【备注:因高考七选五体裁基本为说明文,因此本专题大部分体裁改为选取说明文】 4.3 阅读理解阅读填空七选五议论文-2020 年高考英语专题训练系列 (一) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 For years, we have been a “Slow Tech” family. We have worked hard to live in balance with technology. But as our family grows, this approach is becoming more of a challenge. We are working at it. ____1____ It’s just that it’s so very easy for the technology to become central, to be everything, at any given moment. This year, we have made some “Slow Tech” rules to help us use technology for its highest good, while building boundaries to nurture our time with others and our time as individuals. Even though it can seem simple or even obvious, “Slow Tech” rules are truly life-changers when we apply them to the everydayness of our existence. ____2____ 1. ____3____ Or any meals. The table might be the only 20 minutes we have all day to say, eyeball to eyeball, “What is it like to be you today, my dear one?” 2. Device-Free Days. There will be days, events, outings and holidays when we all commit to being devicefree. Sometimes it feels nice to go for a walk without bringing the hundreds of people we know along with us. Even if it’s virtually. 3. ____4____ Everyone will leave devices turned off, in a central location, every night. I had five babies in eight years. It was my life’s work for a decade to get you to sleep. I will not allow notifications, screen lights or that next level on your tiny addictive game to rob any of us of sleep. 4. ____5____ A visitor stops by. A conversation forms. Friends gather. Humans in real life always take priority over humans in online life. It’s just better for everyone that way. A. People First. B. Sleep is Sacred. C. No Double Dipping. D. No Devices at Dinner. E. It’s not that we don’t love our devices. F. It’s common to be connected to the outside. G. These, I know for sure, are rules we must live by. 助读词汇 approach n. 方法 central adj. 中心的 boundary n. 边缘 nurture v. 养育 individual n. 个人 notification n. 通知 addictive adj. 上瘾的 live in balance with 与……和平相处 more of a challenge 更具挑战性 commit to 投身做某事 rob sb. of sth. 夺走某人某物 take priority over sth. 相比某物更处于优先位置 (二) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Study Tips for Final Exams Over the next few weeks, many college students will be studying for final exams. Here are some tips to all of you on how you can cope with your tasks throughout the week(s). 1. Create Study Guides One Week before the Final. ____1____ Create these outlines or guides one week before the tests so you can just read the organized material and be able to answer the questions quickly and effectively. 2. Study in Groups Only If It Benefits You. Certainly there are many cases where studying in groups can be beneficial. However, a study group only works well if you are concentrated and serious. ____2____ 3. 50-10 Rule. The basis of this rule is to study 50 minutes of every hour, and keep the last 10 minutes to clear your mind. ____3____ Create an alarm notification and stick to that alarm; it will be beneficial. 4. Finish Your Practice Problems. Whenever you find yourself having practice problems, don’t give up on them. ____4____ Be sure to work the problem because, more often than not, the ones you don’t understand are the ones that end up in the test. 5. Do a Practice Quiz. Recall that final exams usually last several hours and it can be difficult to handle the concentration level for such a long period of time. ____5____ Create a “home-made” quiz with all relevant information you need to know and review it two hours after you create it. I hope this helps you with finals! Good luck to all! A. Ask your parents or friends to quiz you about the material you are studying. B. Many times, creating study guides are the most time-consuming part of studying. C. If not, conversations, jokes, and distractions can take control of the study sessions. D. It is important to leave a reasonable amount of time to study for optimizing your studies. E. If you have questions on practice problems, check your notes or talk to a classmate for help. F. The idea is that you should focus 100% during study and use the remaining to relax yourself. G. Finish the problem completely so you can understand them better and leave no place for doubt. 助读词汇 outline n. 框架 organized adj. 有规划的 distraction n. 干扰 optimize v. 优化 cope with 应付;处理 take control of 取得对……的控制 (三) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Avoid Conflicts at Work It’s tough enough to find and keep a job. The last thing yo

doc文档 4.3阅读理解阅读填空七选五议论文-2020年高考英语专题训练系列

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