语能力篇 ·阅读理解(细节理解类) 细节理解题要求考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节进行理解。它们大都是根据文章中的具体信 息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。有些问题可以在文章中直接找到答案,有些则需要我 们在理解的基础上将有关内容系统化才能找到,比如计算、排序、是非判断、图形比较等。 常见的命题方式通常有: 1.特殊疑问句形式。以 when, where, what, which, who, how much/many 等疑问词开头引出的问题; 2. 以是非题的形式。true /false, not true / false 或 EXCEPT,近年这种题型较少; 3. 以 According to… 开头提问方式; 4. 以填空题的形式,如: (1)To avoid attracting mountain lions, people are advised________. (2)By the first sentence of the passage author means that________. (3)It seems that now a country’s economy depends much on________. (4)If you are interested in knowing about what people’s life will be, you may visit________. (5)The policemen were told “to look the other way” (the underlined part in Paragraph 2) so that________ . (6)The policeman who said “Good evening” to Rolls wanted to________. 5. 就文中数字、排序、识图等提问。 做细节理解题时,大多数学生易出现的问题是阅读速度太慢,缺乏一定的快速阅读技巧,考生要培养 自己快速获取信息的能力。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而常常可采取 “带着问题找答案”的方法. 先从问题中抓住关键性词语。然后以此为线索。要快速地辨认和记忆事实或细节,就要恰当地运用略读及 查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的段落、语句.仔细品味,对照比较.确定答案。除了运用扫读 法(scanning)外,还可以兼用排除法.将“无此细节”和“与此细节相反”的选项排除。 了解细节题干扰选项的特点也有助于考生提高答题的正确率。一般情况下,干扰项有如下几个特点: (1)是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容;(2)符合常识,但不是文章内容;(3)与原文的内容极其 相似,只是在程度上有些变动;(4)在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反;(5)部分正确,部分错误。 有的细节理解题只要直接辨认不要求读者对客观的事实作出解释或判断,只要求从阅读材料中直接获 取信息。同时还要求读者记住重要细节,在必要的时候(做判断、推断或结论的时候)能够准确而迅速地 将他们回忆起来。解此类题要求考生快速抓住原文中的关键信息,直接得出答案,但要注意往往答案与原 文中的语句并非一模一样,而是用不同的词语或句型结构表达相同的意思。有的细节理解题就需要通过有 关词语和句子的转换。利用主要事实、图表、图形来获取信息,然后利用因果、类比、时间、空间等关系 将零碎的细节经过一系列加工、整理,方能做出正确的判断。此类试题在高考中占大多数。 值得一提的是,有时原文中的信息可能只是一个短语,甚至一个单词,因此需要我们在阅读中特别仔 细才能捕捉到真正有用的信息。 1 The Boy Made It! One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nicholas was lost, all alone! He didn’t have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting colder by the minute. Nicholas had no idea where he was. He tried not to panic. He thought about all the survival shows he had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips he had learned to use. He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did was to find shelter(避难所) from the freezing wind and snow. If he didn’t, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him. Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave. He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then he piled branches on top of himself, like a blanket, to stay as warm as he could. By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn’t lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could—he huddled(蜷缩) in his cave and slept. The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn’t find anyone. He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. After two days stuck in the snow, Nicholas was saved. Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV. He had often watched Grylls’ survival show Man vs. Wild. That’s where he learned the tips that saved his life. In each episode( 一期节目) of Man vs. Wild, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out. When Grylls heard about Nicholas’ amazing deeds, he was super impressed(印象深刻的) that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive. 1.What happened to Nicholas one Sunday afternoon? A.He got lost. B.He broke his skis. C.He hurt his eyes. D.He caught a cold. 2.How did Nicholas keep himself warm? A.He kept on skiing. B.He built a snow cave. C.He drank water. D.He went to sleep. 3.On Tuesday, Nicholas _____. A.returned to his shelter safely B.got stuck in the snow C.was saved by a searcher D.stayed where he was 4.Nicholas left Grylls a very deep impression because he _____. A.was very hard-working B.created some tips for survival C.watched Grylls’ TV program regularly D.did the right things in the dangerous situation 2 Make Albertsville Shine After a long and snowy winter, spring has finally come to Albertsville. The leaves are out on the trees, and the grass is green again. All around town, people are cleaning up their homes. They are pulling w

doc文档 19 英语能力篇之阅读理解(细节理解类)-2020年暑假新高一英语知识点衔接增分高效练

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