U5 Can you come to my party? 单元测试卷 一、听力略(20 题,20 分) 二、阅读理解 (20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A When you have a dinner party, what should you do? The following will help you. Try to open the door for each guest. If someone else answers the door, go to welcome your guests as soon as you can. Always offer to take their coats and ask, "Would you like me to take your coat?" People often bring gifts like flowers or chocolates to a dinner party. Be ready to receive( 接受) the gifts if they do. Get a vase so that you can put the flowers in water. Never leave a guest unattended(没人照顾的), especially when there is only one guest! If there is more than one, they can talk to each other. If the party is at home, a good idea is to have a toilet sign for people who don't know your house. If the party is somewhere else, like a restaurant, try not to be too loud, because not everyone in the restaurant is at your party. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 21. If others answer the door, you should . A. go to receive their presents B. leave them talk freely C. go to welcome your guests as soon as possibleD. close the door for them 22. If people bring gifts to your dinner party, you should . A. help them put the gifts on the table B. be ready to receive them C. get a vase D. put the flowers in water 23. If there is only one guest, you should . A. make him/her sit at a table B. make him/her wait until you are free C. never leave him/her unattended D. never talk to him/her 24. If you have the party at home, you should . A. invite lots of people B. try to be loud C. talk with each other D. have a toilet sign for people who don't know your house 25. If you have the party in a restaurant, you should . A. try not to be too loud B. have a toilet sign for people C. attend everyone D. talk to everyone B It was Jimmy’s birthday and he was five years old . He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family and one of them was a beautiful drum(鼓).     “ Who gave him that thing?”Jimmy’s father said when he saw it . “ His grandfather did ”answered Jimmy’s mother.   “Oh ”said his father.0f course Jimmy liked his drum very much.   He made a terrible noise with it but his father didn’t mind( 介意).His father was working during the day and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening .So he didn’t hear the noise.   But one of the neighbors didn’t like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy’s house while he was hitting his drum .She said to him “Hello Jimmy do you know there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife and let’s find it.” 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 26. Jimmy got quite a lot of nice presents ________. A. on his fourth birthday B. during the holiday C. on his fifth birthday D. when he was five years old 27.-Who gave Jimmy the drum? -________. A. His father B. His mother C. His neighbor D. His grandfather 28. Why did Jimmy’s father not stop him making a noise with the drum? Because ________. A. he wasn’t at home then B. he didn’t mind C. Jimmy was in bed D. Jimmy only played in the evening 29.One of the neighbors ________. A. liked Jimmy very much B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife D. didn’t like the noise at all 30. What did Jimmy’s neighbor really want him to do? A. To find something nice in his drum. B. To make a noise on his drum with a knife. C. To show him how to hit the drum. D. To cut the drum open with her knife. C Wherever travelers go, cameras are sure to follow. It’s great fun to take photos, and even more fun to show slides of the trip to friends and relatives when they come back home. There’s Aunt Sarah, smiling in front of Buckingham Palace; Aunt Sarah, smiling under the Eiffel Tower; and Aunt Sarah, smiling in a Venetian Canal. Everyone knows what Aunt Sarah looks like; they also know what Europe’s great landmarks (显著地面景观) look like. But a young man named David, just back from a trip to Greece, asked a few friends over to see his slides. The young man had an artist’s eye. His pictures were not of familiar Greek architectures. Instead he took pictures of farmers at work in the field, fishermen repairing their nets, and bearded priests( 牧 师 ) bending over their Bibles. He captured( 抓 住 ) the color and character of the country. His friends were so interested that they asked for more. Any amateur(外行) can do the same. All he needs is a simple camera and a little sensitivity. When he learns that a nation lives in its people as well as in

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