辽宁省中考英语 3 年(2018-2020)真题汇编 专题 08 语法填空/选词填空 25 篇 (含答案及解析) 【1】 (2020·辽宁大连·中考真题) it; help; late; early; policeman; sing; problems; but; how; lost; smile; easily; town; carefully Paula was going to a birthday party. The party was at a friend's house from work. Paula's friend carefully wrote the directions(路线) to the party. She didn't know the 1. where her friend lived; so she left her house 2. . For 20 minutes she followed the directions 3. and got off at Exit 14. Then she began to have 4. She couldn't find the street. She drove around and around, and soon she was 5.. She stopped and asked people for directions, 6. no one knew that street. Paula didn't have her mobile phone with her. She left 7. at home on the kitchen table. Suddenly she saw a 8., She stopped and asked him for 9.. He looked at the directions and 10.. "You wanted Exit 15, not Exit 14. "He showed Paula 11. to get back on the highway (公路). She got off at Exit 15 and 12. found the house. She was very 13.! When she walked in, everyone was 14. "Happy Birthday" to her friend. After a few minutes, Paula relaxed and began to enjoy the party. 【2】 (2020·辽宁沈阳·中考真题) an important skill, more often, with my homework, last year, studying hard It is a good idea to learn to swim. Swimming is 15.. I joined my school's Swimming Club 16., Our coach is friendly and helpful. He tells us to practise 17.. I feel comfortable in the water. I like to go to a swimming pool in the late afternoon after 18. at school all day. Swimming is a good way to relax for me. Perhaps this sounds strange, but it helps me 19. in the evening because I feel fresh after swimming. 【3】 (2020·辽宁铁岭·中考真题) easily stop like part punish our right danger find before they kill This year a disease(疾病)broke out. It was caused by a new coronavirus(新冠疾病). We have never seen it20.. Scientists have21.that the virus probably came from bats(蝙蝠). They can carry more than 60 viruses, including the world's deadliest(最致命的)viruses, such as Ebola and SARS. Other wild animals22.snakes and hedgehogs are also hosts of many viruses. According to Live Science, bats can fly and spread viruses farther and more23.than other animals. There have been rules for people to24.eating wild animals. However, the25.is not just in eating them, but also in touching them. People who hunt(猎取),26., sell or eat these animals have the risk of becoming infected(感染). Keeping wild animals as pets or selling27.of their bodies also creates risks for humans. It is not28.to do it. Protecting wild animals is protecting29.. Trading wild animals should be banned. Let's start from now on! 【4】 (2020·辽宁营口·中考真题) humorous, famous, develop, be, they, but, even, with, scientist, help When you hear the word "hero", do you think of someone with superpowers or someone you know? Facing the spread of the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒), everyone is afraid of the deadly disease,30. some choose to hold their fear down, stand out and fight the virus. They are 31. as "heroes in harm's way(最美逆行者)". Medical workers and 32.are always on the frontlines. Experts(专家)Zhong Nanshan, 84, and Li Lanjuan, 73, for example, have worked day and night 33.rapid test kits(快速检 测盒)and treat severe(重症的)patients; doctor Zhang Wenhong from Shanghai tries to tell the public about the virus in a 34.way; Li Wenliang and some other medical workers 35. lost their lives in the fight against the epidemic(传染病). Besides these familiar names, many heroes are still unknown. They have also taken risks and played 36. own part. Construction(建筑)workers race against time to build makeshift(临时的)hospitals; Volunteers 37. to transport supplies(补给品),and thousands of media workers provide the public 38. news and inspiring(鼓舞人心的)stories. The battle against an epidemic is hard. But as long as there 39. heroes and heroic deeds(英雄行为), victory will come for sure. As the Chinese writer Lu Xun said, "True heroes dare to loo squarely to the gloomy life and are bold in facing up to the dripping blood." 【5】 (2020·辽宁锦州·中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文 完整、正确,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置(每个词只能用一次)。 from, music, hundred, alone, control, especially, close, other, and, out The novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) began to spread in Wuhan in the last month of 2019. 40. it has continued to spread. The Chinese government 41. off fifty million people in Wuhan and cities near it. As the virus (病毒) spread to other areas of China, the government took action 42. the spread of the disease (疾病). When people go 43., they wear masks (口罩). 44. of companies hav

docx文档 专题08 短文填空、选词填空 -三年(2018-2020)中考英语真题分项汇编(辽宁专用)

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