《白牙》 White Fang----Jack London 一、作者简介 Jack London(1876-1916), was an American author, journalist and social activist( 活 动 家 ). a pioneer in the commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first fiction writers to achieve worldwide celebrity(名人)and a large fortune from his fiction alone. He grew up in a family which was in a on fixed job and no fixed housing . He started writing at the age of 24, and died at the age of just 40 years old . Since 1900, he published many novels, which tell us the lower people’ s life stories, showing the evils of capiatlist society. Jack London was born in1876 in the family of a bankrupt( 破 产 )farmer in San Francisco. Because of poverty, he worked as a child laborer and sailor, and then wandered( 流 浪 )around the United States. He studied at the university of California, Berkeley, and joined gold seekers in Alaska and other places after he was forced to quit because of poverty. The hard life experience in his early years provided him with a rich source for his later creation. His thought was relatively complex, influenced by Marx, Spencer, Nietzshe and many others. In his works in his youth, he was challenging the capitalist society and gradually fell into extreme individualism( 个 人 主 义 )and emptiness(空虚)after becoming famous. 杰克·伦敦(1876-1916),美国作家、记者和社会活动家。作为当时商业杂志小说 界的先驱,他是第一批获得世界知名度的小说作家之一,并且仅凭他的小说就获得了巨额 财富。他在一个没有固定职业和固定所的家庭中长大。24 岁开始讲述了下层人民的生活故 事,揭露了资本主义守会的罪恶。 杰克·伦敦 1876 年生于旧金山一个破产农民的家庭。因家境贫困,自幼从事体力劳动。当 过童工和水手等,后又在美国各地流浪。靠劳动所得曾进加州大学伯克利分校学习,因贫 困被迫退学后加入过阿拉斯加等地淘金者的行列。早年坎坷的生活经历为他后来从事创作 提供了丰富的源泉,他的思想较为复杂,受到过马克思、斯宾塞、尼采等多人影响,在他 青年时代的作品中,他挑战了资本主义会,成名后逐渐陷入极端个人主义和空虚中。 二、人物介绍 白牙(White Fang) 狼与雪橇犬的孩子。生长于荒野、与妈妈相依为命,乐观、勇敢、坚强、善良。它跟随 妈妈闯入了人类世界,后来母子被迫分离,它被训练成外号“育空堡噩梦“的斗犬,饱尝冷 暖,历经人间险恶,变得凶猛冷酷,同时也伤痕累累。 He was a child of white wolf and sled dog. Growing up in the wild, living with his mother, he was optimistic, brave, strong and kind. He broke into the human world with its mother. Later, the mother and the son were forced to separate. He was trained as a fighting dog named "Yukon Castle nightmare". He suffered from the cold and warmth, experienced the dangers of the world, and became fierce and cold, but also hurt. 威登·斯考特(Witten Scott) 淘金小城的法警,勇敢强壮,富于同情心。押解犯人的时候,出于同情他给了年幼的白 牙一片鱼肉,尽管这片鱼肉最后被群狼抢走,但是幼小的白牙仍牢牢地记住了他。后业, 他又在斗犬场上救下了受重伤的白牙。 The bailiff in the small gold city is brave, strong and compass ionate. When escorting the prisoner, out of sympathy, he gave the young White Fang a piece of fish. Although the fish was finally robbed by the wolves, the young White Fang still firmly remembered him. Later, he saved the injured White Fang in the dogfight field. 麦琪斯考特(Maggie Scott) 威登的妻子,是位善良而美丽的女性,与威登夫妻情深。虽然从海报上得知白牙是“恐怖 的怪兽”,但她没有害怕,而是和丈夫一起用爱和包容治愈了白牙内心的伤痕。 Witten`s wife, a kind and beautiful woman, is deeply in love with her husband. although she learned from the poster that White Fang was a "monster", she was not afraid, instead, she and her husband healed the inner scars of White Fang with love and tolerance. 比第.史密斯(Beauty Smith) 斗狗人,丑陋凶恶,奸诈狡猾,心灵扭曲,唯利是图。他以卑鄙的伎俩从灰海狸处骗买 了白牙,用残忍的手段将其训练成凶狠的斗犬。为了赚取双倍的赌金,不顾白牙的死活, 主动提出让白牙一次斗两只狗。失去了白牙,他色结越狱逃犯去袭击威登一家,妄图夺回 白牙。 The dog fighter is ugly, twisted(扭曲的)and mercenary (唯利是图),He tricked the grey beaver into buying White Fang by mean of despicable( 卑 鄙 的 )tricks and trained him to be a fierce fighting dog by cruel means. in order to earn double the gambling money, regardless of the life and death of white fang, he offered to let white fang fight against two dogs at a time. Without White Fang, he gathered the escaped prisoners to attack the Wittens and try to get back White Fang. 灰海狸(Gray Beaver) 印第安酋长。不但心地善良,还是自然和类社会之间最好的连接者。他教给白牙如何帮 助人类,如何自立自强,在犬场中“立威”。然而为了整个部落能够活下去,他不得己把白 牙卖给赌场犬贩。 Indian chief. He is not only kind-hearted, but also the best link between nature and human society. He taught White Fang how to help people, how to stand on their own, and how to "stand up " in dogs. However, in order to save the whole tribe, he had to sell White Fang to dog dealers. 吉姆.霍尔(Jim Hall) 斗狗人 三、故事简介 (1)中文脉络 白牙诞生于荒野的世界中,幼年所见是弱肉强食的世界。后来,母狼带着它一起从荒野 回到印地安主人灰狸的身边,人类营地的生活使它变得乖僻和孤独,心性凶残没有爱,对 任何种族都充满仇恨敌视。当灰海狸将它卖给美男子史密斯时更加深了它愤世嫉俗的个性 在史密斯的虐待和监控下,它成了令人致命的战斗狼,在经历了一场血腥几近亡命的斗犬 生涯后,新主人威顿史考特救了它。他的爱使得白牙从凶残的野兽转变成为忠实的宠儿, 而后白牙从囚犯吉姆霍尔手中救了新主人的父亲一命,因此蠃得了“福狼“的美名。 White Fang was born in the wild world. What he saw in his childhood was the world of the jungle. Later, the female wolf took him back from the wilderness to the Gray Beaver, the Indian master. The life in the human camp made him "unsociable and lonely

doc文档 2021年名著整理黑布林——白牙

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