2022 年高考语法复习百题斩-形容词和副词 一、单句语法填空精练 1.(2021·甘肃·合水县第一中学高三月考)We can only hope the court is ________ (mercy). 2.(2021·甘肃·合水县第一中学高三月考)She felt lonely and completely ________ (hope). 3.Madagascar is the most ________ (fascinate) place I have ever been to. 4.The door remained ________ (lock) although he tried again. 5 . The sharing economy has grown rapidly in recent years and has helped drive ________(economy) growth. 6.In those days, recording sound was not ________(technical) possible. 7.The library in the city is ________ (access) to people at weekends. 8.They gave a ________(convince) demonstration of the car's safety features. 9.There is no doubt that he is one of the ________(admire) novelists this country has so far produced. 10.There are ________ (variety) books and magazines in the library. 11.(2021·河北·石家庄市第十七中学高三月考) ________ (tradition), the most popular movies are instructive and appeal to people of all classes. 12.(2021·河北·石家庄市第十五中学高三月考)I feel greatly ________(honour)to have been invited to give a lecture at the meeting. 13.(2021·河北·石家庄市第十五中学高三月考)If you read ________ (frequent), you win likely have an easier time remembering what you are reading. 14.(2021·江苏省阜宁中学高三月考) More ________ ( controversy ), he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talents. 15 . ( 2021· 江 苏 省 阜 宁 中 学 高 三 月 考 ) In some western countries, students from a ________ ( privilege) background have no advantage at university. 16.(2021·吉林·长春北师大附属学校高三开学考试)________ (fortunate), I didn't buy my ticket before the prices went up. 17.(2021·吉林·长春北师大附属学校高三月考)The cloth feels ________ (smoothly). 18.( 2021·福建师大附中高三开学考试) There was a time when students, particularly those from remote areas, chose their majors blindly due to not being ________(adequate) equipped with relevant information. 19.(2021·福建师大附中高三开学考试)It is ________(courage) of him to quit the steady job he has taken on for 15 years, and devotes himself to a field that he is totally unfamiliar with. 20.(2021·福建师大附中高三开学考试) Not only does the president of the company bring material comforts to his employees, but he is also viewed as their ________(spirit)leader. 21.(2021·江苏·常州市第三中学高三月考)I knew it was going to be hard to find another job in the ________(compete) working market. 22 . ( 2021· 福 建 师 大 附 中 高 三 月 考 ) The issue of whether advertising languages are attractive and ________ (persuade) or not has become the point of attention. 23 . ( 2021· 福 建 师 大 附 中 高 三 月 考 ) Within a decade, robotic surgeons may be able to perform operations much more ________ (reliable) than any human. 24.(2021·福建师大附中高三月考)I had to keep the video camera readily ________ (access) in case I saw something that needed to be filmed. 25.(2021·广东·深圳外国语学校高三月考)________ (addict) the computer games, he couldn’t focus on his study. 26.(2021·江苏海门·高三月考)One day, Mrs Tang's nose started bleeding and she fell and became ________(consciousness) while cooking up a pan of porridge for breakfast. 27.(2021·江苏海门·高三月考)The introduction of programmes like these will ________(hope) help end systematic destruction of the environment and sec alternative energy promoted around the world. 28.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________ (nature) course. 29.The police were a bit ________ (suspect) of the package that was left in the corridor. 30.That would be a very ________ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours 31.“Thirty-five cents,” she said ________ (rude). 32.________ (doubt), although there is still room for improvement to this policy, I think it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation. 33.They then launched an e-commerce company selling various kinds of________ (agriculture) products from all over the region. 34.________ (puzzle) animals that are active during the day head back to their night places while night animals think they've overslept. 35 . He advised people to wear masks, wash hands ________ (frequent), stay at home and not to go to crowd places. 36.According to a study published in the UK recently, those who like jogging and do this kind of exercise ________ (regular) for at least one hour a week have very high chances to live a longer life. 37.To________ (full) appreciate the ancient roots of the herbal drink, a visit to the China National Tea Museum might be in order. 38.Many families have ________ (meaning) ways of celebrating the holiday. 39 . Use some simple techniques to distract from the issue and ___

docx文档 第6斩 形容词和副词-2022年高考英语语法重难点复习百题斩

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