7A Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 知识清单 一、Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 1. play sports 做运动; do exercise 做锻炼 2. I walk to my bowl many times a day. 【time 作“时间”不可数;作“次数、时代”可数】 区分:some time 一些时间; sometime 某时、某个时侯; some times 几次; sometimes 有时 拓展:once 一次、一旦、曾经; twice 两次、两倍; three times 三次、三倍 拓展:He plays football three times a week. (对划线部分提问) _______ ________ ________ does he play football every week? He plays football three times a week. (对划线部分提问) _______ ________ does he play football? 3. fun sports 有趣的运动 【fun 作形容词:有趣的,常用于口语中,相当于 interesting】 【fun 作名词:有趣的事,不可数,如:have fun =have a good time 玩得开心】 拓展:funny 作形容词,意为:好笑的,滑稽的。如:tell funny jokes 4. enjoy swimming 喜欢游泳 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 【enjoy to do sth.是错误的】 like/love doing sth 或 like/love to do sth. 拓展:enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time 玩得开心 enjoy oneself doing sth. = have fun doing sth.= have a good time doing sth. 5. Playing football is my favourite sport. 【动名词短语作主语,谓语单数形式】 = My favourite sport is playing football. ♥favourite 前要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。 Swimming is one of my ______________ favourite sports. (father) ♥Running is Tom’s favourite sport. = Tom likes running best. 【favourite 转化为 like...best】 6. What/How about (doing) sth.? = Why not do sth.? = Shall we do sth.? = Let’s do sth. 表示征求某人的意见:我们去做某事好不好/怎么样? 【about 是介词,后接名词、代词宾格或动名词】 What about him? What/How about going running? = Why not go running? 【why not +动原?】 =Why don’t you/we go running? =Let’s go running.=Shall we go running? 二、Reading 1. like ... very much = like .... a lot 非常喜欢....(very much 表示程度,放句末) 2. my favourite football star 我最喜欢的足球明星 3. a new member of Huanghe Football Club 黄河足球俱乐部的一个新成员 ♥拓展与区别:【a member of... ...中的一个成员】 【a number of... 许多 = many + 可数名词复数】 【the number of... ....的数量】 Eg. _________________ the boys in our class is 30. ________________ girls in our class are from England. 【注意 is 和 are 单复数】 4. look strong 看起来很强壮 (look young/ look happy/ look tired) look + 形容词(adj.) 【look 在此作系动词:看起来,接形容词构成系表结构】 ♥拓展与区别: His father looks happy. His father looks happily at him. 【look at 行为动词:看;happily 副词修饰动词】 5. Li Hua plays football very well. = Li Hua is a very good football player. Eg. Miss Yang speaks _________ English. = Miss Yang speaks English _______. ♥区别:good 形容词,作表语或作定语修饰名词; Well 作形容时表“身体好”;作副词常修饰动词。 6.in his free time 在他的业余时间里 7.enjoy listening to music 喜欢听音乐 8.make him happy 让他开心 = make him feel happy 【make + 宾语 + 形容词(作宾补)】 Listening to music makes him happy. 【Listening to music 动名词短语作主语看作单数】 拓展:keep,think,find 等动词有相似的用法: keep the classroom clean; think Tom clever; find English easy 9.want to play in the next World Cup 希望参加下一次世界杯 【want to do sth. = would like to do sth.想要做某事】 10. I hope (that) his dream comes true. 我希望他的梦想成为现实。 【hope+宾语从句;come true 无被动】 【重点】hope 用法:hope to do sth. (hope sb. to do sth.是错误句型) eg.I hope to become a doctor. hope + (that)宾语从句(从句中常用一般将来时) hope for sth. hope for success = hope to be successful 希望成功 11. Is Li Hua in any club? 【be in = a member of】 Kate is in the Reading Club. = Kate is _____ ______ ______ the Reading Club. 拓展:any+单数,意为“任何一个”;any+复数,意为“一些”。 Eg. You can borrow any book from the library. 12. ----How does he look? = What does he look like?=What is he like? 【询间人的外貌和长相】 -----He looks strong./He is tall and fat. 拓展:---What is he like? 【也可用来询间人的性格】 ---He is very kind and friendly. 三、Grammar 语法学习重点: 一般现在时——用于谈论我们经常做的事;目前的状态;目前的爱好、能力;客观事实;真 理。 常见时间短语:often, sometimes, usually, always, every week, on Sundays, once a month 等。 谓语动词形式:原形 或 三单。动词三单的变化规则与名词复数相似: makes, eats 规则动词 + s teaches, misses, fixes, finishes ch, sh, ss, x 结尾 + es carries, cries 辅音字母 + y 结尾,把 y 改为 ies go--- goes, do --- does, have--- has 特殊变化 句式:否定句:含 be, ---- isn’t, am not, aren’t, 行为动词构成的------ don’t + 动词原形, doesn’t + 动词原形; 疑问句: 含 be 的,直接将 be 提前,行为动词构成的,借助 do, does 并提前。 例:He always _____________(go) home at 6 p.m. What time _____________ your class _______________(begin) every morning? He with his friends _____________(like) swimming. The baby ______________(cry) when he is hungry. 【短语】at/on the weekend= at/on weekends 在周末 四、Integrated skills 1.Many of my students like sports. 我的很多学生喜欢运动。【many 在 of 前为代词】 拓展:some of us; one of the students, each of them 【some,one,each 在 of 前为代词】 【重点】:Some of the students like sports. ♥One of the students likes sports. 【one of +复数名词,谓语动词用单数】 2.What else do you want to do? = What other things do you want to do? 【other 与 else 的区别】 (1) other adj. 其它的 other + 名词 There is a boy in the classroom, the other boys are on the playground. (2) else 不能接名词,只能放在特

doc文档 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 知识清单(预习+复习+知识点巩固练习)

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