Unit 2 Lesson 12 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.Mrs.Li plants some vegetables and flowers in the y    . 2.Andy’s brother is doing his homework c    . 3.My mother bought some     (种子) from the market. 4.He is watching a program about     (农业) on CCTV-7. 5.I planted a seed and it     (发芽) a few days later. Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 6.     (catch) the first bus, Mr. Green got up early. 7.They enjoy going to the park     (have) fun. 8.Be     (care)! Don’t fall off the ladder. 9.Agriculture is about     (grow) plants, isn’t it? 10.People     (plant) many trees around their houses last year. Ⅲ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 at the top of, a flower bud, a lot, raise animals, look after 11.He knows       about music. 12.My mother likes       . 13.I’m going to       my sister. 14.Please write your telephone number       this page. 15.       will open up and turn into a flower. Ⅳ.单项选择 16.When the temperature is below zero, water will     ice. A.turn into B.turn to C.turn in D.turn off 17.Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn     every day. A.nothing new B.new something C.something new D.new nothing 18.She is free. She has no housework     on Sundays. A.do B.does C.to do D.doing 19.     energy, we will go to the park on foot. A.Save B.Saving C.Saved D.To save 20.Many people complain that some of KFCs in China     the price of a hamburger by one yuan. A.rose B.raised C.dropped D.controlled Ⅴ.阅读理解 School gardens have appeared across the country. Teachers use the gardens to give lessons in science, maths and more. Studies show that kids who work in outdoor gardens get higher scores on science tests. Teachers hope that by learning where their food comes from, kids will make healthier food choices at meal times. Students at No. 2 Middle School plant seeds in spring. They grow pumpkins( 南 瓜 ), peppers(辣椒) and broccoli(西兰花). The students look after the garden until summer. They get in the vegetables in fall. Li Yan likes that job best. “It’s like a hunt( 狩 猎 ),” she said. “You have to look at all the vegetables to find the ones that are ready to be picked.” The school gives away the vegetables to a food bank. “Giving back to the community(社 区) is an important lesson,” says the school leader. Li Yan likes the idea that her hard work helps others. “Everyone can make a difference,” she says. 21.The passage is mainly about     . A.life on a farm B.school gardens C.eating healthy food D.how to plant vegetables 22.Studies show that working in the garden can help you to study     better. A.English B.science C.P.E. D.history 23.Students at No. 2 Middle School will work in the school garden for     . A.a whole year B.one season C.two seasons D.three seasons 24.What do they do with the vegetables? A.They eat them at school. B.They give them away to a food bank. C.They sell them to the community. D.They take them home. 25.Which is TRUE according to the passage? A.Students will pick all the vegetables at the same time. B.It takes students too much time to work in the garden. C.Li Yan is a student who wants to make the school gardens different from others. D.School gardens are a good place to educate students. 答案 Ⅰ.1.yard 2.carefully 3.seeds 4.agriculture 5.sprouted Ⅱ.6.To catch 7.to have 8.careful 9.growing 10.planted Ⅲ.11.a lot 12.raising animals/to raise animals 13.look after 14.at the top of 15.A flower bud Ⅳ.16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B  Ⅴ.21—25 BBDBD

doc文档 Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册

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Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册 第 3 页 Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册 第 4 页 Unit 2 Lesson 12 练习题 2021—2022学年冀教版八年级英语下册 第 5 页
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