教 师 学 科 教学目标 教学重难点 上课时 间 学 生 英语 年 级 八年级 课题名称 帮助学生发现问题、提高综合运用语言和解析题目的能力 词汇在阅读题中的准确使用及语法知识 教学内容 【知识梳理 1】 1. 频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 2. once or twice a week 3. play table tennis/ the piano/ computer games 4 .choose the tight answers 5.辨析: be similar to be familiar to be familiar with 6. 词性辨析:successful successfully success succeed 7. all of -- none of 8. be at school/work/university 9. be responsible for... responsibility n. 10. discuss the business over breakfast 11. be too simple/difficult for sb 12. achieve A grades in all one's subjects 13. fail an exam 14. return to sp 15. attend a club 16. assist sb to do sth 17. continue doing/to do sth go on doing/to do sth 18. write the meaning in Chinese/English 1 8AU2 19. a number of... the number of... 20. It is time for +n. It is time to do sth. 21. an acrobat 22. have a rest relax oneself 23. lost interest in... 24. spend one's whole life on sth/in doing sth 25. write down what she does 26. have a big crowd 1. 词汇测试 1. whizz-kid 3. introduction 5. business __ 2. similar _ 4.probably _________ 6. expect ________ ___ ___________________ __________________ 7.popular _____________________________ 8. sale _________________________________ 9. 一周做一次或两次_______________________10. 刷牙____________________________ 11. 上学__________________________________12 .骑摩托车 ________________________ 13. 弹钢琴 ______________________________ 14. 打乒乓___________________________ 15. 搞清楚______________________________ 16. 与…相似__________________________ 17. 与…不同 ____________________________ 18. 考虑你的日常生活 ________________ 19. 一定是_______________________________ 20. 优等生之一 ______________________ 反义疑问句 I. 基本用法 1. 基本结构:前否后肯,前肯后否 。 2. 当陈述句中含有 be 动词,助动词,或是情态动词时,反义疑问句部分由这些词加上主语人称代 词构成。 2 be 动词包括:am, is, are, was, were 助动词有:do, does, did, have/has (现在完成时中) 、 情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should ★ 注意:have/has/had 只有在 ①现在完成时,②过去完成时,③ had better 情况下可直接用于反 义疑问句中,其他一律用 do/does/did. He has supper at home every day, doesn’t he? (能用 hasn’t he? 吗) They have known the matter, haven’t they? (能用 don’t they? 吗) 3. 当陈述句中只含有行为动词时, ① 若动词加了 s, 就用 does; ② 若动词为原形,就用 do, ③ 若动词为过去式,则用 did; 【典型例题】 1. Alice had a wonderful time yesterday, _____________? A. hadn’t she 2. B. wasn’t she B. didn’t C. hasn’t D. isn’t Thanks to the 2014 Winter Olympics, Sochi’s well-known, _______? A. isn’t it 4. D. wouldn’t she Liu Qian has made “magic” a hot word, _____________he? A. doesn’t 3. C. didn’t she B. has it C. is it D. hasn’t it — Hi, Sam. Your mother’s busy these days, ? —Yes. But she says she’ll be free soon. A. has she 5. B. is she —It’s Father’s Day, C. hasn’t she D. isn’t she ? —Yes. Let’s buy a gift for Dad. A. isn’t it 6. B. doesn’t it C. isn’t he D. doesn’t he --You are going to visit the Great Wall,_____? --That’s right. A. are you 7. B. aren’t you C. don’t you The children had to repeat that story twice, ________they? 3 D. won’t you A. didn’t 8. C. did D. had The tall man over there is our new English teacher, _________? A. is he 9. B. hadn’t B. is there C. isn’t he D. isn’t there There was a loud cry from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _______? A. wasn’t there B. was there C. didn’t it D. did it 10. –Mrs. Huang often speaks to foreigners, _________? –Yes, she wants to practice her spoken English. A. doesn’t he B. is she C. doesn’t she D. isn’t he CCADABACAC II. 高频考点 1. 陈述部分为 There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用动词 + there (here)?形式。 There are two cakes on the plate, ? aren’t there Here is a story about Mark Twain, ? isn’t here 2. 反 义 疑 问 句 的 陈 述 部 分 带 有 little, few, never, hardly, rarely, seldom, nobody, nothing, barely, scarcely 等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式。如: Maria has few friends in China, ____________ ____________? does she They can hardly speak English, ____________ ____________? can they 练习: 1. There is little milk in the fridge, A. is there 2. 3. D. is it ? B. doesn’t she C. does she D. hasn’t she B. can’t we C. will it D. won’t it Tom seldom hurt himself in the accident, ________? A. didn’t he 5. C. isn’t it We can hardly tell what life without the Internet will be like in the future, _________? A. can we 4. B. isn’t there Sally has few friends here, A. did she ? B. does he C. doesn’t he D. did he She’s never seen such a wonderful film, _______ she? A. is B. isn’t C. has 4 D. hasn’t 6. Lily’s never been to Hainan, ________ she? A. is 7. B. isn’t C. has D. hasn’t

docx文档 第十三讲:8A Unit 2预习 牛津上海版英语暑期讲义(七升八)

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