《格林童话选》练习题 一、完型填空(Snow White) When the seven dwarfs came home from work, they saw Snow White __1__ up and lying on the floor.” Is she dead?” the first dwarf asked. The second dwarf thought that she was __2___ and the third dwarf asked everyone to untie her quickly. They untied Snow White and now she __3__ breathe again. She told them about the woman __4__ was selling pots and pans. “She was the bad queen,” one dwarf said, “You must not let anyone __5__ the house when we are not here.” When the queen got home, she asked her __6__ who was the fairest woman of all. “Snow White is __7__,” it answed. The queen was very, very angry. She decided to kill Snow White again and made sure she was __8__. She took some apples and filled them with __9__. Then she pretended to be a farm’s wife and went to the little house in the forest. She __10__ the door, Snow White stuck her head __11__ the window The queen showed Snow White a fresh apple and asked her to have a try. First she ate half of the apple and then gave __12__ half to Snow White. Only this half was poisonous. When Snow White bit into the apple and fell down __13__. The queen ran home to her mirror __14__ asked,” Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest woman of them all?” “You, my queen, are the __15__,” the mirror finally answered. 1. A.tie B.tied C.ties D.tying 2. A. breathing B.breathe C.breathed D.breath 3. A. will B.should C. could D.may 4. A. which B.when C.whom D.who 5. A. into B.onto C.about D.under 6. A. servant B.mirror C.king D.soldier 7. A. beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.much beautiful 8. A. dead B.die C.dying D.died 9. A. sugar B.sault C.poison D.poisonous 10. A.knocked on B.knock into C.knocked out of D.knock over 11. A. of B.out C.out of D.outside 12. A.another B. the others C.others D. the other 13. A. at least B. at once C.at times D.at first 14. A.so B.or C.and D.but 15. A.those B.ones C.that D.one 二、阅读理解 A(Rapunzel) 1 Many years ago there was a married couple who wanted to have a child. The years passed, but they did not have a child. The wife was worried that she was getting old and it would be too late for her to have a child. The couple lived in a house next to a witch. In her garden, the witch grew a wonderful vegetable called a rampion. The man’s wife often took some of this rampion. She liked to eat it more than any other vegetable. She was unhappy because she had no children. She ate the rampion to feel better and she thought she couldn’t live without it. But her husband found it wrong for her to steal the rampion from the witch. The witch let his wife have as much rampion as she wanted. But when the wife had a child, she must give the child to the witch. The couple agreed. A year later, the wife had a beautiful baby girl. As soon as the witch heard the baby crying, she came to the woman and took the child away and called her Rapunzel. Rapunzel was a beautiful child who grew into an even more beautiful young woman. For a time, the witch looked after her well, but when Rapunzel turned sixteen, she locked her in a room at the top of a tower. There was no door to this room. It had only one small window. Sadly, the witch no longer took care of Rapunzel.She left her alone in the tower. As Rapunzel grew, so did her hair. It grew and grew Soon it was so long that it reached the ground. Every time, the witch wanted to speak to Rapunzel, ______________________________________ . One day a young prince came by the tower. He saw Rapunzel and fell in love with her. So he asked Rapunzel to run away and marry to him. How could she get out of the tower? She thought hard and had an idea. She asked the prince to bring some silk every time he came. She could spin it into a rope. Many days passed and the rope was made and long enough for Rapunzel to climb down and run away. Unluckily, the witch found the plan. She cut off Rapunzel’s hair and sent Rapunzel away. She told the prince that Rapunzel was in the desert and woud be dead. The prince wasn’t badly hurt and rode away. He looked everywhere for Rapunzel. Many years later, he finally found her. She was alive and she had twin boys. He married Rapunzel and they lived happily together. 1 Why did the witch let the wife have much rampion as she wanted? A. Because she was kind and helpful B. Because she had enough rampion. C. Because the husband asked her for help D. Because the witch wanted the wife to have a child and then took it away 2 How did Rapunzel get out of the tower? A. Her mother

doc文档 《格林童话选》课外阅读练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级英语下册

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