语法填空专练 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Yu Ting plays the violin pretty __________ (good). 2. Would you mind __________ (pass) me the water? 3. My favorite player is Yao Ming, and __________ (you)? 4. Edison __________ (invent) the light. 5. My father __________ (smoke) a lot. I want him __________ (give) up __________ (smoke). 6. I did this by __________ (I). 7. Mary is good at __________ (perform) ballet. 8. Phelps was the first athlete __________ (win) so many medals at a single Olympics. 9. I’m going to __________ (relax) myself at home. 10. What should we do __________ (prevent) it? 11. Li Lei __________ (spend) an hour __________ (do) his homework last night. 12. The door opened __________ (it). 13. There __________ (be) a sports meet next weekend. 14. __________ (swim) is good for __________ (we) health. 15. It’s a good way __________ (make) you strong. 16. Does he ___________ (skate) much? 17. It’s my first time __________ (be) the winner of this game. 18. Here are some ___________ (photo) of famous __________ (sport) stars. 19. Lisa prefers ___________ (dance) to ___________ (sing). 20. I see him ___________ (play) basketball almost every evening when I pass the playground. 21. I broke my cup, I need __________ (buy) a new one. 22. Would you like __________ (join) us? 23. Would you like __________ (come) and cheer me on? 24. Students must keep their clothes __________ (clean). 25. Tom __________ (teach) __________ (he) English even when he was a child. 26. My boss kept me __________ (wait) for a long time. 27. My sister always _______ (play) table tennis on Sundays, but next week she _________ (play) it on Saturday. 28. Why not __________ (play) with us? 29. Michael __________ (visit) many places, and got there very late. 30. Please tell the patient __________ (drink) more water and __________ (not eat) hot food. 31. After __________ (take) the pills, he felt better. 32. __________ (do) morning exercises can keep us __________ (health). 33. Would you mind __________ (I) __________ (smoke) here? 34. Keep __________ (try)! 35. The doctor said his son __________ (get) a headache. 36. Each of us __________ (go) to shool by bike every day. 37. There __________ (be) a talk show on TV, it was really interesting. 38. What does Mr. Smith mean by __________ (tell) me that? 39. Our team is sure __________ (win) the game. 40. The group did their best __________ (work) out the math problem. 41. I __________ (do) it in a minute. 42. Our school __________ (hold) a wonderful party. We all had a good time. 43. __________ (care) for the patients well is my duty. 44. His daughter __________ (ring) __________ (he) up last night. 45. The twins enjoy __________ (dance). 46. Who __________ (look) after the baby every morning? 47. My father often __________ (get) up early when he was young. 48. Going to bed early __________(help) make __________ (we) strong. 49. China __________ (win) 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. 50. __________ (not be) late next time. 51. I’m really sorry for __________ (make) mistakes. 52. Yesterday he __________ (sweep) the floor, and did some __________ (wash). 53. There are many people __________ (do) exercise there. 54. Could you tell me how __________ (get) to the station? 55. __________ (hand) in your homework now. 56. My mother ___________ (go) to New York next Monday. 57. We should eat __________ (much) fruit and vegetables and __________ (little) meat. 58. They are busy __________ (study) __________ (pass) the exam. 59. This pair of shoes __________ (look) so nice. 60. You don’t have __________(some) questions. May I ask you __________ (some) questions? 61. Exercising more is good for __________ (we) __________ (health). 62. Let’s __________ (make) it 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. 63. The little boy hopes __________ (become) a doctor when he __________ (grow) up. 64. How important happiness __________ (be). 65. He has a fever. He had better __________ (go) to see a doctor. 66. My grandfather __________ (join) the Party in 1971. 67. Please __________ (tell) him __________ (not forget) his work. 68. __________(be) washing the clothes my duty? 69. I __________ (give) him the message when he comes back. 70. Why do you think it can help make us __________ (health)? 71. I want______(buy) a book. 72. Sunday is _______ (1) day of a week. 73. He'd like _______ (go) with tom. 74. They all enjoy _______ (speak) English. 75. This story is as _________ (interest) as that one. 76. Do you finish ________ (read) this story b

docx文档 适当形式填空与语法填空专练2021-2022学年牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语上册

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