B3U3 The world online Welcome to the unit & Reading 1. access n. 接近或进入的权利/机会/通路; 接近, 通路 v. 进入; 存取(尤指电脑数据); 访问 *We can achieve almost anything online—with access to the Internet come some truly life-changing advantages. 在网上我们几乎什么都能做到。接入互联网(给我们)带来了优势, 真正改变我们 的生活。 *To sum up, low price, easy access to information and wide use make students use computers a lot. 总之, 低廉的价格, 容易获得的信息和广泛的使用使学生大量使 用电脑。 *The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 去农舍的唯一道路是穿过田野。 *He accessed three different files to find the correct information. 他访问了三个不同的文件以找到正确的信息。 *You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要密码。 【词块积累】 (1)access to…    接近……的机会; 进入……的权利 have/get/gain/obtain access to… 可以接近/会见/进入…… (2)accessible adj. be accessible to 可进入的; 可使用的 可进入……; 可使用……; 易接近…… 【即学活用】 (1)语法填空。 ①(2018·江苏高考)Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see. ②All the sites are free to the public and accessible (access) to anyone with an Internet connection. ③Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village, so it is not accessible to outside now. (access) (2)I’m writing to apply for “wild release”, in which you can put the books in the appointed place, and other participants can have free access to them. 我写信申请“自由分享”, 即把书放在指定地点, 由其他参与者自由获取。 2. majority n 大部分, 大多数; 多数票 *No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the majority of people turn to for information. 难怪互联网现在已经成为大多数人查找信息的首选途径。 *She was elected by a narrow majority. 她以微弱多数票当选。 * In fact, I want to major in English in college and to be a bridge between China and the world. 事实上, 我想在大学主修英语, 这样我就能成为连接中国和世界的桥梁。 *Most of us would maintain that physical attractiveness does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet. 我们中大多数人都会认为, 外表的魅力在我们待人接物方面并不起主要作用。 【词块积累】 (1)the majority of    大多数 (2)major adj. 主要的; 严重的; 重要的 vi. 主修 n. 主修课程, 专业课 play a major part in 在……中起主要作用 major in 以……为专业; 主修…… (3)minor adj.次要的 minority n. 少数; 少数民族 【即学活用】 语法填空 ①He majored in English and American literature at university. ②The majority(major)of his friends are against his adventure plan to go across the desert alone. (2)It is the mother who plays the major part in educating the child (在孩子的教育 中起了重要作用). (3)The intelligent young man’s major(那个聪明的年轻人的专业) is chemical engineering. 3. deliver vt. 递送, 传送; 发表; 宣布; 交出 *You can have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites. 你可以使用 送餐应用程序和网站把食物送到你身边。 *I feel very honored to deliver a speech here. 我很荣幸能在这里发表演讲。 *His husband had to deliver the baby himself. 她丈夫不得不亲自接生。 【词块积累】 deliver a letter /message    送信/带信; 传话 deliver a speech /lecture 发表演讲/授课 deliver a baby 接生 【即学活用】 语法填空 ①We packed up our old computer and delivered it to my parents’ home. ②Please ask at the Middle Ward shop about our home delivery (deliver) service. (2)Your lunch will be delivered to (被送到)the front gate of the center at 12: 30. (3)The president will deliver a speech(发表演讲) about schools. (4)写出下列句子中的画线部分的汉语释义。 ①When delivering any bad news, they will share the feeling of the receiver. 传递 ②The baby was delivered safely on Tuesday night.接生 ③He was employed at the store as a delivery man. 送货员 4. compare vt. 比较 *You can compare styles and prices quickly and easily in the comfort of your living room. 在舒适的客厅里, 你们可以快速、轻松地比较款式和价格。 *This exercise teaches you to compare yourself only to yourself. 这个练习教会你只拿自己和自己比较。 *It’s much easier compared with last time. 这与上次相比容易得多。 *In comparison with the previous study, the new study expanded research subjects. 与之前的研究相比, 这个新的研究拓宽了研究主题。 【词块积累】 (1)compare A to B        把 A 比作 B compared with/to 与……相比 (2)beyond/without comparison 无与伦比 comparison n. 比较 by/in comparison with 与……相比 make a comparison 进行对比 【名师点津】 compare with 与 compare to compare 与介词 with 或 to 搭配时意义有所不同, 但 compared with 和 compared to 在句中作状语时意义相同, 都表示“与……相比”。 【即学活用】 语法填空 ①Compared with your translation work, your partner’s is better. ②People often compare a teacher to a gardener who takes great care of various plants. ③Recently a survey comparing(compare)prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. ④(2020·浙江高考)The first is declining birth rates , which means old generations are large compared (compare) to younger generations , and so, on average , the population becomes older than before. ⑤ Her beauty is beyond comparison. (2)Compared with/to the old house(与旧房子相比), the new one is like a huge palace. (3) The interviewers made a com

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