Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 王子复仇记 This is the sad story of Hamlet, young Prince of Denmark, whose father died two months before the story begins. Hamlet' s father was King of Denmark and Hamlet was his only son. The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle. It was believed that he had been bitten to death by a poisonous snake. He was such a wise and kind king that he was loved by all the people in the nation. His son, Hamlet, of course, loved him far more than anyone else in the world. Hamlet was so sad and sorrowful that he never stopped wearing black clothes. There was something else which made Hamlet even sadder. His mother, Gertrude, married Hamlet' s uncle, Claudius, who was a brother of the late king. After Hamlet' s father died, Claudius became King of Denmark and married Gertrude. Young Hamlet did not like him because he was not as wise and kind as his father. He was a man of unkindly character. Hamlet did not in the least want his mother to marry such a man. He became angry with both of them and came to despise his mother as well as his uncle. 这是讲述年轻丹麦王子哈姆雷特的悲伤故事,他的父亲在故事开始前两个月去世。哈姆雷特的父亲是 丹麦国王,而哈姆雷特则是他的独生子。国王在城堡的花园中睡觉时突然离奇地死去,大家都认为他是 被一条毒蛇给咬死的。他是一位睿智仁慈的国王,因此全国人民都很爱戴他。当然,国王的儿子哈姆雷 特 要 比 世 上 的 任 何 人 更 爱 他 。 哈姆雷特很伤心难过,因此他一直穿着黑色的丧服。另外还有一件令哈姆雷特更加伤心的事,那就是 他的母亲葛楚德嫁给哈姆雷特的叔叔克劳迪斯,也就是已故国王的弟弟。在哈姆雷特的父亲去世之后, 克劳迪斯成为丹麦的国王并且取了葛楚德。年轻的哈姆雷特并不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他不像自己的父亲 那么睿智仁慈,他是一个本性无情的人。哈姆雷特一点也不愿意他的母亲嫁给这种男人。他对他们倆感 到 非 常 气 愤 , 因 而 看 不 起 他 的 母 亲 和 叔 叔 。 The bell of the castle was ringing. It was exactly midnight. Suddenly a ghost in the form of the late king appeared in the darkness. It looked pale and sad. Looking at the ghost, the two guards of the castle and Horatio, Hamlet' s best friend, were surprised and terrified. They wondered if something bad was going to happen in Denmark. They decided to tell their prince what they had seen . The next day they went to Hamlet and told him that they had seen the ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet doubted it at first, but wanted to make sure himself. He asked them to take him to see the ghost that night. They agreed. Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there. Some time after they got there, the ghost in armor suddenly appeared out of the darkness. As his friends had told him, Hamlet saw that the ghost was exactly He like called out, "King, his Father! Why did dead you come here father. out of the grave?" The ghost did not answer him, but looked at him sadly and made a sign for him to follow. His friends did not want to let Hamlet follow the ghost because they thought it might be an evil spirit and do something badto him. But he did follow the ghost. While Hamlet and the ghost walked away into the darkness, his friends had to wait anxiously there worrying about his safe return . At the end of the walls of the castle the ghost stopped and began to talk to Hamlet, "I am the ghost of your father. I wanted to rule Denmark peacefully until you grew up and became king after me. But two months ago, while I was sleeping in the beautiful garden of the castle, my brother Claudius came and put poison into my ear. I was instantly killed. Hamlet! Be brave and kill him for me. But never kill or hurt my wife, for she is your mother. Let her repent for what she has done. That is enough for her. What I have told you is true. I tell you again. I was not killed by a poisonous snake, but by my brother Claudius. Never forget what I have told you, my dear son. Good-bye, Hamlet!" Then the ghost disappeared into the mist of the dark sky. Upon hearing this, Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother. He made up his mind to kill his uncle and let his mother repent for her sins. 城堡里的钟声响起,此刻正是午夜。突然间一个外形很像已故国王的鬼魂在暗处出现。它的脸色看起 来很苍白、悲伤。城堡的两个卫兵和哈姆雷特的挚友荷瑞修看到这鬼魂时,感到非常吃惊害怕。他们怀 疑 是 否 有 不 祥 的 事 会 在 丹 麦 发 生 。 他 们 决 定 把 亲 眼 看 到 的 事 告 诉 王 子 。 隔天,他们去见哈姆雷特并且告诉他,他们曾看见过哈姆雷特国王的鬼魂。哈姆雷特起先对这件事感 到怀疑,但他想要亲自去证实这件事。他要他们当晚带他去看那个鬼魂,他们同意了。深夜,哈姆雷特 荷瑞修和一名守卫三人来到城墙顶,那里非常寒冷、阴暗,就在他们到达后不久,这个身穿盔甲的鬼魂 突然从黑暗之中出现。哈姆雷特看到这个鬼魂跟他死去的父亲简直一模一样,就如他的朋友告诉他的。 他大声地叫:“国王,我的父亲!您为什么离开坟墓到这里来?”鬼魂没有回答他的话,但却很悲伤地看 着他,并对他做了个手势,示意他跟着它去。哈姆雷特的朋友不想让他跟着鬼魂走,因为他们认为它可 能是邪恶的鬼魂,而且会对他不利。但是哈姆雷特仍然跟着鬼魂而去。当哈姆雷特和鬼魂离去走入黑暗 之 中 时 , 他 的 朋 友 们 只 得 在 那 儿 焦 虑 地 等 待 并 担 忧 他 能 否 平 安 地 回 来 。 在城墙的尽头,鬼魂停下脚步,开始对哈姆雷特说:“我是你父亲的鬼魂,我本想和平地统治丹麦直到 你长大成人继承我的王位。但是两个月前,当我在

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