2021 江苏无锡天一中学 9A 期末复习基础易错难题整理 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 一.单项选择 )1.It was _________ he said __________ made me feel very sad. A.what , that B.that, that C.what, what D.that, what )2.It may be at midnight _________ there was a loud noise that came from .the street. A.before B.what C.that D.when )3.When ___________when to leave for Shanghai, Jim said no one had informed him. A.was asked B.was asked for C.asked D.asking )4.He was so sad though he made ___________mistakes in the exam. A.such little B.so little C.such few D.so many )5.We are glad that more attention has been paid __________ the air around us. A. to improve B. to to improve C. to improving D. to to improving )6. My parents seemed to have a lot _________before I go to college. In fact, there’s no necessary that they’ll be __________dead in a long time of departure(离开). A.to worry, as well as B.to worry about, as good as C.worrying about, so good as D.worry, so well as )7.---Chocolate isn’t good for your teeth. ---___________. A.Yes, I really agree B.No, I really agree C.No, I think so D.Yes, I think )8.---Tommy seems blue today. Do you know why? ---Maybe he has no __________ for the speech. A.mood B.sense C.feel D.feeling )9.Look, after the terrible typhoon, those houses __________ at once. A.require to repair B.are required to repair C.require repairing D.are required repairing )10.There ________great _________ of you climb the high mountain. A.may be, difficulty B.maybe, difficult C.may be, difficult D.maybe , difficulty )11.When I feel sad, I prefer _________ around the lake _________ me up. A.walking, to cheer B.to walk, cheering C.to walk, to cheer D.walking, to cheering )12.---Which colour do you like better , Grey, black or white?---_________, I like green. A.none B.Either C.Neither D.Both )13.---Do you have any difficulty in __________ English? ---Yes, but I try to make myself _________. A.to speak, understood B.speaking, understand C.to speak, to understand D.speaking, understood )14.He was about to leave for the party __________the phone suddenly rang. A. as B. until C. that D. when )15.Over these years I have had a new understanding of _____ people traditionally is called a perfect person. A.what B.that C.how D.why )16.Something you can only __________ the problem is to let everyone know about it. A.deal with B.do with C.how to deal with D.what to do with )17.__________that the film directed by Han Han is worth__________. A.It says, watching B.It is said , to be watched C.It is said, watching D.It says, to be watched ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )18.There is no doubt _________ he will work out all these difficult problems. A.that B.if C.whether D.what )19. —___ I take my umbrella with me?—____better to do so. The weather is changeable. A. Must; You’d B. Shall; It’s C. Need; You’d D. Would; It’s )20.My father served in the army in __________when he was in __________. A.1950’s, twenties B.the 1950s, his twenties C.the 1950’s, the twenties D.1950s, his twenties )21.The palace caught fires three times in the last century and little of the original building _________ now. A.remains B.is remained C.is remaining D.has been remained )22.Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain __________I could stop her. A.until B.as soon as C.before D.after )23.Sadly, only less than half of the passengers ________the shipwrecking(海滩)in Korea. A.survived B.survived in C.survived from D.survived out )24.In China, a new-born baby is always __________ its father’s family name. A.named B.named after C.naming D.naming after )25.Kate’s dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him_____it is convenient(方便) A.because B.whenever C.although D.unless )26.What impressed me most was __________they never __________. A.whether, lost hearts B.that , lost their hearts C.why , lost their heart D.that , lost heart )27.The show he paid much attention to _________successful at last. A.proved B.was proved C.proving D.was proving )28.John feels more and more difficult to look after his yard ________he grows older. A.because B.for C.since D.as )29. ______ by the growing interest in nature, more and more people enjoy outdoor sports. A. Influenced B. Influencing C. Having influenced D. To be influenced )30.Mark needs to learn Chinese ________his company is opening a branch in Beijing. A.unless B.until C.although D.since )31.---I really can’t believe such a learned man has made so silly a mistake. ---Don’t you know _______sense is worth more than knowledg

doc文档 期末复习基础易错难题整理 江苏省无锡市天一中学2021-2022学年九年级上册

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