考点 01 阅读理解——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)2020 届安徽省合肥市高考第一次模拟 A The following 4 famous paintings — from Jan van Eyck's portrait to Pablo Picasso's masterpiece — have stood the test of time. The Amolfini Portrait Jan van Eyck’s Amolfini Portrait, an oil painting on wood produced in 1434, in which a man and a woman hold hands with a window behind him and a bed behind her, is undoubtedly one of the masterpieces in the National Gallery, London. This painting is as visually interesting as it is famed. It is also an informative document on fifteenth-century society, through van Eyck's heavy use of symbolism — while husbands went out to engage in business, wives concerned themselves with domestic duties. The Starry Night Vincent van Gogh painted The Starry Night, oil on canvas (帆布), a moderately abstract landscape painting of an expressive night sky over a small hillside village, during his 12-month stay at the mental hospital near Saint– Remy-de-Provence, France between 1889 and 1890. When the Museum of Modem Art in New York City purchased the painting from a private collector in 1941, it was not well known, but it has since become one of van Gogh's most famous works. The Harvesters The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565. It depicts the harvest time which most commonly occurred within the months of August and September. Nicolaes Jonghelinck, a merchant banker and art collector from Antwerp, commissioned this painting. The painting has been at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City since 1919. Guernica Guernica, a large black-and-white oil painting, was painted by the Cubist Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso in 1937. The title 'Guernica' refers to the city that was bombed by Nazi planes during the Spanish Civil War. The painting depicts the horrors of war and as a result, has come to be an anti-war symbol and a reminder of the tragedies of war. Today, the painting is housed at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid. 1. Which of the following paintings was produced earliest? A. Guernica. B. The Harvesters. C. The Starry Night. D. The Amolfini Portrait. 2. Who created the painting describing the harvest seasons? A. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. B. Vincent van Gogh. C. Jan van Eyck. D. Pablo Picasso. 3. What do we know about the painting The Starry Night? A. It was painted on wood in oils. B. It described the painter's life in hospital. C. It wasn't widely recognized before 1941. D. It was given away to the museum by a collector. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了四幅名画——从扬·凡·艾克的肖像画到巴勃罗·毕加索的杰 作。它们都经受住了时间的考验。 1. D 细节理解题。根据第二段 The Amolfini Portrait 中的 Jan van Eyck’s Amolfini Portrait, an oil painting on wood produced in 1434 第三段 The Starry Night 中的 during his 12-month stay at the mental hospital near SaintRemy-de-Provence, France between 1889 and 1890.第四段 The Harvesters 中的 The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565.和第五段 Guernica 中的 Guernica, a large black-and-white oil painting, was painted by the Cubist Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso in 1937.由此可知,The Amolfini Portrait 是 最早创作的画。故选 D。 2. A 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 The Harvesters 中 的 The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565.“《收获者》是一幅木刻油画,由 Pieter Bruegel the Elder 于 1565 年完成。”可知, Pieter Bruegel the Elder 画了这幅描绘丰收季节的画。故选 A。 3.C 推理判断题。根据 The Starry Night 中的 When the Museum of Modem Art in New York City purchased the painting from a private collector in 1941, it was not well known, but it has since become one of van Gogh's most famous works.“1941 年,当纽约现代艺术博物馆从一位私人收藏家手中买下这幅画时,它并不为人所知, 但后来却成了梵高最著名的作品之一。”可知,The Starry Night 在 1941 年之前没有被广泛认可。故选 C。 B Adventure-seeker Emma broke her ankle when she fell awkwardly while climbing a rock and spent a week in hospital waiting for an operation on her foot. When she was sent home to recover under strict instructions not to bear any weight, she became so fearful of crutches (拐杖) that she didn't move for three weeks. “I tried crutches but I kept falling over and injuring myself. So I literally just stayed on the sofa all day, ” says Emma. She was gutted at the thought of missing the Wolf Run — a quarterly event that she hasn't missed since 2014. “If you complete four Wolf Runs in a year, one in each season, you get Alpha Wolf status,” explains Emma. “This year was going to be my fifth in a row as an Alpha Wolf and I was really upset that I'd lose my status.” So she was willing to try anything to get through the cou

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》3月第02期 (考点01阅读理解)

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