外研社八年级上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 09 根据首字母提示填单词 100 道 1.根据成分或结构,判断词性。 2.前后兼顾,依据成分及词性对单词形式作适当变化。 3.全面考虑,不忘大小写。 1.Mike likes football because it’s very e________. 2.The boy was too c________ and made a lot of mistakes in the exams. 3.The Lakers will play a_________ the Rockets in the NBA match tonight. 4.You’d better go to see the doctor if your stomach h________ . 5.Yesterday Mr Green got to school a little earlier than u________. 6.Beijing is in the n___ of China,so it is cold in winter. 7.—Is New York the c____ of the United States? —No,it isn't. 8.There are over 20 million people in Shanghai. It's a big c____. 9.—What's the p____of the city? —It's four million. 10.There is a river about 10 metres w ____,running through(穿过) our village. 11.Water p__ is one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. 12.The government is trying to improve the public s__. 13.The heavy t__ on the road stopped my taxi from arriving on time. 14.There's enough s__ for people to live in. 15.No matter how hard the problem is, we should f__ it. 16.Nicole Kidman is a very famous a___in Hollywood. 17.He o___to give me a lift yesterday. 18.Most students want to go to c___after finishing middle school. 19.My daughter n___her favourite cat Mimi. 20.In the e_____, they reached a place of safety. 21.The new street in my village is very w __________ . 22.Look! There are some children playing on the h __________ . 23.Summer comes and the days are g __________ longer and longer. 24.M __________ of people around the world come to the city every year. 25.—What’s the p _________ of the city? —Sorry! I’m new here. 26.The little boy f________his father out. 27.There is a h______in my sock. 28.Our study group gets together t_______a week. 29.The children were playing outside w________Mary was writing a letter. 30.In ten minutes the plane will l________in Beijing. 31.Can I use your d_________? I want to look up a word in it. 32.This English sentence is d________ for me to understand. 33.Tom is an e__________ student. He always gets an A in every subject. 34.Mr. Green gave us some a__________ on how to learn a foreign language. 35.Sorry, the phone line is bad. I can’t hear you. Please speak a___________. 36.January is the first m__________of the year. 37.Although they are twins,there are many d__________between them. 38.It's a t_________ in China to give presents to friends during the Spring Festival. 39.Asians eat meals with c_________,but Europeans with knives and forks. 40.Yesterday I received a gift,but I didn't a_________. 41.Bears are not as dangerous as people i________them to be. 42.There is something w______with your computer. 43.I waited for them at the b______of the hill. 44.Smoking and drunkenness are both h________for people's health. 45.We should be b________when we meet illnesses and difficulties. 46.Linda took out 200 yuan from her p______ to pay for her new dress. 47.My grandma w______ the golden ring with a piece of red cloth. 48.David asked Rose to his birthday party and she a______ his invitation. 49.I r______ an email yesterday but I didn't know who sent it to me. 50.I g______ everyone I met by saying “Good morning” when I walked into the school. 51.How many m_______ are there in an hour? 52.After playing basketball, I am really t________.Please give me something to drink. 53.Junk food is not good for your h__________ 54.-What's your favourite P___________?-Animal world. 55.There are lots of t_______ visiting Qingdao every summer. 56.Cindy's p_______ face shows that she isn't feeling well now. 57.A smile a________ on Mum's face when she heard the good news. 58.—What happened, Jane? —There was an accident. A car h_______ a bus. 59.—Mr. Wang saved the girl's life at the r________ of losing his life. —How great he was! 60.I'm sure your parents will be g_______ to hear from you. 61.I have a cold. I must take some m____. 62.It’s not right to t____ litter (垃圾) here and there. 63.We usually put the food in the f____ in summer. 64.You must see a doctor in time, or you’ll be w____. 65.Look! The lovely panda is c____ up the tree. 66.The man lost his left leg in the traffic a__________ last Friday. 67.There are many customers at the supermarket. It's very noisy and c__________. 68.My bedroom is small. H__________,it is very clean. 69.I want to b__________ a room for my friend. He will stay in Beijing for two days. 70.Everyone is here e__________ Lily. 71.There are some dark c_______, so I think it's going to rain soon. 72.A_______

doc文档 专题09 根据首字母提示填单词100道(知识详解+真题训练)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分 (外研版)

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