仁爱版七年级上册期末专项复习之语法专练 一般疑问句专练和特殊疑问句专练: 如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句? ① 句中有 be 动词(am,is, are,was, were 等)、助动词(do,does,did,have,)或 情态动词(can,must,will,may 等)时,将其提到句首,句末加上问号即可。     I can swim.  →Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? ② 如果句中没有 be 动词、助动词或情态动词,则要根据不同的时态在句首加上相应的助动 词来构成一般疑问句。如一般现在时,把句子变成一般疑问句就要在句首加上助动词 do 或 者 does 提问。(主语是第三人称单数时用 does,其余人称用 do)。此时句子的谓语动词 要用原形 I do my homework every day. →Do you do your homework every day? 如何将陈述句变为特殊疑问句? 1 如果对主语或修饰主语的词提问其语序是陈述句的语序:“特殊疑问词(+名词) +谓语动词+...?”。 2 如果对其他成分提问,其语序是:"特殊疑问词+一般疑问句"。 一些特殊疑问词的用法: 特殊疑问词 提问的内容 what 姓名,年龄,事物,职业 when 时间 where 地点 why 原因 Who/whom 人 Whose 人、物 How 程度、方式、状况 which 哪一个 注:what time---几点几分 what day ----星期几 what’s the date----日期 what about-----征求对方意见 what color ---颜色 what class/grade ----班级、年级 how much+n(u) 数量 how many+n(c) how much ----价钱 一、根据句意填上合适的疑问词。 1.How __________people are there in your family? 2.How __________ water is there in the bottle? 3.-_________ is your teacher? -The man in black coat. 4.-___________ bike is this? -It’s my father’s. 5._________’s your age? 6.-_____ ___________ is your dictionary?  - 10 Yuan.   7.-_______ subject do you like best? - I like math best. 8. - ________ do you like science? -Because it’s interesting. 9. - ______ ________are these bananas? -Yellow. 10. -_____ does he play football?  - In the afternoon. 1.many 2.much 3.who 4.whose 5.what 6.how much 7.which 8.Why 9. What color 10. When 二、按要求完成句子。 1. His favorite subject is art.(就划线部分提问) _______ _______ his favorite subject? 2. They like broccoli. (改为一般疑问句) ________ they ________ broccoli? 3. I like thrillers because it’s scary. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ ________ thrillers? 4. My book is on the sofa.(一般疑问句并回答) -________ ________ book on the sofa? -Yes, ______ is. / No, it _______. 5. His sister likes to be a musician. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ to be a musician? 6. He does his homework after school every day. (改为一般疑问句) _______he _______ his homework after school every day? 7. John has P.E. on Monday. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ John have P.E.? 8. Mrs. Yang works in a shop. (就划线部分提问) ________ does Mrs. Yang _______? 9. They are under the bed. (一般疑问句并回答) -_______ _______ under the bed? -Yes, _______ _______. / No, _______ ________. 10. My father is OK. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ your father? 11. Does she like ice cream? (作否定回答) _________, she _________. 12. My bed is yellow. (就划线部分提问) _______ _______ is _______ bed? 13. That’s a box. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) -________ ________ a box? -______, ________ ________. 14. The notebook is in the bag.(就划线部分提问) _________ the notebook? 15. I can spell that. (改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ spell that? 1. What; is   2. Do, like  3. Why, do, you, like  4. Is, your, it, isn’t  5. Who; likes  6. Does, do  7. When; does      8. Where; work 9. Are, they, they, are, they, aren’t    10. How, is    11. No, she, doesn’t 12. What, color, your     13. Is, that, Yes, it, is   14. Where’s    15. Can, you 一般现在时 一、一般现在时的使用范围。 1. 表示现在的状态。 2. 表示经常或者习惯性的动作。 3. 表示客观事实或者存在。 一般现在时常用的时间状语 词汇 含义 词汇 含义 every day 每天 often 经常 every year 每年 sometimes 有时 once a week 一周一次 always 总是 twice a year 一年两次 usually 通常 二、谓语动词在一般现在时中的使用情况。 一般现在时态分为 be 动词的一般现在时和实义动词的一般现在时。 be 主语 Is 第三人称单数(he,she,it) 单数可数名词或者不可数名词 am 第一人称单数(I) are 第二人称单数和复数(you), 第三人称复数(they)。 2.实义动词的用法。 (1)概念和用法 实义动词是表示动作和状态的词。英语动词是词类中最复杂的一种,谓语动词的单 复数要和主语人称和数保持一致。当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要变成三单 的形式(即在动词后面加-s 或者-es)。当主语是其他人称时,谓语动词用原形。 第三人称单数的变化规则如下: 规则 例句 一般动词后加-s。 He likes playing basketball. 以 s、x、ch、sh 结尾,后加 es。 My father watches TV every night. 以辅音字母+y 结尾的单词,变 y 为 He studies English very hard. i,再加-es。 以辅音字母加 o 结尾,一般加-es。 He goes home early every day. 注意: have —— has Ⅰ 用 am,is,are 填空。 1.-What ______ your name? -My name ______ George. 2. Her name ______ Hu Li. 3.-What ______ this in English? -It ______ a key. 4.-What color ______ it? — It ______ red. 5. — Hi! How ______ you? — I ______ fine, thank you. And you? — I ______ fine, too. Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The lion _________ ( not , eat ) grass. It likes ___________ (eat) meat. 2. —__________ the snake __________ ( like ) fruits ? — No, it __________ . ( not, do ) 3. My father _______ ( go ) to work at 8:00 every day. He ________ ( not , go ) to work on foot. 4. —________ Jack __________ ( have ) four classes in the morning ? —Yes, he _________ ( have ) four. 5.—_________ you often ________ ( listen ) to music? —No, I don’t. I like __________ ( play ) table tennis. Ⅲ. 句型转换。 1. We often read books after school. (用 the girl 做主语) The girl of

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