班级 姓名 学号 分数 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 单元重点单词词组短语句型精练 (时间:60 分钟,满分:100 分) 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 1.He never ______ (watch) TV at home on weekdays. 2.How often does Tom ______ (help) with housework? 3.There are many different kinds of _________ (shop) in the street. Many visitors would like to go __________ (shop) there. 4.—How about ______ (play) tennis after school? —That’s a good idea. 5.The boy has to _______ (walk) to school every day. 6.—What do you _______(do)on weekends? —I usually _______(play)soccer. 7.—Does your mother _______(watch)TV every night? —No, she ________(not).She usually _______(use)the Internet. 8.My cousin _________(come)to my house yesterday,and we _________(do)homework together. 9.Look! Some children _________(swim)in the river. 10.When I got to the school gate,I heard the students _________(sing). 11.Her mother wants her _____ (learn) to play the piano. 12.(易错题) Forty percent of the students in our class _______ (be) afraid to go to the dentist. 13.I learn English by ______ (listen) to English songs. 14.What do you think is the best way ______ (relax)? 15.The boy exercises every day, so he has a ______ (health) body. 16.The boy is too young. He can_________ (hard) read or write. 17.Mrs. White goes shopping once or_________ (two) a week. 18.I am busy now. I have_________ (little) free time than before. 19.Her eating habits help her keep _________ (health). 20.Jodie_________ (exercise) in the park every morning. 21.Of the two coats, I’ll choose the ________ (cheap) one to save some money for a book. 22.—What’s the ________ (high) of your desk? —It’s about one meter. 23.Do students in your school often wear ________ (uniform)? 24.I have the ________ (few) books of the six students. 25.There is a ________ (month) test on each subject in our school. 26.My sister________(hard) ever drinks coffee. 27.Alice often_________(go) to the movies on weekends. 28.—How often do you go fishing? —I go fishing________(two) a week. 29.My brothers____(not like) to play sports. 30.They usually ____(read) English every day. 二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 31.Linda has dance lessons t____ a week. 32.My father often reads newspapers and m_____ in the evening. 33.Be polite, Henry. It’s rude to ______ (指向) at others like that. 34.Let’s sing the song ______ (共同), OK? 35.His grandpa ______ (去世) five years ago. 36.Nick often looks for things on the ________________(因特网) at the weekend. 37.Do you like watching TV ________________(节目)? 38.Walking helps you to keep in good ________________(健康). 39.I was caught in the rain on my way home. As a ________________(结果), I had a bad cold. 40.Ten ________________(百分之…) of the students didn't go to the zoo last Sunday. 41.There are many different kinds of thoughts running through my ____________(头脑) every day. 42.He likes looking ________________(从头到尾) all the questions in English exams. 43.I don't like the ________________(杂志). They aren't interesting. 44.--- Which of these shirts do you like best? --- I'll take ________________(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion. 45.I've worked here for ________________(几乎,差不多) two years. 46.--- What's your favorite p________________? --- Happy Camp. 47.This cup is f________________ of juice. 48.I think doing sports is good for our h________________. 49.They asked the students about their free time activities and showed these r________________ to their teachers. 50.A________________ she is a child, she knows quite a lot. 51.In our school eighty p________________ of the students like playing computer games. 52.The doctor is looking at my mouth; he is a d________________. 53.He a________________ lost his life on the mountain. 54.Now, we can search for some information easily on the I________________. 55.Germs can get into human bodies t________________ the skin. 56.Little Tom's favorite TV ________ (节目) is Animal World. 57.The old man exercises ________ (两次) a day. 58.That little boy ________ (曾经) fell off that tall tree. 59.Some children were playing on the ________ (秋千). 60.Who knows the most but says the ________ (最少)? 三、完成句子(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 根据汉语意思完成句子 61.他喜欢各种各样的水果,例如苹果、香蕉和橘子。 He likes different kinds of fruits, ______ ______ apples, bananas and oranges. 62.弗兰克每周看三四次电视。 Frank watches TV ______ ______ ______ a week. 63.这个十岁的男孩每天都帮助做家务。 The ______ boy ______ ______ housework every day. 64.昨天他根本没有做家庭作业。 He ______ ______ his homework ______ yesterday. 65.你的妈妈多久购物一次? ______

doc文档 Unit 2 单元重点单词词组短语句型精练-2022-2023学年八年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(人教版)

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