专题 18 书面表达模板 03 一 、通知 1. 思维导图 段落要点 首段 引起注意,表明目的 正文 主要内容(时间、地点以及内容等) 结尾 邀请参加+注意事项 2. 基本模板 NOTICE To enrich our school life and arouse students’ enthusiasm for ______(活动主旨) , ______(活动) is going to be held at ______(活动地点) on ______(活动时间). Contestants are required to ______( 活 动 要 求 ). All entries must be submitted to ______( 报 名 地 点 ) by ______( 截止时间) . All the ______(参赛内容) will be graded carefully by our foreign teachers. Winners of the contest will be awarded with ______(颁发奖品). T hose who show their keen interests in the activity will be highly appreciated. Keenly anticipate your participation. Student Union 二 、倡议书 1. 考情分析 如何出题 ① 爱护环境:1.节约用水 save water,2.节约食物 save food,3.公车出行 take bus,4.拼车 car-pooling 5.lowcarbon life 低碳生活 ② 身体健康(倡导吃早餐,倡导公共卫生等); ③ 公益类(如:号召大家给希望工程捐款) 2. 思维导图 3. 基本模板 标题 Dear ______ ( 称谓) It is common to see that ______(陈述现象). Not only ______, but also______ ( 现象的影响). I’m writing to call on us students to ______(呼吁) . Firstly, we are supposed to ______(建议一). What’s more, it is suggested that ______(建议二). Eventually, whatever possible it’s good to______(建议三) . Such measures can definitely make a marked improvement in______(在什么方面提高) , we would like all of you to attach importance to______(主题)! Your sincerely, Li Hua 三 、发言稿 1. 思维导图 2. 基本模板 Dear ______ ( 称谓) It is a great honor for me to stand here to deliver/address a speech. My topic today is ______( 主题). There is no doubt that ______( 陈 述 自 己 的 观 点 ). However , ______( 陈 述 问 题 ) , which gives rise to______(问题结果). To remedy the situation, we students need to spring into action. We are supposed to ______(建议一). Do dear in mind that ______(建议二). That’s all. Thank you! 四 、新闻报道 1. 思维导图 2. 基本模板 ______ ( 标题) ______( 时 间 或 地 点 ) saw/witnessed ______( 活 动 ) . Aimed at ______( 活 动 目 的 ), this activity was well received in the whole school. ______(参与者) took an active part in the activity. The ______(活动) provided a platform for all the students to ______(活动内容一). Most impressively, ______(活动内容二). With the students' active participation and teachers' enthusiastic support, the ______(活动) was undoubtedly a success. (This activity was highly spoken of by students, for it motivated them to______(影响).) 3. 必备词句 【常用词汇】 1.be present ( at) 出席 2. be absent from. 缺席 3. express one’s opinion 表达某人的观点 4. choose sb. as. 选择某人作为…… 5. attend a lecture/meeting 听课/参会 6. give a lecture/speech 做讲座/演讲 7. take part in/participate in an activity 参加活动 8. be expected to do.. 被期待做某事;有望做某事 9.in case( of) 以防/万一 10. be organized by. 由……组织 11. will be held/be to be held 将被举行 12. be aimed/intended to do. 打算……,意图是 13. with the aim/intention/purpose of. 目标是…… 14. sign up/sign up for/register for 签到/报名参加 15. be invited to. 被邀请去…… 16. bring sth. with sb. 某人带来某物 17. be required to do. 被要求做…… 18. take notes 做笔记 19. inform sb. of sth. /tell sb. about sth. 20. take measures/steps/action 告知某人某事 采取措施 【常用句型】 1. Hello, everybody/everyone. 2. Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 3. Attention, please! I have something important to tell you. 4. There will be a party/speech/contest held by ... 5. In order to ..., the Student Union will organize ... 6. There will be colourful activities then, such as ... 7. All the teachers and students are required to attend it. 8. Those who are interested in the activity are welcome. 9. Please come and join in it. Everyone is welcom to attend it. 10. Please come on time and don’t be late. 11. I believe you will have a wonderful time then. 12. That's all. Thank you. 五 、投稿 1. 思维导图 投稿,通常会有特定的主题,如你最敬爱的人等等,话题基本上围绕书信类,如推荐一个项目,那就 和推荐信写作思路一致。如最想感谢的人,那就和感谢信思路一致,不过在表达上可能人称需要换一下。 基本上写一篇相关话题的小短文即可,小短文以记叙文或者议论文为主。学生需要掌握相关词汇,句式用 法等。 段落要点 首段 投稿约稿目的 正文 介绍稿件的具体内容 结尾 期望祝福 2. 高频词句 【常用词汇】 1. 旨在;以......为目的 be aimed at 2. 出版 publish 3. 文章的要求 requirements of the article 4. 如果 on condition that 5. 限制在......词 be limited to about ... words 6. 是很受......欢迎的 be very popular with... 7. 任何有关的事情 anything relevant to 8. 大约 120 字就可以了 About 120 words would be fine 9. 在......之前提交你的文章 submit your article before 10. 体育专栏 sports column 11. 娱乐专栏 entertainment column 12. 栏目特点 characteristics of the column 13. 语言风格 language style 14. 改编自 be adapted from 15. 延长截止日期 extend the deadline 、 【常用句型】 1. 我想邀请某人写一篇......文章 I would like to invite sb to write an article for... 2. 我想请你为我们学校的英文报纸写一篇文章。 I’d like to ask you to writr an article for our school’s English newspaper. 3. 你能写点关于你的

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