06 阅读填表、多任务混合阅读题型 备战 2022 年英语中考“讲好冬奥故事,共赴冰雪之约”冰雪运动专题题型专练 阅读填表 01 The game of curling(冰壶) is more than 500 years old. But curling did not appear as an Olympic sport until the 1998 Winter Games with both men’s and women’s championships. At the games, two teams play against each other at a time. The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1-kilogram stones towards several concentric (同心的) rings or circles. Their aim is to get the stones as close to the center of the rings as possible. One game is made up of 10“ends”. During each end, each four-person team “throws” eight stones. Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone’s direction and the stone’s speed(速度). The team with the fewest points at the end of the game,is the loser. 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5.__________ 【短文大意】 短文向我们展示了冰壶运动的历史以及规则。冰壶运动已有 500 多年历史。但直到 1998 年冬季奥运会男子 锦标赛和女子锦标赛之后,冰壶才成为奥运会项目。在比赛中,两个队同时进行比赛。这场比赛是在冰上 进行的。团队成员清扫每一块石头前面的冰,以控制石头的方向和速度。比赛结束时得分最少的球队是失 败者。 【答案解析】 1.over 2.weight 3.can 4.control 5.most 【第 1 题】细节理解题。根据句子 The game of curling(冰壶) is more than 500 years old.可知,冰壶运动已有 500 多年的历史了。我们知道 more than 的同义词为 over。因此该题填:over。 【第 2 题】 细节理解题。根据句子 The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1kilogram stones towards several concentric (同心的) rings or circles. 可知,这场比赛是在冰上进行的,两队轮 流将 19.1 公斤重的石头推向几个同心圆。the weight of the stone “石头的重量” 的意思。故本题填:weight。 【第 3 题】细节理解题。根据句子 Their aim is to get the stones as close to the center of the rings as possible. 他 们的目标是让石头尽可能靠近环的中心。其同义句是 To get the stones as close to the center of the rings as they can. 故答案为:can。 【第 4 题】细节理解题。根据句子 Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone’s direction and the stone’s speed(速度).团队成员清扫每一块石头前面的冰,以控制石头的方向和速度。 可知,团队成员清扫每一块石头前面的冰是为了控制石头的方向和速度。因此本题填:control。 【第 5 题】细节理解题。根据句子 The team with the fewest points at the end of the game is the loser. 可知,比 赛结束时得分最少的球队是失败者。那么得分最多的球队是获胜者。其英语是:The team with the most points is the winner. 故答案为:most。 阅读填表 02 阅读填空(注意:一空只填一词) Many people enjoy skiing (滑雪), but more and more people are trying snowboarding (踏板滑雪). No one is sure who started snowboarding. Many people think it was Jack Burchett. In 1929, Burchett made a simple snowboard out of wood and tied (系) it to his feet. Snowboarding is now a popular winter sport, but twenty years ago, snowboarders could not do it in ski resorts (滑雪场) because resorts owners thought it was a dangerous activity. Snowboarders usually found other places to enjoy the sport. Today snowboarders are welcome at most ski resorts. Snowboarding has become an Olympic sport. Snowboarding is an exciting sport, but it can also be dangerous. Many snowboarders get hurt every year. Before snowboarding, you should take lessons and make sure you are in good health. You should also check (检查) your snowboard to make sure nothing is wrong with it. Remember, never snowboard alone. An exciting winter sport How it started Many people think Jack Burchett made the 1.snowboard. Twenty years ago ﹡People thought it was a 2. activity. ﹡This winter sport becomes 3. . Now ﹡Snowboarders can do it in ski resorts. ﹡Snowboarding has become an Olympic sport. What to do 4. snowboarding ﹡Take lessons before it. ﹡Make sure you are 5.. ﹡Never snowboard alone. 【短文大意】 本文介绍了滑雪板运动。 【答案解析】 1.first 2.dangerous 3.popular 4.before 5.healthy 【第 1 题】 句意:很多人认为杰克·伯切特做了第一块滑雪板。考查细节理解。根据第一段第 2 至 4 句 No one is sure who started snowboarding. Many people think it was Jack Burchett. In 1929, Burchett made a simple snowboard out of wood and tied (系) it to his feet.(没有人确定是谁开始滑雪。很多人认为是杰克·伯切特。 1929 年,伯切特用木头做了一块简单的滑雪板,并把它绑在脚上。)可知“很多人认为杰克·伯切特做了第 一块滑雪板。”结合句意和提示可知填 first。 【第 2 题】句意:人们认为这是一项危险的活动。考查细节理解。根据第 2 段第 1 句 Snowboarding is now a popular winter sport, but twenty years ago, snowboarders could not do it in ski resorts (滑雪场) because resorts owners thought it was a dangerous activity.(滑雪板现在是一种流行的冬季运动,但 20 年前,滑雪板的人不 能在滑雪场滑雪,因为滑雪场的主人认为这是一种危险的活动。)可知“人们认为这是一项危险的活动。” 结合句意和提示可知填 dangerous。 【第 3 题】 句意:这项冬季运动很受欢迎。考查细节理解。根据第 2 段第 1 句中 Snowboarding is now a popular winter sport,(滑雪板现在是一种流行的冬季运动)可知“这项冬季运动很受欢迎。” 结合句意和提示 可知填 popular。 【第 4 题】 句意:滑雪板前要做什么?考查细节理解。根据第 3 段第 3 和 4 句 Before snowboarding, you should take lessons and make sure you are in good health. You should also check (检查) your snowboard to make sure nothing is wrong with it(在滑雪板之前,你应该去上课,确保身体健康。你还应该检查你的滑雪板, 以确保没有任何问题。)结合表格右栏内容可知此句是滑雪板前要做什么?结合句意和提示可知填 before。 【第 5 题】 句意:确保你身体健康。

doc文档 06 阅读填表、多任务混合阅读题型 备战2022年英语中考“讲好冬奥故事,共赴冰雪之约”冰雪运动专题题型专练

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