七年级英语上册复习 七年级英语上册复习 关于字母 音标小结 交际用语 词组搭配 Starter Unit 1-3 26 个字母 Aa Gg Bb Hh Ii Oo Pp Uu Vv Cc Jj Kk Dd Ee Ff Ll Mm Nn Qq Rr Ss Tt Ww Xx Yy Zz /i:/ Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz /e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz /u:/ Qq Uu Ww /aɪ/ Ii Yy /a:/ Rr /əʊ/ Oo 字母按元音因素分类 表 /eɪ/ Aa Hh Jj Kk 常见字母缩写词 ad 广告 g克 kg 千克 S 小号 M中 号 L 大号 mg 毫克 m米 cm 厘米 mm 毫米 ml 毫升 a.m. 上午 p.m. 下午 IQ 智商 EQ 情商 UK 英国 USA 美国 UN 联合国 HK 香港 PRC 中华人民共和国 A.D. 公元 B.C. 公元前 W.C. 洗手间 MTV 音乐电视 DJ 音乐节目主持人 CCTV 中国中央 电视台 P 停车 OK 好吧 ID 身份 HB 硬黑 CD 光盘 P.E. 体育 UFO 不明 飞行物 ABC 基础知识 PC 个人电脑 TV 电视 IT 信息技术 SARS 非典型性肺炎 NBA 美国篮球联赛 CBA 中国篮球协会 BBC 英国广播公司 WTO 世贸组织 音 标 元音 [i: ] he see eat [ I ] it minute baby [:] or door four all [ ] not [u:] ruler room do [ ] book [:] her bird nurse [ ] worker banana [ e ] egg head many [] at [:] class car half [  ] bus son [e ] late great [] no know coat [a ] hi by light [a] how out [ ] boy noise [ ] here hear [e ] there their hare [] sure 辅音 [ p ] pop [ b ] Bob [ t ] tea [ d ] day [ k ] key clock [ g ] gate [t] teach watch [d] age geography [ f ] for phone [ v ] five [  ] thank [  ] that [ s ] six nice [ z ] zoo nose [ ] fish sure [ ] pleasure [h ] home [m] mum [n ] now ten [ ] think sing [w] we what [ l ] let tell Bye-bye! Unit 1 一、问 候 1.Hello ! / Hi ! 2.Good morning/afternoon/evening ! 3.How are you? I’m fine/well/OK. 4.How do you do? 5.Nice to meet you ! 二、询问姓名 What’s your name ? I’m … . What’s her English name? What’s his first/last name ? What’s your family/given name ? Familiar Names Family names Lee Black White Green Brown Smith King (last names) Given names (first names) Boys’ names: Dale Eric Jack Mike Tom Alan David John Frank Bob Tony Bill Paul Mark Ben Peter Girls’ names: Cindy Grace Gina Anna Alice Helen Linda Mary Sally Nancy Maria Rose Tina Jenny Emma 三、询问年龄 --How old are you? ( = ) What’s your age? --I’m 13 years old. --How old is he/she? ( = ) What’s his/her age? --He/She is 13 years old. 三、询问电话号码 -What is your telephone number? -My telephone number is …/It is… -What is his/her telephone number? -His/Her telephone number is …/It is… 代词( pron. ) 第一 单数 第二 单、复 第三单数(三单) 第一 第三复数 复数 人称代 词 我 你/你 们 他 她 它 我们 他们 主格 I you he she it we they 宾格 me you him her it us them 物主代 词 我的 你的 / 你们的 他的 Adj. 性 my your his her its min yours his her its e s n. 性 她的 它的 我们 的 他们的 our their our theirs s 要 点: 1. 英译汉 —— 有“的”是物主代词 , 无“的”是人称代词 2. 放动词前,作主语——人称代词主格 放动词或介词后,作宾语 ——人称代词宾格 3. 后面不加名词,起名词作用——名词性物主 代词。后面有名词,起形容词作用—— 形容词 性的物主代词 一、翻译 its name my parents ___________ 2. 它名字 his family name you can 1. 我父母 ________ your phone number  3. 他的姓氏 _____________ 4 .你可以give her a hand ________ we want he has  5. 你的电话号码 see it ___________ 6. 帮助她 it has ________ our favorite fruits  7. 他有 _______ 8. 我们想要 __________ their old computer  her family photos10. 它吃 _______ 9. 看见它 ____________ us  11. 我们最喜爱的水果 __________ thank you  12. 他们旧电脑 ____________ She loves it.  13. 她全家照 _____________  14.join _______ (我们)  二、适当形式填空 1. What’s ____name? (you / your) ____ name is Bob. (I) 2. _____ erasers are in ____drawer. (she) 3. Can ____(you) do ____ (you) homework? 4. _____ is a cat. ____ name is Mimi. (It) 5. ____ brother can speak Japanese. (He) 6. Please take ___ keys to school. __ are on the table. ( they) 7. __ is thirteen years old.___ birthday is March 1st. (He) 8.___ favorite vegetable is tomato. (She) 9.Can you help ___? (we ) Please take___ to school. (they ) 10. ___ can’t see ___baseball. It’s behind __. (I ) Answers: 1. your , My 2. Her , her 3. you, your 4. It , Its 5. His 6. their , They 7. He, His 8. Her 9. us, them 10. I , my, me Bye-bye! 三、完成句子 1.A: What’s this / that? B: _____ is a dresser. A: How do you spell ____ , please ? B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R. 2. A: What are these / those? B: _____ are tomatoes. 3. A: Does Cindy like salad? B: No, ____doesn’t. 4. A: How much are his shoes? B: ____ are 100 dollars. 5. A: Is Alan your friend? B: Yes, _____ is. 6. A: Do you have a soccer ball? B: Yes, _____do. 7. A: Who is that girl? B: ____ is Jack’s sister. 8. This is David and this is Tim. ____are our friends. We often help ___ . 9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes ____. 10. The pants are nice. I’ll take _____. Answers: 1. It , it 2. They 3.she 4. They 5. he 6. I 7. She 8. They them 9. them 10. them

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