外研版七下英语 Module 11 Body language 单元测试(含答案) 满分:100 分 一、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) It is said that eyes can speak.Do you have1. a stranger,but not too 2. a kind of experience?In a bus you may look at If he notices that he is being looked at,he may 3. uncomfortable.It is the same in our daily life. When you are looked at for several more times,you will look 4. 5. if there is anything wrong with you.If 6 who is looking at you.7 up and down in order to goes wrong,you will feel angry with the person can speak,right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite.But sometimes things are 8.If you wish to draw someone's 9,you may look at him or her more than ten seconds.For lovers,they enjoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 10.Clearly,eye communication should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation. ( )1.A.so B.such C.very D.quite ( )2.A.late B.long C.low D.loud ( )3.A.feel B.smell ( )4.A.itself B.himself C.myself ( )5.A.see B.guess C.hear ( )6.A.something B.nothing ( )7.A.Ears ( )8.A.different ( )9.A.picture B.lesson ( )10.A.write B.print C.sound B.Eyes B.difficult D.taste D.yourself D.expect C.everything C.Mouth C.tiring C.attention C.read D.anything D.Nose D.boring D.trouble D.express 二、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A I wanted to help the children in some poor places. Last summer , my dream came true. I joined a club of volunteers(志愿者)and drove to a small village in the west of China to build a library primary school. After a three-hour ride,we got there.The school was poor,and we had to choose a small room as the library.Our job was to move hundreds of books into the room, put them on the shelves and set up(摆放)small tables and chairs in the room. I soon found the work wasn't interesting at all.We carried the books from the cars to the room during that morning.We all felt bored and tired.But in the afternoon , many students came to borrow books from the“library”and ran back to their classroom to read.The students said that they ever saw so many books and thanked us again and again. How happy I was to hear that!Then we worked on,and at last a real library was there!It only took us one day to build the library,but it will make a difference(有影响)to these children's lives. ( )11.The writer's dream was to A.build a new school B.visit the west of China C.help the poor students ( )12.It took the writer A.2 ( B.3 C.4 D.5 . B.build a small library C.teach the students lessons ( D.send desks and chairs to schools hours to get to the school. )13.They went there to A.carry books . D.give the students some money )14.Which sentence is RIGHT according to this passage? A.The volunteers went to the school by train B.The students changed a big classroom C.The volunteers worked for two days to build a small room D.The students enjoyed reading in their classroom that afternoon ( )15.Which is the best title of this passage? A. A Volunteer’s Day B.A Modern library B. A Reading Room D.A Primary School B   When people talk to friends online, they may use emojis(表情符号) or memes(表情包) more often than words to show their feelings. Memes are more complex( 复 杂 的 ) than emojis. They have words on images(图像). Why do people like using them so much? I think there are a few reasons. With emojis and memes, we are able to show our feelings without typing(打字). It makes us chat more easily. If I want to say “I love you”, I can just send someone a “heart” emoji. Or I can send an “angry face” emoji to say “I'm very upset right now!” Sometimes it is difficult to show feelings with words, so we can use emojis and memes to help us. For example, when you want to celebrate a victory( 胜利), you can use the Success Kid meme. It's a picture of a boy with a clenched fist(紧握的拳头) and a determined(坚定的) face. It's easy to use a picture to show a thought or feeling that everyone knows. People use these things for different reasons. Emojis and memes are quick and easy, and almost every phone or messaging app has them. (  )16.Memes have     according to the passage. A.words and images B.words C.images D.sounds (  )17.The second and third paragraphs mainly tell us     . A.some emojis and memes B.memes are more complex than emojis C.how people use emojis and memes (  )18.The emoji D.why people like using emojis and memes  means “    ”. A.angry B.sad C.love D.happy (  )19.What's NOT the advantage of using emojis or memes? A.They ar

doc文档 Module 11 Body language单元测试 2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语下册

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