Module 7 Computers Unit 2 When do you use  a computer? Q:What can we do on the computer? A:We can... play computer games 自主学习 talk with friends 自主学习 send emails listen to music search for information go shopping 自主学习 visit website ['websait] 网站 download music ['daunləud] 下载 make travel plans ['trævl] 旅 行 check the times of [tʃek] 检查 trains buy tickets ['tikit] 票 自主学习 Watch and read 1. Watch the flash 2. Answer: When do you use a computer? 自主学习 Answers of three students Zhang Lei Alice Mike Fast reading Read the passage quickly & match( 连 线 ). Zhang Jack Lei Alice Mike can use the computer on Sundays. shares a computer with his father. has a friend in Australia. 1. Reading (paragraph 1) (D) 1. What does Zhang Lei’s father do on the computer? A. Talk to his customers on the computers. B. Check the times of trains. C. Make travel plans, and buy tickets. D. All of the above. (B) 2. Does Zhang Lei use the computer every night? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. No, he does. D. Yes, he doesn’t. 2. Reading (paragraph 2) 1. Does Alice have a computer at home? No, she doesn’t. _______________________________ _________________________________________ 2. Where is Alice’s friend? She is in Australia. ___________________________________ __________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ 3. Reading (paragraph 3) B( )1. Do Mike’s parents use a computer at home A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. No, they do. D. Yes, they don’t. A( )2. What does Mike do on a computer? A. Send email(s) B. Talk to friends C. Check the train times D. Do homework 4.Read the whole passage. True or False. F 1. Jack’s Zhangfather Lei uses the computer every Friday night. athome. school F 2. Alice checks emails at 3. Mike likes playing computer games. T use use F 4. Mike and his parents don’t their home computer. 5.Retell story ZhangLei listens to music and watches movies. Zhang Lei Alice Mike Alice searches for information, does her homework, checks her email and talks online. Mike sends email to his friends and plays computer games. 6.Read for thinking and discuss in a group. 1.Who would you like to be friends with? 2.Whose parents do you like best?Why? 3.If you were Mike’s parents, what would you do? 4.Do you make friends on the Internet? 5. Why doesn’t Mike’s mother like him playing a lot of computer games? 7.Group task. Desktop Design Talk about your choice ( 选择 ) Give reasons( 原因 ) Give advice( 建议) Work in pairs Design your desktop. Then write sentences about your answers, you can talk with your desk mates. 1.What do you do on the computer? 2.Why do you choose them? 3.Do you play computer games? 4.Can you give some advice on using the computer? Writing Now write write sentences sentences about about your your answers answers Now .. I choose (QQ music, because I can)... _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 8.Summary. Everyone of you is just like a young tree. The computer helps us do a lot of things. I hope everyone of you grow Computer very strong! right time right places right ways POWERPOI

ppt文档 Module 7 Unit 2课件2021-2022学年外研版英语七年级上册

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