Unit 5 Music Reading for Writin g Learning objectives In this class, you will 1. acquire the detailed information of the speech; 2. summarize the general outline of a speech; 3. identify the language features of a speech; 4. produce, check and revise a speech about how music can change a pe rson’s life. Music is the universal lan guage of mankind. — Henry Wadsworth Longfello w Talk about the photo Sarah Williams Activity 1: Read for the main idea. A speech about how mu sic changed Sarah’s life. Activity 2: Read for the details. What was Sarah’s problem ? How did she overcome the problem ? What is her advice to others ? notes / mind map /graphic organizer Activity 2: Read for the details. • “medicine of the mind” • made her feel much better Sarah’s problem • a serious disease • difficult to cure music Sarah’s advice • use music to help when you have problems Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. How many parts are ther e in a speech? What are they? Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience Good morning ! Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself My name is Sarah Williams. Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself • Purpose of the topic It’s an honor to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life. Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself • Purpose of the topic • Personal anecdote the second paragraph Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself • Purpose of the topic • Personal anecdote • Personal feeling the third paragraph Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself • Purpose of the topic • Personal anecdote • Personal feeling • Close the speech the fourth paragraph Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. • Welcome the audience • Introduce yourself • Purpose of the topic • Personal anecdote • Personal feeling • Close the speech • Thank the audience Thank you. Activity 4: Listen/Read for the language features of a speech. 1. Match the names of rhetorical devices to th e lettered sentences in the speech. 2. Circle the phrases Sarah used to talk about how music can make us feel. Activity 4: Listen/Read for the language features of a speech. 修辞 1. Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. Rhetorical devices simile metaphor rhetorical question quote repetition personification Rhetorical devices simile metaphor 明喻 暗喻 1. That business man is as cunning as a fo x. 2. That business man is a real fox. Rhetorical devices rhetorical question 设问 3. How could that business man be so cunn ing?

pptx文档 高一【英语(新人教版)】必修二Unit5 Music Reading for Writing-课件

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