第 1 讲:阅读理解修炼篇-长难句 长难句解析入门考试卷 一)、指出下列句中主语的中心词 1 The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. 2 There is an old man coming here. 3. To do today’s homework without the teacher’s help is very difficult. 二)、选出句中谓语 1. I don’t like the picture on the wall. 2. The days get longer and longer when summer comes. 3. There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. 4. He is interested in music 一、长难句初体验 (2017 年全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解 B 篇)The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. 拍电影和四年后出演 TheSting 的经历所建立起来的友谊源于一个事实:尽管我们存在 年龄差距,但我们都源自戏剧和直播电视的传统。 二、长难句最常见的形式 复杂单句 修饰成分很多,并且有多个句 子并列 复合从句 这些句子往往较长,一个 从句套着另一个从句,环 环相扣 分隔结构 出现较多的是插入语、用 破折号插入的新话题或补 充信息以及定语后置 长难句分析口诀 改变语序 主要指倒装句式 一括二划三会意。 一括:(介短非谓和从句) 二划:主谓宾,要注意。 三会意:抓主题,去修饰 1. 复杂单句 Having chosen family television programs and women’s magazines, the toothpaste marketer, for instance, must select the exact television programs and stations as well as the specific women’s magazines to be used. In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations, including UNESCO and National Geographic, have for many years been recording dying languages and the culture which they reflect. (2014 年全国一卷阅读 D 篇) In the 1970s, he was a surgeon at Yale(耶鲁 ),and had a wonderful wife and five beautiful children,but he was terribly unhappy. 2. 复合从句 However, those of us who are parents of children in this age group know that such chances are relatively rare and that many liberal-arts students(文科生) graduate with the belief that the prospective(预期的) workplace may not have a place for them. Two of the authors of the review made a study published in 2014 which showed a five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes. (2018 全国一卷语法填空) 并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法——先找并列句,分段分析 If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson”, and “Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didn’t even speak English— William, the Conqueror. 3. 分隔结构——忽略插入成分,直奔句子主题 His journey to the e-mail hell began innocently(无知地) enough when, as chairman of Computer Associates International, a software company, he first heard how quickly his employees had accepted their new electronic-mail system. 一、判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是主从复合句。 1. We took pity on the people in the disaster-hit area in Yushu and many students raised money for them. 2. Having suffered a number of health problems, former Olynqric President Samaranch died on April 21 in Barcelona. 3. The Internet is an exciting tool that not only puts vast information at your fingertips but expands options. 二、分析句子 1. This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. 2. The opinion that breakfast is the most basic meal of the day is so widespread that an increasing number of people are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health. 长难句练习题 As you discover the warmth that comes from sharing your love with everyone you meet, you will begin to realize that memories you have of losing loved ones are cherished more than ever, and instead of making you feel sad, these memories will lift your spirits. According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion who say they ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.” In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher, famous and beloved, who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters — from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim — were held up as moral touchstones. Bed that are too small, shower heads(淋浴喷头) that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room(腿部空间)all make life difficult for those of above average height. For many older people who lived in the country, driving was very important for reserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out without having to rely on others. I think that tha

doc文档 01长难句分析与练习-备战2020年高考英语阅读理解专项训练

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