37 疫情对旅游方式的影响 2022 年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练 一、单项选择 1.—Chinese government has controlled COVID-19 ________ . —I think so. China is the only country that allows millions of people traveling around during holidays. A.successful B.more successfully C.most successfully 【答案】C 【详解】 句意:——中国政府控制新冠肺炎疫情最成功。——我也这么认为。中国是唯一一个允许数百万人在节假 日出游的国家。 考查副词最高级。根据“China is the only country…”可知,此处暗含与世界其他国家的比较,用最高级,此 处是副词修饰动词,successfully“成功地”,是副词,最高级是 most successfully,故选 C。 2.This year, many people in China _______ to stay at the places where they work because of the COVID-19. A.tell B.are told C.have been told D.have told 【答案】B 【详解】 句意:今年,由于新冠疫情,许多中国人被告知要留在工作的地方。 考查一般现在时态的被动语态。主语“many people”与动词构成被动关系,应用被动语态;且这句话陈述事 实,应用一般现在时态。故选 B。 二、阅读单选 A Over the past year, COVID-19 has forced people to give up most of their travel plans. Now in a world with social distancing and limited flights, what will travel be like? Airbnb, a US-based home-sharing company, has used surveys to predict trends(预测趋势). Getting back to nature In China, 76 percent of those surveyed want to “travel to suburban(近郊的)areas” or even “move to the countryside” in the coming year. In the US, 62 percent expressed interest in taking a vacation that is closer to home in a more natural environment, such as a tree house or cottage(乡间小屋). Remote(远程的)working and traveling Because of COVID-19, remote working and schooling became a lifestyle for many people in 2020. Airbnb says this will blur(模糊)the line between working and traveling. On Airbnb, people who have the chance to work from anywhere are actively booking longer stays(two week-plus trips). They prefer small-to-mid-size cities with natural environments and more open spaces. In China, 64 percent of people are considering “going to a new place to live and work remotely”, or “traveling while on a business trip”. Staying more connected Pod travel, in which people choose to travel together as a family or a group of friends, will become a trend. This way, people can stay safe and reduce the risk of socializing with others. On Airbnb, more than half of the trips that are being planned for 2021 include three or more travelers. 3.What is Airbnb? A.A traveling company. B.An airline company. C.A car-sharing company. D.A home-sharing company. 4.How many percent of those surveyed want to take a vacation that is closer to home in the US? A.19. B.62. C.64. D.76. 5.What does the underlined word “this” refer to? A.COVID-19. B.Working at home. C.Homeschooling. D.Remote working and schooling. 6.Which city will people who have the chance to work from anywhere book on Airbnb? A.Mount Wuyi. B.Hangzhou. C.Shanghai. D.Beijing. 7.Why will Pod travel become a trend? A.Because people can stay safe. B.Because people want to be popular. C.Because people want to be different. D.Because people love socializing with others. 【答案】 3-7.DBDAA 【分析】 文章大意:Airbnb 利用调查预测了 2021 年的一些旅游趋势。 3.细节理解题。根据“Airbnb, a US-based home-sharing company”可知,Airbnb 是一家总部位于美国的民宿 共享公司,故选 D。 4.细节理解题。根据“In the US, 62 percent expressed interest in taking a vacation that is closer to home in a more natural environment, such as a tree house or cottage(乡间小屋).”可知,在美国,62%的人表示想去离 家更近、环境更自然的地方度假,比如树屋或小木屋,故选 B。 5.词义猜测题。根据“Because of COVID-19, remote working and schooling became a lifestyle for many people in 2020. Airbnb says this will blur(模糊)the line between working and traveling.”可知,由于 COVID-19, 2020 年远程工作和教育成为许多人的生活方式。Airbnb 说这将模糊工作和旅行之间的界限,所以 this 指代的是 “远程工作和教育”,故选 D。 6.推理判断题。根据“On Airbnb, people who have the chance to work from anywhere are actively booking longer stays(two week-plus trips). They prefer small-to-mid-size cities with natural environments and more open spaces.”可知,在 Airbnb 上,那些有机会在任何地方工作的人正在积极预订更长的住宿时间(两周以上 的旅行)。他们更喜欢拥有自然环境和更开放空间的中小城市。所以 A 选项应该是他们的选择,故选 A。 7.细节理解题。根据“Pod travel, in which people choose to travel together as a family or a group of friends, will become a trend. This way, people can stay safe and reduce the risk of socializing with others.”可知,“Pod travel” 是指人们选择家人或一群朋友一起旅行,这将成为一种趋势。这样,人们可以保持安全,并减少与他人交 往的风险。故选 A。 B Welcome to Manor Farm U-pick Activities. We are known for our delicious strawberries. We invite you to visit the farm and enjoy our fresh products and great farming experiences. We’ll try our best to create a safe open-air environment for our customers under the circumstances (情况) of COVID-19 this year. Please read the instructions below. To pick the strawberries, you need to make a reservation (预约) on our website. Reservations a

doc文档 37 疫情对旅游方式的影响 2022年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练

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