浙江省各地 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期末英语试题精选汇编 阅读理解专题 浙江省杭州市 2020-2021 学年高一下学期教学质量检测英语试题 第一节(共 10 个小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 A On Friday morning when 53-year-old Thong Pham broke into the house through the unlocked back door, he took a steak knife from the kitchen. It was dark, and the family didn't know what Marley was barking (吠) at. Taylor, Amber and their girls Finley, 6, and Sadie, 4, soon woke up and came downstairs, too. “Well, it was dark so we couldn't see anything, only could hear Marley,” Amber recalled, saying her husband then went for the lights. “And once he turned the hall light on, we realized that the guy was holed up in the corner trying to hide.” “So I think he got to the front door and realized he couldn't get out, and by that point in time, Marley's got him cornered,” Taylor said. Pham slashed (砍) both Marley and Taylor, and blood went everywhere. Taylor shared a video summary to his Facebook page, where he said Marley was stabbed (刺) up to six times, mostly around the head and neck area. “And as I pulled back, blood shot out of my arm,” Taylor continued. “She got him pretty good and I got him pretty good in the face.” “But it was really hard because I was trying to make sure that my husband wasn't going to die,” Amber explained, adding that she was trying to protect their two girls. “When he realized that the two girls were in the house, that's when he kind of backed up and started running. " Taylor expressed gratitude to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. And the family is thankful for their dog Marley. “She's our hero,” Amber said. “If it hadn't been for her, that guy could have gone in the...he could have gone to their rooms or something.” Taylor added, “Yeah, I mean, the story plays out very differently if Marley's not there.” 1. Why did the family come downstairs before daybreak? A. To stop a break-in. B. To lock the back door. C. To check on Marley. D. To turn the hall light on. 2. What happened during the fight? A. Pham dug a hole in the corner. B. Marley was injured but bit back. C. Taylor had a backup from neighbors. D. Amber fought back to protect her girls. 3. What does Taylor mainly express on his Facebook? A. Forgiveness. B. Concern. Appreciation. 【答案】1. C 【解析】 2. B 3. D C. Anger. D. 【分析】这是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了泰勒一家夜晚遇到歹徒进屋,家里的狗 Marley 奋力 保护主人的故事。 【1 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段的“It was dark, and the family didn't know what Marley was barking (吠) at. Taylor, Amber and their girls Finley, 6, and Sadie, 4, soon woke up and came downstairs, too. “Well, it was dark so we couldn't see anything, only could hear Marley,” Amber recalled (天黑了, 一家人都不知道 Marley 在叫什么。泰勒、琥珀和她们的女儿芬利,6 岁,莎迪,4 岁,很快就 醒了过来,也下楼来了。“嗯,天很黑,所以我们什么也看不见,只能听到 Marley 的声音。”) ”可知,漆黑的夜晚这家人听见 Marley 在叫,由此推知一家人下楼是为了查看 Marley。故选 C。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Taylor shared a video summary to his Facebook page, where he said Marley was stabbed (刺) up to six times, mostly around the head and neck area. “And as I pulled back, blood shot out of my arm,” Taylor continued. “She got him pretty good and I got him pretty good in the face.”(泰勒在他的脸书上分享了一段视频摘要,他说 Marley 被刺伤了 6 刀,大部分是头部 和颈部。“当我后退时,血从我的胳膊上喷了出来,”泰勒继续说“她狠狠咬了他,我也看清楚了 他的脸。”)”可知,在搏斗的过程中 Marley 受了伤,但咬了歹徒。故选 B。 【3 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 的 “ Taylor expressed gratitude to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. And the family is thankful for their dog Marley.(泰勒对大家的挂念和祈祷表示感谢。全 家都很感激他们的狗 Marley)”可知,泰勒在 Facebook 上主要表达了对关心他们的人以及 Marley 的感激之情。故选 D。 【点睛】 B People in the Middle Ages did eat with their hands. Personal utensils (餐具) were mostly unheard of, especially forks. There were spoons to help serve, but only special guests would receive a knife from the host. Everyone else would be expected to bring their own. Of course, eating with one's hands can be quite a sticky situation, so towels were provided to help diners stay at least somewhat clean as they ate. Still, dining was often a messy affair. At special occasions in the wealthiest households, women tended to dine alone, separate from the men. Women were expected to uphold a quality of grace. Eating greasy meat by hand would certainly not help! Once the men and women had finished their meals, they would come together to socialize. Dietary scholars of the Middle Ages believed that the foods in a meal needed to be served and eaten in order of heaviness. The lightest and most easily digested foods, such as fruits and cheeses, were eaten first to help the digestive (消化) system get started. Once digestion was u

doc文档 浙江省各地2020-2021学年高一下学期期末英语试题精选汇编:阅读理解专题

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