动作描写类 【题型解读】 动作描写主要是通过对人物的动作、行 为和活动的描写来展示人物的性格、品质、 身份、地位、 处境和状态等。好的动作描写 可以使人物形象栩栩如生、活灵活现,个性 特征更加鲜明。读后续写的体裁是以人物为 中心的叙事性记叙文,需要大篇幅的动作描 写,因此做好人物的动作描写显得尤为重要 。 【四个应对策略】 1. 要准确。要使用精准化动作类词 汇对动作进行细致描写,用一系列小动作 而不用大动作或者 用含义比较明确的动词 而不用抽象或虚化的动词来描述,以使描 写更加具体生动。试比较下面两句: ⑴ The little boy said sorry to his mother. ⑵ The little boy hung his head and murmured an apology to his mother. 【分析】句⑴中 said sorry to 不带任何感情色 彩,而句⑵中使用了具体化的表示“说”的动词 murmured ,从而使一个不愿意道歉又不得不 道歉的小男孩的形象栩栩如生地复现在读者 脑海中。 2. 有过程。记叙文中在描写人物 个性的动作时,如果我们蜻蜒点水、一笔 带过,就很难突出人 物形象,也很难给人 以深刻的印象。而应按照顺序描写一连串 动作过程,既要把人物做事情的过程写 清 楚,又要把人物活动的步骤写具体,这样 才能够使得人物形象鲜明,文章层次清楚。 试比较下面两句: ⑴ She went to catch the butterfly. ⑵ She crept along the path, bent over swiftly and cupped her hands around the butterfly gently. 【分析】句⑴在描写主人公捕捉蝴蝶的动 作时,没有细节的动作描写,因此显得很平淡。 而句 ⑵运用了 creep , bend , cup 三个连贯的 动词生动具体地描述了主人公小心翼翼捕捉蝴蝶 的微妙过程, 具有极强的画面感。因此,在续 写过程中,在必要的地方恰当使用一连串的动词 来表示过程,能为 文章增添不少色彩。 3. 借修辞。除了在动词上作调整,还可以利用恰 当的修辞手法(比喻、拟人 . 夸张等)来帮助描 写 动作,让动作描写变得更有表现力。比较以下几组句 子: ⑴ The old man’s face wrinkled. ⑵ The old man’s face was like a withered apple. (比喻) ⑴ My stomach was aching for not eating on time. ⑵ My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time. (拟人) ⑴ When she heard the bad news, she cried. ⑵ When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out. (夸张) 【分析】上面每组中的⑵句分别使用了 比喻、拟人、夸张的修辞手法,使得动作 的描述更加生 动形象,更加吸引眼球。 4. 富节奏。动词按其意义可分为静态动词和 动态动词。动态动词可以生动展现人或事物的运 动 状态,让原本静止的画面像放电影一样,吸引 读者投人故事中感受人物的情绪和内心,使用富 有节 奏变化的动词可以推动波澜起伏的故事情节 ,从而更加直观地表现主题。比较以下几组句子 : ⑴ Unpacking the box, there was a delicate necklace inside. 打开盒子,里面有一条精美的项 ⑵ I unpacked the box, a delicate watch inside was in sight and my jaw dropped. 打 开盒子,看到里面 有一条精美的项链,我 的下巴都掉下来了。 【分析】 句⑴中 was 是静态动词,无 法凸显“惊喜”生日派对的主题,而句⑵中 的 dropped 就是 动态动词,形容非常吃 惊的状况。 ⑴ There is a broken car on the road. 路 上有一辆破车。 ⑵ The car went out of control and crashed into a wall 这辆车失控了,撞到了 墙上。 【分析】句⑴中的 is 是一个静态动词 ,而句⑵改用 crash into 之后,能够凸显 出事故发生的过程, 让读者感受到事故的 严重性,加深主题意义。 5. 用修饰。在描写动作时,可利用各 种状语,说明时间、地点、原因、伴随等 情况,使动作描 写更丰富。(详见《名师 导学满分作文》第二节“ 如何建构和升级 微型故事”) 2021 年普通高等学校招生 全国统一考试深圳二模 读 后 续 写 Continuation Writing 第二节 ( 满分 25 分 ) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写 两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 After Henry delivered all the newspapers, he pedaled fast to The Gazette offices by 8: 30. The chief editor had something important to tell him. He parked his bike and bounded up two flights of stairs to the chief editor’s door. Mr. Trotta greeted him. “About those papers,” he paused, “no good way to deliver bad news,” Henry’s smile faded. “We’re closing shop Saturday. Advertising is down. Television is how people get their news today,” Mr. Trotta shrugged, “You won’t have to get up early on weekends.” “No,” said Henry, “but I like waking up early and meeting people on my route. It’s sad. People won’t get their neighborhood’s news any more.” As Henry rode past the familiar houses, he saw Mr. Grady on his porch (门廊) holding a broom ( 扫把 ). “Mr. Grady, wait,” Henry called, setting down his bike. He led Mr. Grady to a chair and took the broom. In minutes, the porch was clean. “Now, Mr. Grady, anytime you have chores (家 务) call me.” They sat for a while as Mr. Grady recalled how happy he’d been moving his family to 26 Maple. He sounded lonely. A week after closing, Henry wondered if his customers missed The Gazette as much as he did. He thought of a way to find out. He started out on his old route with a notebook. First stop: Mr. Jonas, 17 Oak. When Henry asked him about the paper, Mr. Jonas answered, “I sure liked reading the week’s happenings. By the way, I have a pile of old comics from The Gazette. Think someone would want them?” “I’ll ask around.” Henry made a note in his notebook. He stopped at Mrs. Burke’s, 27 Maple. She opened the door, holding two babies. Her other two kids held on to her legs. Henry stared. “You could use a babysitter.” “Definitely. I meant to put an ad in The Gazette, but ... Know any neighbors with experience?” Mr. Simon was next door, carrying his violin out to his car. “Hey, Henry. My band is having a concert in the park next Friday. Tell all your friends.” 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 As Henry made more notes, an idea started forming in his head. _______________ Customers cheered Henry’s idea and helped supply the news. ____________ 一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件 1. 浅层信息理解 第三人称 首先要审题:⑴体裁:记叙文 _______ ;⑵人称: _______________ ;⑶主体时态: _______________ 。editor’s , 一般过去时 at the chief After Henry delivered all the newspapers , As Henry rode past the familiar houseshow ,A week after clos

ppt文档 01 新鲜出炉——洪亮英语2021年深圳二模读后续写再开发

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