时文阅读|杨倩摘得奥运首金 在 2020 年东京奥运会上,中国射击运动员杨倩于 7 月 24 日在女子 10 米气步枪比赛中摘得首金, 这是中国代表团的第一枚金牌,也是东京奥运会的第一枚金牌。为奥运健儿杨倩喝彩,为这些正用实 际行动证明自己的 00 后喝彩! 阅读短文并回答问题 Chinese young gun Yang Qian claimed the first gold of the Tokyo Olympics with a victory in women’s 10m air rifle ( 气 步 枪 ) on July 24 in Tokyo, Japan. Russian markswoman Anastasiia Galashina took the silver and Nina Christen of Switzerland bagged the bronze. Yang, who was ranked sixth in the qualification, scored 251.8 points in the final, beating Galashina’s 251.1 points to set off Team China to a fine start in Tokyo. Trailing by a mere 0.1 point ahead of the final two shots, Yang saw the gap widen despite a 10.7-point shot, as her rival(对手)made an impressive 10.8. However, when it came to the last shot that would define the eventual champion, Galashina surprisingly shot for 8.9 points, and lost the Olympic title to Yang, who had a 9.8. “I am very happy and proud to win this gold,” said the 21-year-old in a calm tone. The result set the standard for future Olympic competitors as Tokyo 2020 is the first games under new competition rules for the event. “I was extremely nervous before the final shot, and all I could do was to calm down,” the young Olympic champion recalled. “I wasn’t as calm as I appeared to be. During the qualification and the final I kept adjusting my mentality(心态)gradually, trying to shake the pressure off me, and I think I did well in doing so.” Yang had to stand up to a long wait for other shooters to finish their shots before reaching the final. The favored Indian duo, world record holder Apurvi Chandela and world no.1 Elavenil Valarivan, bowed out after the 60-shot qualification round. Norwegian Jeanette Hegg Duestad was the dark horse in the qualification, setting an Olympic record of 632.9 points. But the 22-year-old narrowly missed the medals in the final. 1. What is the purpose of paragraph 1? A. To show the course of the shooting event. B. To state the events of the Tokyo Olympics. C. To introduce the result of the shooting event. D. To explain the competition rules of the Olympics. 2. What does the underlined word “Trailing” probably mean in paragraph 2? A. Scoring. B. Measuring. C. Multiplying. D. Losing. 3. What can we know from Yang’s words? A. She was too nervous to keep calm. B. It was difficult to defeat her opponents. C. Being mentally calm is crucial to success. D. She narrowly won the gold due to a mistake. 4. Which section of a magazine is this text probably taken from? A. Education and culture. B. Sports and health. C. Science and technology. D. Nature and geography. 答案:CDCB 生词 1. markswoman n. 女射手;神射手 2. bronze n. 铜牌 3. define v. 明确 4. duo n. 搭档 语块 1. set off 出发;动身;启程 2. shake…off 摆脱 3. stand up to 忍受 4. bow out 退出,告别 5. qualification round 资格赛 6. dark horse 黑马 知识拓展 Tokyo Olympics 2020 年东京奥运会(Games of the Tokyo Olympic),即第 32 届夏季奥林匹克运动会,于 2021 年 07 月 23 日~2021 年 08 月 08 日在日本东京举办。 10 meter air rifle 十米气步枪是奥运会比赛项目之一,分男子赛和女子赛。也是第 29 届奥运会射击比赛项目之一 在现代奥运史上,除了 1904 年第 3 届奥运会和 1928 年第 8 届奥运会外,射击在其余各届奥运会中都 是正式比赛项目。1896 年在雅典举行的第 1 届奥运会上,射击比赛设 5 个项目。1920 年第 7 届奥运会 上增加到 21 个项目,也是历届奥运会中射击设项最多的一次。 2008 年北京奥运会,射击项目设置 15 个比赛项目。

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