Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、根据句意、首字母填空 1.Paper cutting is a pretty traditional Chinese ________. 2.— Who’s your daughter’s favourite ________ character? — Micky Mouse. 3.In fact, if you want to ________ a celebrity, Covent Garden is a good place to start. 4.—Would you m______ teaching me English? —Not at all. 5.My classmates decided to r____________ some money for the poor boy. He needed money very much. 6 . Our teacher asked us to have a group d____________ about the problem in class and we had two minutes to talk about it. 7.True friends never forget to c________ about each other and show loves. 8.I was scared by a man who suddenly a________ behind a tree. 9.It’s an u________ day for me. I lost my keys. 10.Tom often has d________ about the math problems with me after class. 11.The c______ in the story are fantastic. 12.Jason heard the good n___________ on the radio this morning. 13.She is the funniest person I’ve ever met. She often tells us j________ and makes us laugh. 14.However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to s_____ the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. 15.We were excited when we heard the good n________. 16.We had a d______ about free-time activities last week. 17.I want to r_____________ out my hand to touch the lovely baby. 18.He told me an exciting piece of n______. 19.People often play j________ on other people on April Fool's Day. 20.I am not good at soccer. Would you m______ teaching me? 21.Hangzhou is f________ for the West Lake. 22.To celebrate the Spring Festival, Chinese usually have a big dinner. The m______ dish of this meal is almost always fish, which means having enough things every year. 23.I can't s______ game shows. They are too boring. 24.You're late for school again. Can you tell me the r________? 25.Singer Zhoushen is f___________ for his beautiful voice. 26.We should take a________ to protect wild animals. 27.Hangzhou is a beautiful city full of c_________ and history. 28.Everyone e________ to see Bill at the party but he didn't come. 29.I want to c___________ a nice gift for her as a birthday present. 30.It is m________ to cry over lost things. What you have is more important. 31.I don't like this story. It's m________. 32.The tall girl is very famous. She often a_____________ on television. 33.Lily thinks documentaries are more e________ than sitcoms because she can learn a lot from them . 34.I don't have any money, so I e___________ to get a job in the next two weeks. 35.In China, lots of people think “four” is a(n) u_____________ number. 36.I can't s________ the book. It is too boring. 37.In Guangzhou, snow is not very c________ in winter because the weather isn't cold. 38.I like c________ best because they make me laugh a lot. 二、根据汉语提示填空 39.We all _______ (仰慕) those heroes who work hard to fight against the virus (病毒). 40.We were__________ (不幸的)with the bad weather this weekend. 41.Each time when you make a__________ (决定), you should think carefully. 42.He is so _________ (幸运的)to take a photo with his favorite singer. 43.The Monkey King is one of the earliest ________ (卡通) in China. 44.The old man wanted to h____ (隐藏) his money under the sofa. 45.Jason heard the good ________ (新闻) on the radio this morning. 46.Don’t try to c____ (欺骗) others because they will know the truth one day. 47.The Chinese government has done a lot to control plastic ________(污染)in big cities. 48.Almost every part of China has its own special forms of ________(传统的)art. 49.You can’t ________ (期待)to learn a foreign language in just a few months. 50.After the heavy rain, a beautiful rainbow ________ (出现) over the lake. 51.I would like to ________ (推荐) Lin Fang for the Grade 7 Most Helpful student Award. 52.She learned something about western ________ (文化). 53.I’d like to ________(分享)my experience with you all. 54.The volunteers try to r________ (筹集) more money for the poor children. 55.We should show kindness to doctors who try to ________ (保护) our lives. 56.They want to know something about forests. So they decide to ________ (探索) forest next month. 57.Smith’s family are ________(计划) a trip to Shanghai. 58.I waited for Jim for a long time, but he didn’t ________ (出现). 59.She ________ (期待) to learn a lot from the news and hopes to be a TV reporter one day. 60.I want to ________ (实现) my dream right now. 61.Watching soap operas is a waste of time. They are ________(毫无意义的). 62.I can speak some ________(简单的)Japanese. 63.It’s very ________(普通

doc文档 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?-2021-2022学年八年级英语上册单词默背小卷(人教版)

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