2021 年英语高考全国甲卷真题变式汇编 真题变式大题库 【原卷 1-3 题】 知识点 文学/艺术,应用文,推理判断,细节理解 1、B 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 2、A 3、C 1-3-1【提升】 BOX GALLERIES Established by Emma Moir in 2012, Box Galleries is a contemporary art gallery on the Kings Road in Chelsea, London. Here are some shows we offer. ILLUMINATI WEDNESDAY 04 NOV TO WEDNESDAY 18 NOV, 2021 Box Galleries is proud to announce its forthcoming focus on ‘ILLUMINATI’ by London-based artist, Illuminati Neon. It will be open to the public from 4th to 18th November 2021. The work will showcase how the power of Punk has created a whole dynamic (有活力的) method of expression. FAITH WEDNESDAY 09 SEP TO WEDNESDAY 30 SEP, 2021 Box Galleries is proud to present FAITH, an important focus on the exciting and dynamic work of Tommy Fiendish. This will be the first time for Box Galleries to shine its spotlight on the youngest artistic talent born in the UK. It will be open to the public from 9th to 30th September 2021 with private appointments with both Fiendish and the gallerist available on request. NOW WHAT THURSDAY 02 JUL TO FRIDAY 31 JUL, 2021 Box Galleries are delighted to be showcasing the last ever titles from the well-known PULP FICTION series by The Connor Brothers. The series is an incredibly rich body of the artworks of 1950’s dime novels (廉价小说), giving them a new meaning. We are expecting these pieces to sell out extremely quickly. WOOF SATURDAY 10 AUG TO SATURDAY 31 AUG, 2021 Box Galleries are holding a special exhibition WOOF from 10th to 31st August, offering 10% of all sale intake to the charity, Animal Rescue Kefalonia (ARK), by which over 350 cats and dogs have been rescued. It will feature a collection of stone dog sculptures. We will be holding a doggy day on the 10th August from 11am to 2pm. All dogs are welcome and will be gifted with a doggy treat bag. 1、Which show will last the longest? A.ILLUMINATI. B.FAITH. C.NOW WHAT. D.WOOF. 2、What is special about WOOF? A.It has saved over 350 cats and dogs. B.It will donate all the income to ARK. C.A doggy day will last through the show. D.It will exhibit some dog figures made of stone. 3、What does ILLUMINATI have in common with FAITH? A.Artist’s nationality. B.Private appointment. C.Time length. D.Theme. 【正确答案】1、 C 2、 D 3、 D 1-3-2【基础】 Art beat in March Buddhist paintings A distinctive genre of art history, Buddhist paintings are largely of the Ming and Qing dynasties. In addition to the Buddhas, the paintings also portray Taoist figures and folk tale fairies, and normally used emperors, chancellors and generals as prototypes. They feature meticulous gongbi brushwork and thick layers of magnificent colors. 9 a.m.—5 p.m., closed on Mondays, until April 6. Capital Museum,16 Fuxingmenwai Dajie (Street), Xicheng district, Beijing. 010-6337-0491/2. Retrospective for an Impressionist Oil painter Sun Yuntai (1913-2005) expressed a deep affection for nature in his landscapes that feature complex and accurate brushwork. A commemorative exhibition at Soka Art Center displays 29 of his paintings created between 1989 and 1999. The paintings are rich with genuine emotions and imagination. 10 a.m.—6:30 p.m., closed on Mondays, until March 30. Soka Art Center, 798 art district, 4Jiuxianqiao Lu (Road), Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5978-4808. Royal collection Masterpieces from the collections of the prince of Liechtenstein are on show in Shanghai until the beginning of June. The show consists of more than 100 oil paintings, prints and tapestries . Highlights include works by Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck and others from the Flemish school of painting. 9 a.m.—5 p.m., Tue-Sun, until Jun 2. Exhibition hall 17, China Art Museum Shanghai, 205 Shangnan Lu (Road), Pudong New Area, Shanghai. 400-921-9021. Qi Baishi's oeuvre Beijing Fine Art Academy’s museum boasts many works by Qi Baishi (1864-1957), the Chinese painting master, ranging from his ink-and-wash works to calligraphy and seals. The exhibition enriches people’s understanding of Qi’s art philosophy by displaying his diaries, letters, poems and notes, along with his artworks. It also shows for the first time a set of 12 paintings of Chinese zodiac animals. The subject was a rarity of Qi’s oeuvre that mostly feature mountains and water, flowers and birds and figures. 9 a.m.—5 p.m., until April 8. Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Courtyard 12, Chaoyang Gongyuan Nan Lu (Road), Beijing. 010-6502-5171. 1、Which of the following exhibitions lasts the longest time? A.Buddhist paintin

doc文档 全国甲卷-2021年高考英语真题变式汇编

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