Have you ever been to a museum ? Section B 1a-1d Have you ever been to Beijing? It’s our capital( 首都 ). It’s beautiful and modern. Have you ever been to ...... the Great Wall The ancient emperors built it to protect their part of the country. Ming Great Wall is about 8,850 kilometers long. It’s the longest wall in the world. Badaling part is the most famous part. Have you visited the ......Palace Museum It’s the biggest museum in China. It has more than 9000 rooms. There were so many treasures in it. We can learn a lot about Chinese history from it. Have you seen the ......Terracotta Army It’s one of the greatest wonders( 奇迹 ) in the world. It was found in 1974 in Shanxi province. Have you ever visited the ......Bird’s Nest It is 330 metres long, 220 metres wide and 69.2 metres tall. It was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Have you tried...... Beijing Duck Mooncakes Zong zi Mapo Toufu Dumplings Kung Pao Chcken 1a a Match the pictures with names. b c ____ c the Terracotta Army ____ a the Great Wall d the Bird’s Nest ____ b the Palace Museum ____ d Answer the questions 1.When is Peter going back to Australia? A.next week B.tomorrow C.next month 2.When did Peter go to the Palace Museum? A.last month B.last week C.last year 3.How was the trip to the Palace Museum? A.boring B. tired C.wonderful 4. How did Peter feel when he went to see the Terracotta Army? A.fantastic B.boring C.beautiful 1b Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check (√) the questions you hear. ____ √ Have you visited the Palace Museum? ____ √ Have you been to the Great Wall? ____ Have you been to the Bird’s Nest? ____ Have you seen the Terracotta Army? ____ √ Have you tried Chinese food? 1c Listen again and take notes. Name: _________________________________________________ Peter Australia Country: _______________________________________________ two weeks How long in China: ______________________________________ Places visited: __________________________________________ the Palace Museum, the Great Wall , the Bird’s Nest, the Terracotta Army ______________________________________________________ Food: ________________________________________________ _ Beijing Duck Name: ________________________________________ Peter Country: ______________________________________ Australia How long in China: ______________________________ two weeks Places visited: __________________________________ the Palace Museum, the Great Wall , ______________________________________________ the Bird’s Nest, the Terracotta Army Food: _________________________________________ Beijing Duck 听后转述 Peter comes from ....He has been in China for ... 跟读录音 1d What places have you been to? Ask your partner. Have you visited …? Have you been to …? Have you seen …? Have you tried …? Book report I’m a student from .....I have been to..... As Chinese, we need to share our culture.

ppt文档 Unit 9 Section B 1a-1d 课件 2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册

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