Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 初中英语单词背诵【默背小卷】 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 评卷人 得分 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1.I got bad m________. My father looked angry. 2.Lucy works very hard and she always gets full m_______ in exams. 3.H________ up. There's little time left. 4.—How many p________ does the book have? —More than 200. 5.Tigers and lions live on l________ while fish live in water. 6.The man is shooting at the animal with a g________. 7.She made some m________ beside the important words while reading. 8.There are lots of s________ sailing in the sea every day. 9.—Let's help them plant trees. —I'd love to, but we don't have any t________ to dig holes. 10.The computer is such a useful t_____________. 11.They found many ________ (珠宝) in the old house. 12.There are many small ________ (岛) in this country. 13.Tom Sawyer and Oliver Twist are ________ (名著). 14.Everyone, open your book at ________ (页) 14. 15.The train is ________ (预期) to arrive in five minutes. 16.She always goes a______in summer, such as Australia, the USA and China. 17.As for music, I don’t like pop but I like r______. 18.This area is of amazing natural b______. I’ll visit it again next year. 19.This singer is very popular. She has lots of f______around the world. 20.I like the house but I don’t imagine .I’ll live there f______. 21.Taiwan is larger than all the other i______ in China. 22.He was born in a big city, but g______ up in a small village with his grandparents. 23.His hard experience has become the t______ of his life. 24.His father h______ to go out last nigh. 25.With the development of science and t_____ , our country is getting stronger and stronger. 26.Don’t throw things t______ the animals. 27.The Spring Festival is one of the most t_________ festivals in China. 28.Now more and more people own p_________ computers. 29.The pretty _________ (女上衣) caught her eyes. 30.China, Korea and Japan are all A__________ countries. 31.Words can’t _________ (表达) how happy I am. 32.They are basketball f_______, and they like playing basketball very much. 33.There is nowhere e_______ I really want to go. 34.Please allow me to i_______ Mr. Green to you. 35.When you are waiting for a bus, you should wait in l_______. 36.This sweet song r_______ me of my childhood. 37.Lisa can speak a little F______ because she has been to France many times. 38.Sanya is a beautiful city in s_______China. 39.We should wait in l_______to buy the tickets. 40.If you study hard, you will get good m______. 41.You should learn to do some housework by yourself. You can't depend on your parents f_____. 42.His parents are both basketball f____(迷). 43.The painting must be worth a m____ (百万) dollars. 44.My friend will go a____ (到国外) for further study next month. 45.The house b____ (属于) to my parents, not me! 46.Linda and Kim love ____ (现代的) life in the big city. 47.—How many r____ (唱片) have you sold? —I don't know. 48.I think l____ (笑声) can make us feel relaxed. 49.Judy hasn′t finished her homework. ____ (事实上), she hasn′t written a word at all. 50.She is dead, but she will live f____(永远) in our hearts. 51.Alice thinks r____ (摇滚乐) is too noisy. She doesn′t like it. 52.Her uncle has made a new b____(乐队). 53.Who is your favorite p____(流行音乐) star? 54.The n____ (数目) of the students in our school is 2,000. 55.That song must be very p____(受欢迎的) with young people. 56.There are lots of s____ (船) sailing in the sea every day. 57.She was walking t________ (朝) the town when I met her. 58.We don′t have any t____ (工具) to dig holes. 59.He wants to be a scientist. He likes science and t____ (科技) very much. 60.The s____ (沙) on the beach is very soft. 61.The man is shooting at the animal with a g____ (枪). 62.She made some m____ (记号) beside the important words while reading. 63.I like traveling by l____ (陆地). 64.Mrs. Wang teaches us F____ (法语). She comes from France. 65.Have you read the science f____ (小说)? 66.When they entered the tomb, they found some t________ (珠宝). 67.Tom’s birthday party is d____ (预期) in three days. 68.How many p____ (页) does the book have? 69.H____ (赶快) up. There’s little time left. 70.There are many i____ (岛屿) in the southeast of China. 71.There are many ________ (岛) in the southeast of China. 72.Robinson Crusoe is a ________ (经典作品). 73.Tom's birthday party is ________ (预期) in three days. 74.Linda and Kim love ________(现代的) life in the big city. 75.—How many ________ (唱片) have you sold? —I don't know. 76.My sister got high _________ (分数) in the fina

doc文档 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?-2020-2021学年八年级英语下册单元词汇默背小卷(人教版)

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