Unit 5 单元测试 一、单选题 1. The WWF is working hard A. save 2. D. saved B. are; from C. do; from D. does; from B. kind of C. a kind D. kinds of The Great Wall is so beautiful. I can't stop ______ photos. A. take 5. C. saves Not all the students like the book, because it is __________ boring. A. a kind of 4. B. to save Where __________ lions __________? A. is; from 3. the animals in danger. B. to take C. takes D. taking —Look! Kangkang, that old man is crossing the crosswalk. —Jane, let's ______ him. A. helps 6. C. helping D. help We must save animals because some of them are _________. A. dangerous 7. B. to help B. danger C. in danger D. be in danger —Letˈs go to the zoo this afternoon, Lisa. —_________. I can see my favorite animals there. 8. 9. A. Have a good time B. Sounds good C. Thatˈs for sure D. Me too There are __________ goods in that supermarket, but they are __________ expensive. A. a kind of; kind of B. kinds of; kind of C. a kind; a kind of D. kind of; a kind of Elephants are _________ great danger because people kill them _________ their ivory. A. in; with B. on; with C. in; for D. on; for 10. —Many animals are losing their homes. —Yes, because people _________ lots of trees. A. think of B. come true C. cut down D. help with 11. —Letˈs see the lions. —________. Letˈs see the tigers. A. Thank you B. Thatˈs boring C. Youˈre welcome D. Sounds great 12. —Letˈs _________ a walk after school. —That _________ great! A. have; speaks B. take; sounds C. bring; sounds D. go; speaks 13. —________ do you like animals? A. Why; Because —________ they are cute. B. What; So C. Why; So D. What; Because 14. Dogs are ________ and ________. So we all like them. A. friendly; boring B. cute; friendly C. lazy; shy D. young; ugly 15. The mascot(吉祥物) of Rio 2016 Olympic Games is ________ good luck. (  ) A. the number of B. the symbol of C. the day of D. the color of 二、完形填空 Thanks for visiting the Los Angeles Zoo. There are many the koalas first. Koalas are (17) (16) Australia. They are quiet, Children like them very much. The kangaroos(袋鼠) are also from quiet and interesting, have a (21) (20) in the zoo. Let's see (18) and cute. (19) . They are they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They neck(颈,脖子). They like to eat leaves. The lions are also from Africa. They are smart, but a little (22) . Many people don't like (23) . We also have pandas from China. They are cute and friendly, but they are very shy. So please be (24) . You can also see many other animals in our zoo. Have (25) here! 16. A. children B. flowers C. animals D. vegetables 17. A. at B. from C. in D. with 18. A. friendly B. noisy C. boring D. difficult 19. A. Canada B. China C. America D. Australia 20. A. or B. but C. and D. so 21. A. short B. big C. long D. small 22. A. cute B. clever C. shy D. scary 23. A. it B. you C. us D. them 24. A. busy B. clean C. quiet D. new 25. A. music B. fun C. dinner D. walk 三、阅读理解 A My name is Henry. I am black and white. I am a bird, but I can't fly(飞). I have very short legs, and I'm very fat. I eat fish. I like to live in the cold sea with ice(冰) because I like to walk on the ice and swim in the sea. Where am I from? I am from Antarctica(南极洲). Now, more and more people can see my pictures on QQ. My name is Yuanyuan. I live in China. I am black and white, and you can't see any other colors from my body. I like to eat bamboo leaves(竹叶). Why do a lot of people like me? Because I am lovely. I hope I can have more friends. My name is Emily. I am from Africa. I am shy. I have a very long neck and four thin(瘦的) legs. So I can reach the leaves on tall trees. And I can run fast. I am afraid of lions because they are never kind. Sometimes they want to eat me. 26. Henry can eat ________. A. leaves B. meat C. fish D. bamboo 27. Why do people like Yuanyuan? A. Because she is cute. B. Because she likes to eat bamboo leaves. C. Because she lives in China. D. Because she runs fast. 28. The underlined word "reach" means "________" in Chinese. A. 摇动 B. 找到 C. 摘取 D. 够着 C. a giraffe D. a lion 29. Henry may be ________. A. a panda B. a penguin 30. ________ is/are black and white. A. Yuanyuan and Emily B. Emily C. Henry and Emily D. Yuanyuan and Henry B Do you like animals? If you say "Yes", please come to our zoo to see the Australian koalas and the lions from South Afr

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