第 5 课时 Integrated skills & Study skills 一、根据中文或首字母提示写出单词。 1. The students are having a ________ (化学) class in the lab. 2. I didn’t ________ (提及) the problems in my report. 3. Can you tell me how to ________ (发音) this word? 4. Speak English as much as possible and you’ll make great p________ in spoken English one day. 5. The teacher asked him to read the article a________ so that everyone could hear him well, 二、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 feel learn worry be proud of 1. Don’t be ________________ about your son. He can look after himself. 2. Put what you ________________ into practice as often as possible. 3. Talk to me when ________________ sad and don’t keep your problems in your mind. 4. Luke’s mother will ________________ him if he wins the reading competition. 三、单项选择。 1. —How do you improve your English ______ ? —I often talk with the persons whose mother language is English. A. population B. transportation C. pronunciation D. suggestion 2. I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will ______ me. A. laugh at B. agree with C. depend on D. worry about 3. Please ______ your exam papers once again before handing them in. A. going over B. went over C. go over D. to go over 4. The teacher said, “ ______ great progress You’ve made! But you should still work hard.” A. What B. How a C. What a D. How 四、根据首字母提示补全短文。 Sometimes, I felt stressed. The world around me was moving very quickly, and I didn’t know 1. w________ to do. I started asking myself, “2. H________ can I keep up with all this?” I started looking for 3. a________ . I spoke to many people, 4. i________ my families and my friends, I even read many self help books. But I couldn’t find anything satisfying. In fact. The more self-help books I read. The 5. m________ stressed I became. Until one day, I found Tao Te Ching (《道德经》), which was 6. w________ over 2, 000 years ago. I remember the following 7. s________ : The supreme goodness is like water (上善右若水). It benefits all things without contention (水善利万物而不争, 处众人之所恶) ... After reading the passage, my stress suddenly disappeared. Today, I’d like to share the three lessons I learned 8. w________ you. The first lesson is to keep modest. The 9. s________ lesson I learned is to keep peaceful. The last lesson is to keep 10. o________ . Water is open to change. These three lessons have become my guiding principles (原则) in my life. 五、完形填空。 Eddie was filled with excitement. The mountain bike ___1___ was about to start and he had been training hard. Perhaps. this year, he would finally ___2___ . The waiting crowd shouted encouragement, and Eddie s dad was among them, smiling ___3___ . The starter’s gun ___4___ and Eddie got away quickly. The road was bumpy ( 起 伏 不 平 ) with lots of sudden turns. But Eddie was ___5___ for these challenges. As he went around a corner, he ___6___ that his friend Riley was the only rider in front of him. Putting in more effort. Eddie reached Riley and then suddenly he was ___7___ . He was going to win! Eddie could ___8___ the finish line at the top of the next hill. The crowd began to ___ 9___ and Eddie heard his father’s voice supporting him. Moments later. Eddie heard a cry. He looked around to see Riley ___10___ on the road with his bike on top of him. Any minute now. The other ___11___ would rush toward him over the hill. Eddie jumped off his bike and ran to Riley. His friend was unhurt and the boys ___ 12___ moved Riley s bike off the road. The other riders ___13___ past to the finish line, and Eddie heard a cheer go up for the winner. Slowly, Eddie ___14___ his bike to the finish line. Tears filled his eyes. Then, to his surprise, Eddie heard a sound and looked over at the crowd to see them cheering for ___15___ . And there was his dad, with the proudest smile of all. 1. A. show B. race C. trip D. exercise 2. A. pay B. stop C. rest D. win 3. A. proudly B. softly C. politely D. weakly 4. A. broke up B. showed up C. went off D. fell off 5. A. ready B. thankful C. famous D. late 6. A. dreamed B. decided C. expected D. realized 7. A. side by side B. on the top C. in the lead D. far behind 8. A. pass B. see C. touch D. draw 9. A. laugh B. hide C. cheer D. leave 10. A. standing B. lying C. training D. travelling 11. A. riders B. parents C. winners D. crowds 12. A. secretly B. suddenly C. separately D. quickly 13. A. sped B. walked C. spread D. ran 14. A. threw B. pushed C. sent D. tied 15. A. them B. themselves C. him D. himself 第 5 课时 Integrated skills & Study skills 一、 1. Chemistry 2. mentio

doc文档 Unit 3 Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills同步练习 2022-2023学年牛津译林版九年级英语上册

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 Unit 3 Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills同步练习 2022-2023学年牛津译林版九年级英语上册 第 1 页  Unit 3 Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills同步练习 2022-2023学年牛津译林版九年级英语上册 第 2 页  Unit 3 Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills同步练习 2022-2023学年牛津译林版九年级英语上册 第 3 页
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