仁爱英语七年级下册期末话题复习课件 Unit6 Topic2 语 法 突 破: there be 句型 根据汉语提示补全句子 Are there 1.---________ _______ (有) many books on the shelf? ---Yes,________ there ________. are Is there 2.---_________ _________ (有) a book on the desk? ---No,_________ _________. there isn’t here aren’t ________ any(没有) trees in the garden. 3._________ ________ There ________ isn’t_______any 4._______ (没有) bread on the table. have 有 )a small garden. There 5.I ______( _______ are ______( 有 )many flowers There are What’s 6._______ (有什么) in the bag? ______ _________some apples. has 7.He ________( 有 ) many friends in his school 。 are there 8.—______ _______soccer balls ______ ______in the room?( 有多少 How many There are —___________ ___________two. 词组过关 a townhouse with two look for 1. 有两层楼的排房 ____________ 2. 寻找 floors call sb. at... in the countryside ______________________ 3. 打电话给……rent…to , ______________ 4. 在农村 on the street corne post letters see a doctor ____________________ park cars at the end of 5. 把……租给 …… ________________ 6. 在街道的拐角处 close to do sports ____________ from call...for help 7. 看医生far ___________________ 8. 寄信 ______________________ the cost of living have a colorful 9. 停车 ______________________ 10. 在……的尽头 in the a house with a big ya life _______________ too noisy 11. 做运动countryside ___________________ 12. 离……move 很近 from…to… _________________ 13. 远离 _____________________ 14. 打电话……求救 句型操练 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 根据情景提示或图画、提示词,完成下列句子: 1. 你想知道 Tom 住在什么样的房子里,可以这样问: What kind of home do you live __________________________________________, Tom? 2. in 你想知道朋友对农村生活的看法,你可以这样问: What do you think of/How do you like the life in the __________________________________________________? 3. country 你想知道你们学校教学楼有多少层,可以这样问: How many floors are there in our classroom __________________________________________________? building 4. look for, now She is looking for her key ________________________________________________ 5. now. live, fifth He lives on the fifth floor. ________________________________________________ 句型操练 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B 根据情景提示或图画、提示词,完成下列句子: 1. 你想知道这附近是否有一家银行,可以这样问: Is there a bank near here _______________________________________________? 2. 你想知道哪里能停车,可以这样问: Where can I park the car _______________________________________________? 3. 你到处找火车站,但是还是没有找到,你可以这样对警察说: for the railway I am looking _____________________________, but I can't find it. station 4. there be, near There is a parking lot near the ________________________________________________ 5. bank. live, end He lives at the end of the Fifth ________________________________________________ Street. 句型操练 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section C 三、根据情景提示或图画、提示词,完成下列句子: 1. 你告诉老师,你家离学校很近,你可以这样说: My home is close to our school ________________________________________________. 2. 你想知道你的社区有什么,可以这样问: _______________________________________________? What's in our community 3. 你告诉大家邻居们对彼此都很友好,可以这样说: Neighbors are kind to each other ________________________________________________. 4. there be, play There are three children playing with the dog. ________________________________________________ 5. often, free ________________________________________________ She often dances in her free time. 句型操练 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section D 根据情景提示或图画、提示词,完成下列句子: 1. 你想知道为什么人们都从城市搬到农村,可以这样问: Why are people moving from cities to the _______________________________________________? 2. countryside 你赞叹农村的空气新鲜,生活宁静,可以这样说: The air is fresh and life is quiet _________________________________in the countryside. 3. 你想知道这附近是否有停车场,可以这样 : Is there a parking lot near here _______________________________________________? 4. traffic, city The traffic is heavy in the ________________________________________________ 5.city. live, with, yard She lives in a house with a big yard. ________________________________________________ 综合运用 根据语境或音标、单词提示,填入所缺的单词: sually go to the_________(/'laibrəri/) library to borrow books. e old man goes to the bank _______ to keep money for the disable e store is__________(/bi'halnd/) the building. you can find it e behind second ont know where he lives. Maybe he lives on the________(two) e lives next to me, so he is my____________. neighbor quiet e should keep ________while reading in the library. far inan is _______from here so we'd better take the plane to get me___________(child) are running on the playground. children e there many people__________(live) in this community? living e restaurant has good seats. But it has bad___________(/'sɜ:v service 综合运用 ( B )1. There _______any apples

pptx文档 Unit 6 Topic 2-2020-2021学年七年级英语下学期期末复习高分必备(仁爱版)

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