新目标八年级上英语 Units 1-5 期中复习词汇运用和语法填空专项练习(二) A组 一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 full, magazine, program, coffee, online 1.My father doesn't like drinking and he often drinks green tea. 2.Tom's grandpa often reads in the living room after dinner. 3.My brother's favorite is Happy Camp. 4.Lots of children often go to play computer games on weekends. 5.My garden is of different flowers. 二、根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 Fifty years ago,Shao Guohua was a primary school student. 6. ( 曾 经 ), the school organized an 7. (活动) for the students to go to the movies and 8. (几乎) all the students bought the tickets. How he wished to go with them 9. (共同)! But he had no money to buy the ticket, although it was only 0.05 yuan. His Chinese teacher, Ms. Mo bought a ticket for him and as a(n) 10. (结果) he went to the movies. He couldn't remember what movie it was, but he never stopped being thankful to 11. (那样的) a kind teacher. 12. (或许) 0.05 yuan was not a big deal for the teacher. But for him, it moved him deeply. His heart was 13. (充满的) of thanks. Later, he moved to another city with his parents. In the following years, he tried to find his teacher and classmates. 14. (然而), he failed. It wasn't until he was 63 years old that he got in touch with Ms. Mo and visited her. He was glad to see his teacher was still in good 15. (健康) and lived a happy life. 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词 或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Sue is my cousin. She's 16. American girl. She's from Washington D.C., the USA. Do you want to know about her 17. (eat) habits and what she likes doing? Well, she eats 18. (health) food for three meals(餐). 19. breakfast, she drinks milk and eats an egg. For lunch and dinner, she eats rice and vegetables. Every evening she eats fruit such 20. apples and oranges. Sue hardly ever 21. (eat) junk food. She knows it's not healthy for her body. Sue sleeps eight hours every night. She tries 22. (exercise) twice a day, once in the morning and the 23. time in the afternoon. 24. (she) favorite exercise is to practice swing dance with her brother Mike. Look! They 25. (dance) in the living room. B组 一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Having breakfast every day is good for our ________. 2. —Did you go to the mountains last week? —No, I ________ ever climb mountains. I don't like it. 3. There are many kinds of ________ on TV now. 4. This week is very ________ for Mike. He'll have a lot of things to do. 5. Lin Qingxuan was born(出生) in 1953 and ________ in 2019. 二、根据汉语提示完成短文。 If a child reads a lot, he usually does well at school. Children should read more. They can read what they find interesting. It is OK even if(即使) the book is difficult. 6________(或许) six -year-olds don't know much about the encyclopedia(百科全书), but they can start to read it if they feel interested. A child between five and seven should read for at 7________(最少) 30 minutes every day. The time can be 8________(更长) as the child gets older. Some children may have a headache(头 疼) when they read too much. They should read for no more 9________(比) an hour or two each day. 10________(然而), it's a good thing if a child wants to spend a lot of time on a book. And parents should give kids different books to read, 11________(这样的) as all kinds of storybooks and children's 12________(杂志). Children should also go to the library once or 13________(两 次) a week. Children can read 14________( 一 起 ) with their friends and family. They can also read 15________(在线的) articles. 三、语法填空(10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 How often do you go to the movies? I'm a movie fan( 迷 ) and I watch movies 16________every day. I like funny movies 17________(good) because they make me laugh(大笑). Sometimes, I watch my favorite movies again and again and it's a good way 18________(relax) after a long day at work. I 19________(watch) a funny movie yesterday evening. I usually 20________(go) to the cinema to watch movies, because I love the food it 21________ too—hot dogs and popcorn(爆米花). Some people may say such junk food is bad for me, 22________ I don't care( 在意 ). I often go to Moonlight Cinema, although it's expensive. I often go with my best friend Jack. He is 23________ big fan of movies, just like me. I sometimes watch movies at home 24________ my sister. We have the same taste in movies, so it's 25________(enjoy) to watch movies with her. I also love watching English movies on the Internet. 参考答案 A组 一、1.coffee 2.magazines 3.program 4.online 5.full 8.almost 9.together 10.result 二、6.Once 7.activity 11.such 12.Maybe 13

doc文档 Units 1-5词汇运用和语法填空专项练习(二)-人教新目标八年级上册英语期中复习

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Units 1-5词汇运用和语法填空专项练习(二)-人教新目标八年级上册英语期中复习 第 1 页 Units 1-5词汇运用和语法填空专项练习(二)-人教新目标八年级上册英语期中复习 第 2 页 Units 1-5词汇运用和语法填空专项练习(二)-人教新目标八年级上册英语期中复习 第 3 页
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