七年级下册 Unit9 易错题 一、 单项选择。 1. ---__________? ---She has long hair. A. Who’s she B. What does she do C. What does she look like D. What does she like 2. My friend ________ of medium build and she _________ short hair. A. is; is B. has; has C. is; has D. has; is 3. The girl ______ long hair looks _________ friendly. A. with; like B. with; / C. has; like D. has; / 4. There are many __________ in the park. That _________ under the tree is my father. A. people; people B. person; person C. people; person D. person; people 5. I’m busy now. Let’s talk about it ________ day. A. other B. the other C. others D. another 6. ________ of the students has an English book. A. Every B. All C. Some D. Each 7. Who has ________ hair? A. short curly brown B. curly short brown C. brown short curly D. short brown curly 8. There is still __________ water in the glass. A. little B. a little C. any D. no 9. Go straight down the same road for _________ 20 miles you reach the post office. The Wal-Mart is just on your left. A. another B. other C. the other D. other 10. ---She works day and night without a day of rest. ---But I think she can’t burn(燃烧)the candle(蜡烛)at both ______. A. ways B. sides C. crossings D. ends 11. ---Did I play computer games last night? Er…er… ---Yes or no , tell me right now. I just want a ___ answer to the question. A. real B. personal C. strict D. straight 12. Each of the students ______ his homework on time. A. doing B. to do C. do D. does 13. —What is your new friend like? —She is ______ shy. A. kinds of B. a little C. a little of D. a kind of 14. Does Mary have long ______ short hair? A. with B. or C. and D. for 15. ---Do you know the girl over there? ---Yes. She always __________ a pair of glasses. A. put on B. wear C. puts on D. wears 16. ---long time no see. How are things going? ---_________, thanks. A. I’m all right B. Not at all C. Fine D. Not bad 17. --- We’re all very tired now. Must we finish the work today, sir? --- Oh, you don’t have to. I think we can ____ there for today. A. join B. put C. sit D. end 18. --- Have you seen a little dog near here? --- Yes. It always runs____ the street, jumps _____ a wall and plays in the garden. A. through; up B. near; on C. across; over D. along; behind 19. --- Jim always makes me clean the whole room while he just plays computer games. --- Remember, you are _____ to say no. A. easy B. hard C. free D. nice 20. --- Jeff and his sisters ______ like music. --- Yeah. They each _____ an MP3 in their schoolbags. A. all; have B. all; has C. both; have D. both; has 21. --- Can you help me dress your little brother. Sue? I’m busy now. --- OK. _____. A. That’s all right B. No way C. You’re welcome D. I’ll do it right now 22. --- Must I sit near the door? --- No, you _____. You _____ sit with your friends. A. needn’t must B. mustn’t; can C. needn’t; may D. can’t; should 23. --- Why is Laura studying so hard these days? --- She wants to get a better grade in the coming exam and doesn’t want to lose____ again. A. race B. game C. face D. luck 24. --- What does your cousin look like? --- He is about my_____, has ____ hair and wears a pair of glasses. A. height; long blond B. high; blond long C. height; blond long D. high; long blond 25. --- What does the man look like? --- Well, he is a bit short and his hair is quite___ on top. A. thin B. small C. few D. old 26. --- Just thinking the delicious cake can make my mouth_____. --- Why not go and buy one? A. dry B. water C. open D. warm 27. --- What will you do this weekend? --- I will go to New York and pay my grandparents a ______. A. visit B. price C. phone D. message 28. --- How often do you eat ice-cream, Linda? --- ______. Mom asks me not to eat it often. A. Sometimes B. Often C. Always D. Never 29. --- There is a pair of glasses on the desk. --- Let’s _____ whose the pair is! A. cut down B. come out C. look for D. find out 20. --- Could you please turn off the TV? --- ______. But I’ll do that after watching the news. A. Good idea B. I think so C. Sorry, I can’t D. No, thanks 二、完形填空 A Mr. Smith works in a big factory. And he 1 a truck there. He keeps busy all the time. When he comes back, he is always tired and just wants to 2 himself at home. His wife is a nurse. She hates to see anything 3 in their house. So she always tries to keep all the things clean and 4 . However, she has to work from Monday to Friday, so she 5 only do the housework in her free time. Then on weekends, she usually stay at home and keeps everything in 6 . M

doc文档 Unit 9 What does he look like 人教版英语七年级下册易错题

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