7 年级首字母名校卷汇编--第 3 期 【2018 学年上海中学东校 7B U1 单元测试卷 】 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(14x1’) (1) T1 of sleeping on the floor ,a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot ,he carried the bed onto the roof of his house ,He slept very well for the first two nights ,but on the third night ,a storm b 2 up. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and set it crashing into the courtyard below .The young man did not wake up u 3 the bed had struck the ground: Although the bed was mashed to pieces ,the man was miraculously unhurt .When he woke up ,he was still on the mattress. G 4 at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor .he promptly went to sleep again. (2) The return of the Avengers The Long- awaited trailer .for Avengers :Infinity War is finally here .Marvel fans are so e 1 that they watch every second of the trailer, carefully trying to discover any new information in the two-and-a-half-minute video. The trailer (预告片) reveals the MK48 suit for the first time; it also gives us our first real look at Nomad and Thanos. Tony Stark(Iron Man) loves his suits almost as much as he loves himself .His suits are very popular ,and his-fans look forward to his new suits just as much as the movie .They are going c 6 over the MK48 suit in the trailer. Since the events in Captain America: Civil War .Steve Rogers (Captain America) has been on the run from the authorities .Fans g 7 that he might be back as Nomad .According to trailer ,that is really the case. The new version of Captain America is ready to l 8 huge team in the fight against Thano. The trailer also offers the first clear look at Thanos . He beats powerful heroes like Iron Man and Vision as if they were nothing.It seems that he is get in much s 9 as he gets more Infinity Stopes. Avenges Infinity War will be theaters in May 2018.and fans can look forward to an exciting storyline and some impressive fights between heroes and the villains(反派人物) . (3) Turn food waste into green energy. Americans waste a lot of food--about 60 billion kilograms a year-- one third of all the food produced in the U.S. This not only wastes money and resources, but also destroys the environment .Food waste is often set to landfills. Then it releases g 10 gas, a main cause of global warming. Scientists have been looking for solutions to the food waste problem. Now researchers at Cornell University in Ithaca .New York ,think they have found a possible way. They say they by two simple c 11 processes we could turn food waste into green energy. The point is to "turn food waste into a valuable resource." said Roy Posmanik , a researcher at Cornell University. Fist, food waste is heated under high pressure to create o 12 that can be made into fuel. Then the waste will be broken down into biogas .This gas can be used to produce electricity and h 13 ,according to the researchers. In the future, food waste from homes ,supermarket and r 14 may be sent not to landfills but to treatment plants(处理用). (D) D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (7x2’ ) On December 23,2008, Niu Niu held a piano concert at the National Grand Thealer.As an eleven-year-old boy, he became the youngest pianist ever to perform a concert at the theater. Never too young to learn Niu Niu was born into musical family in Xiamen. His father Zhang was a piano teacher. Niu Niu grew up listening to his father's student playing the piano.At just three years old, Niu Niu asked his father to t1 him to play, too. “I gave Niu Niu some sheet music and helped him find the eight notes when he first played the piano. To my surprise ,he played nearly 80 percent correct” said the father .He used to think that 3 years old is too young an age to learn piano, but Niu Niu c 2 his mind. He continued to allow Niu Niu to watch his teaching of other students and gave him more sheet music to play. Playing for f 3 Zhang started giving Niu Niu standard(标淮的) piano lessons when he was four .Unlike many other piano teachers, Zhang didn't insist that Niu Niu play strictly with the correct finger positioning. He said that the strict finger positioning would r 4 some kids of fun of playing. So Niu Niu could play in his own way .He could play th

doc文档 第3期 -初中英语首字母填空上海名校卷汇编

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