状语从句语法填空专项 1.You have a gift for art. ________ you do your best, you are sure to create fine art works. (if/as long as ) 2.You can get to your destination earlier ________ you don’t mind taking the night train. 3.You can’t believe how terrible the fire is ________ you see it with your own eyes. 4.________children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally confident. 5.In summer milk will quickly turn sour________ it is put into a refrigerator. 6.--Have you got enough members? .--Carol says she will join us ________ the salary meets her expectations. 7.--Look, the paint is starting to come off ________ the wall is damp. --Well, we’d better have the wall repainted some day. 8.________ you are aware of the trick used in advertisements, I don’t think you are eager to buy. 9.--Shall I tell your parents what happened? --Not ________they ask you. 10.You can’t complain of being lonely ________ you don’t make any effort to meet people. 11.________ Tom has no interest in piano, there is no point pushing him to learn it. 12.Kids are not allowed to leave kindergartens ________ their parents come to pick them up. 13.In some of the pictures the subjects are out of focus ________ the background is sharp. 14.I will appreciate it ________ you can change your plan a little bit to make it more workable. 15.I think you should complain ________, of course, you are happy with the way things are. 16.Going camping in the desert will not be enjoyable ________ you have prepared thoroughly. 17––Do you mind if I go out this evening? ––I don’t mind what you do ________ you let me know ahead of time. 18.House prices vary from place to place and are usually high ________ there are famous schools. 19.Friends are angels who lift us to our feet ________ our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. 20.Martin drove along ________ he found a convenient parking place 21. ________ you decide to spend your holidays,one thing is certain,you will get to your destination fresh and safe. 22.________ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. 23.________ birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes. 24.________ H7N9 is a deadly virus, it is still safe to eat thoroughly--cooked chicken. 25.________ Stephon Marbury is an American, he has become a role model among Beijing basketball fans. 26.My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, ________ he’s in his nineties. 27.I really enjoy listening to music ________ it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day. 28. ________ the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for. 29. ________ online shopping has changed our life , not all of its effects have been positive. 30. ________ some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure. 31. ________ birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes. 32..If you don’t understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people _______ you figure it out. 33.Located _______ the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. 34..It is so cold that you can’t go outside ________ fully covered in thick clothes. 35. ________ the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it. 36. I believe you will have a wonderful time here ________ you get to know everyone else. 37. ________ scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don't know. 38. ________ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going. 39. He is a shy man, ________ he is not afraid of anything or anyone. 40. You won’t find paper cutting difficult ________ you keep practicing it. 41. ________ the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover. 42. ________ the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp. 43. There is only one more day to go ________ your favorite music group play live. 44. We need to get to the root of the problem ________ we can solve it. 45. ________ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph. 46. If you miss this chance, it may be years ________ you get another one. 47.The meaning of the word“nice”changed a few times ________ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”. 48. ________ the fores

doc文档 05 状语从句-2021高考英语语法填空专项分类练习题

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